2� 1 ��3817
<br /> a��� �F ����r
<br /> I���n N�:��I��I�I��� ����#�r�u�d� �����
<br /> �th�r li�n��al�����s�rted on ac�aur�f�f th�r�►❑rk,��rtiri�e�,❑r m���ri�ls. Trust��will up��r�€�u�st�f L�n��r
<br /> furr�isf� to L.�r���r a��an�� ����r�n�es ��ti�fac#ory t� L�n��r th�t Tru�t❑r c�n �n� vyrill ��y ih� �st �f ��cl�
<br /> fmpr��r�m�nt�.
<br /> PR�RERTY a�►M,4GE I�I�UF�A�fGE. Th��QAQv�ing�r�visfona relatin�t�i��urin�ti��F�r���rty�r���a�rt�f thi���ed�f
<br /> Tru�t.
<br /> M�intenan���f I nsuran��. Tru�k��s��l� pr�ura and mainfalr�pvli�i���f fire f�sur��r��with �t�ndar€I�xf�r���d
<br /> ��v�ra�e end�rs�ments on �fa�ir W�lu���sis f❑r th�f�I I ins�r��l�valu��overin�all Irr��r��r�rr7ents�n#he R�al
<br /> Pr���rty�n an�m�ur�t�uffi❑ient ta�vQi�appll�ati�n af any c�ir��ur�n��cl�us��and�nrith �st�nd�r€1 rr��rt�$�ee
<br /> clau�e in fav�r af L�r����� Trust�r sf�all�Is��r��ur�an�m�int�in�ornpreh�nsirr���n�r�l ll�l�ilily ir�s�r�arrc�ir��t��h
<br /> �o�er�age amaunt��� L�r�d�r m�� r�quest wi#h Tr�usl$�art�i Lender��ir1g nam�d a�additlonal insureds in su�#�
<br /> liability insuran����Ii�f�s. A��itiai7�ll�+,Tr�stQr shalr rnainfair��uc�othar ir��ur��rce, ir��l��lin�b�a�n�#lim3ted t�
<br /> ���ard,��sin���int�rnip#i�r�,an�l h�iler insu�ar���,��L�nd�r rri�y re��an�bly r���ir�. p�licies s}�a�lr��writt�r�ir�
<br /> f�rm, erry�ur�t$, ��v���g�� �nd hasis rea��n�bly��ce�ta�l�t� l.�nd�r�r�� is�u�d hy��rrrpany�r�ornpani�s
<br /> r�a��n��l�a���t�bl�t�Lan��r. 7rustor, upan r-�u�st ❑f L�rtd�r,will d�liv�r t�L�nd�r from lim�t�fima tn�
<br /> ��lici���r eertifirate�❑f fr�suran�in f�rm�ati�f��t�ry ta L.en��r,in�ludfr��sti�ul�tivr�s that��v�ra��s will n�#b�
<br /> ��n��ll�ci Qr aliminlahed wi�ha�t et I�ast ten����day�priar�ritt�n n�ti�e t�L�nder. �ach inst�r�r���a���y a�s�
<br /> � �h�ll ir��lu���r��r�da���rner�k�r�vidin�that����ra��in f���r�F L�nd�r�r�,ill na�be im��ir��in an}r wa�r t�y�ny��t,
<br /> �mis�l�n�r d�fault�f Trust�r ar arry�th�r p�rs�n. Sh��l�kh�I���I pr�p�rt�b�lacat�d in an ar��d�si�nated�y
<br /> #F�e A�mini�tra#�r�f th�F���ral E m���ncy Manag�m�nt A��r�c�r�����e�i�l f����l ha�ar�i are�,Tru�st�r��r��s to
<br /> obfaln and malntaln Fe�er�l Fl�ad Ir�sur�r,��,if�vapJ��l�,f�r th�full unpaid prin�ipal bal�nc$�f the I�ar�an��ny
<br /> pri�r li�n� Qr� th� p��p�rty s��urin� th� Joar�, �� ta fh� r��xirl��arrr p�ii�p limi#� ��# ur��1�r th� Natiar�a�l Fl�ad
<br /> Insurar�c��r��ram,�r�s�th�rwis�r���lr�d�y f��n��r,an�t�malntalr�such irr�ur�nca f�r th�t�rr�af t��l�an.
<br /> Ap�ll��#i�r��f Pr�c����. T��s#�r�h�ll prom�tl}notify L�nd�r af ar��+I�s��r�1�rnage ta lh�Pr�p�r#y. L�nder ma�
<br /> inake �r�af�f Ioss if Trust�r f�ils ta d� ��r�vi�hin fif���n �'1���a}rs�f the c�sualty. WJ�eI���or not ��n��r'�
<br /> s��urity I�im��ir�d,L�r�d��may,�t L�r���r'��I��tiQr�,r�c�i��arrd r��air�ti���r�����s�f�ny insuran��ar�d apPl�
<br /> #he�r��e��s#a#h�r��u�fi�n�f k��Ir�d�6k��n���, paym�rrt of ar�y lien aff��tin�th�P��p�r#y,ar the r��#or�ti�n
<br /> �r�d����it❑f ti��Rr�p�rty. If l.�r���r�I��t��o ap�ly th��r�����s f�r�st�t�ti�r�ar��l r�p��r,�r��t�r�h�ll r�pair or
<br /> repl��e t�� dama�ed �r d��tr�y�� I m�r�vemer�ts ir� � mann�r sati�f��t�r� t� L�r��le�. L�nd�� �ha�l, ��Qn
<br /> satisfs��ary�r❑❑f❑f s��h axp�n�itur�, pay or reim��rrs� Tru�t�r fr�r�the pr������f�r th�rea��r�abl����k��
<br /> r�pair�r r�stareti�n I�Tru�t�r is n❑�in �l�fa�lt �nd�r th�s ae���f Tru�t. Ar-7p prac��d�v�rhich hav� n�t���n
<br /> di�bur���vwrithin'I����y��ft�r#h�lr r�c�lpt�n�wF�lcf�Len�1�r h�s n�t c�mmi#t��t�#h�r��$ir�c res#orati�n�f
<br /> tl��F�r�perty sY��lJ��u���fa rst t��ay an�r�m��nt owi r�g t�L�nder urrder tl�is a��d af Tru�#,then t����r��ru��i
<br /> int��est�an�th�r�r��in��r,if any,shall���ppli��t��I-��prir�c���l b�l�n��a#�h�Ind��t��n�ss. If L�nd�r I��Ids
<br /> arr� �ro�eeds �ft�r ��yrr��r�t ir� f�,ll �f#h� In���t�dn��s, s�a�h �r�a��ds �hall b� ��id ta Tru�#�r as Yr����r's
<br /> int�r��ts m�y�p���r.
<br /> T�ust�r's R���r#�r�Insur�n��. U��n r�qu��t�f�.�n��r,h�v��v�r not�mar�#I�ar��n�a y��r,Tr��tor sh�ll furnish
<br /> to L�n�er a re�a�#�r� ���h�xi�ting poli��►of ins�r�nc��I��wFn�: {1} the nam��f fh� in�urer; ��� the ris�s
<br /> ir��ur��l; ��� the�m�ur�f af fh� ��licy; ��} t#�� �ro��rt� in�ur��,th�tf��n �urr�r�t r�placement v�l���f�u�l�
<br /> pr�p�rty,a�d th�m�nn�r�f��t�rmin ing that�alu�;and ��� k���x�ir�ti�n d�te af th�pQli�y. Tru�tor shall,u��n
<br /> r�qu�si�f L.�nder,f�����n ir�d���,�d�nt ap�r�is�r�atisfact�ry tQ Lend�r€l�t�rmin�tl��c��Yr��lue repla��rr��n!��at
<br /> af th�Pr���r#}�,
<br /> �.�NC�Ef�'�E}�PE�laITUF�E�. lf any a�ti�n�r pr�c��dir��i�cnr�m�nc��l#h�t wQuld rr��t�raal�y eff��:#L.�r,�f�r's ir�t$r��t Ir�
<br /> th�Pr���rty�r i�Tru�t❑r fail��a�m�ly with any pr��riai�n�f ff�is ae��af Trust ar any R�lat��a���m�r�ts,incl�xdin�
<br /> ��i#n�t limit��t�7r��t��'�failure t�d�s�har���r����ul��r��ue an�am��nts Trusf�r ia r��uir�€i t�dis�l�a�r�a�r���r
<br /> ur��l�r�hi�d���af Tr�,�#�r��n�F2�lat�d���um�nt�,�en�er�n Tru�t��'�i��f��lf rn�y�but shall n��ba���jgat��i to)take
<br /> �ny��tiQn that L�n��r���ms ap�r��ariat�� ir��ludi���ut nat lirnited xa dis�h�rgin�Qr p�yirr�all#ax�s, li�ns, sa�urlt�r
<br /> ir�ter��t�,�r�cum�r�r��es and�th�r�lairr��,�t an�time I�Wi�d�r pl���d�r�tf��Pr��ert�r an�paying all��s#�f�r�nsUrin�,
<br /> maintaining and Rr�servin�th�Pra��rky. �II su�l��x��nditure�in��rr�cl�r�a��k�y L�nd�r f�r su�l�purp�s��wiil ihen
<br /> h�aC in#er��#at the rak��h�r���u rr�er th e N�t�friam tf��d�t�inc�rr�d�r�aid�y l.�n�l�r t�#h�date�f r��aaym�r�t I��r
<br /> Tr�a���r. All�u�F�e�pen��s wiJ l b��m��p�rt❑f fF�e In���k�dn�s�and, at Len�l�r's a�a#ian, v�ifl �A� b�p�y�bl�❑rr
<br /> ��m�rtdr {B� �e ad�����th��al�n�e �f�he Nai� �r��b�����r#f�r��d am❑n��nd b�p��rable with an� insta�llm�nt
<br /> �a�in�nt�t���c�m�due�urin�eikher �1� t��t�rm❑f any���li�able in�uran�e�aolic�r;�r (�� tl��r�m�ir��n�terrn�f
<br /> the Nat�r ar ��� ��tr��t�d�s a�allo�n��yment whi�f��ill�a�u��r��payahl��t th�N�t�'s maturit�. TI��a�e�i�f
<br /> ' Tru�t als�v,rill ��cur�pa�rm�nt�f thesa�rr��ur�ls. �uch ri�h#�half��in ad�itlon t�all�ih�r ri�hts ar�d r�r��di��#o
<br /> which Lend�r may���ntitl�d upQn��f��a ft.
<br /> Y�A��k,4NT`'f;i����N���F TITLE. Tns follawing����risi❑n�r�lafing t��wn�rship�f th�Pr���rt��r��p�rf af��i�a�e�
<br /> �f Tru�#:
<br /> Titla. 7ru�tQr�arrant�th�t: �a�Tru�tar h�l��+�a��l�rM�m�rketable#itl�of r��rd ta th�Pr�a��rt�in f��sirnpl�,
<br /> f��and cl�ar�f alF li�ns�r���r���,m�ran��s Qth�r than tho��s�t f�rth in tl��R��I Pr���rly�1�scrip�iQn ar in any
<br /> �itl�in�ur�n����li�y, title r���rt,�r fin�l titl��pir�ion i��u�d ir�favQr of, an�ac��pt��l k�y, L�r�d�r ir�c�r�r�ectl�n
<br /> wilh th'rs d���❑f Trust,ar�d ��}Tru�tQr has the fu II ri�hk,p�w�r,�nd�utharity t�e�cec4�#��r��J�I�If��r.t�i����I�f
<br /> 7r�r�t t�L�nd�r�
<br /> Daf�ns��i Tltl�. 5u����ta th�e���ptiQn in th��aragr�p��abov�,Tr��st�r warrar�ts���vvill f�r�v�r��f�nd th�
<br /> titl�t�th�F�r���rty a�air��t the I�wF�I���irrrs�f all per�vn�. In th��v�nt an�r��:ti�rr�r�r���e�ir�+�is c�rr�r�ence�
<br /> that�u�sti�n$Tru�tar��title ar t��ir�t�r��t vfi�"r��t��a�Len�er un�J�r#I�is a���af Trust,Trust�r shali€��f�n�ihe
<br /> ��t��rr at Trus#��'s ex��n��. Tru star rr�ay be ih�n�min�l party in su�pr���din�,�ut L�r�d���F�all�e errti#I��k�
<br /> ��rlici��t� fr�tf���ra�e��in� �n� tQ b�r�pr�s�nte� in�he pra�e�dir�� l����unsel �f I��n�1�r'� �wn �h�i�, and
<br /> Trustor will deliv�r,�r��usa ta��d�li�e��,t�L�n��r���h instrum�nt�as l.�nd�r rn$y r�c}ue�i fr❑m tim�t�tim�
<br /> ta permi#s��h��rti�f��ti�n.
<br /> ��mpliar���iNitkr ��w�� Trusf�r w$rr�nts that t��P����rky an��r�ast�r's u���f th�Rr�p�rty cam�li��wi�h �II
<br /> �xis#ing ap�i��ahle I�vus,Qrdin�nc�s,�n�r��uJ�tf�n��f g��arrrr��nt��a��hQriti��.
<br /> �urvl�ral�f F��pras�ri#ati�n�an�V�arra�ntl�s. All r��r��ent�ki�ns,�uarranti��,�nd a�re�m�nt�mad��y Tr�s�ar ir�
<br /> th�s aee�af Tru s#sEtiall�urviv�th�e��cutior��nd d�liv�ry�f thi�d��d af Tru�#,�h�ll b���ntinu�n�irr n�#ur�,and
<br /> �hall�main in full forc��r��e�fi��t wnti�s��f�tim�as��rrowr�r''s ln��bt�dn�ss sh�ll b���id ir�fulf.
<br /> ���fDE�INATI�N. TI��f❑II❑wing prQvi�i�n�r�latin�t��ar��l��nr��tian pr�����fr�gs�r�a park�f#his��d�f 7r�st:
<br /> �r�����in�s. If any �roc�edin� ir� c�r-�����r��#i�n is fil��l, T�u�t�r�hall pr�inptl�+ r��tif� Ler��i�r i� r�rriting, ar��
<br /> Tru�tar�h�ll���m�tly take s��st��s as m�y be n��ess�ry�❑d�f�r�d t�i����i�n�nd Q�tair�th�award. �rust�r
<br /> ir�a�►�e t����omin�l p�r#y in such pmc�edir�g,hut L�r��lar sh�ll��entitled ta perti�ip�t�ir�tF��pr�ce�ding and#���
<br /> �pr���nt��l in th��r�����lir�� by�ouns�r�f it���rn ch�ic�, an�Tr�s��r will��Ifrr�r or�au��i����eliv�r��t�
<br /> L�r��l�r s��h �r�strurr7�r��s �r��l d��um�nt�ti�r� as ma�+�� requ�ste�! by L�r��l�r�T❑m firr�e�a#im�#�p�rmit su�h
<br /> p�rti�lpati�n.
<br /> Appli�atiorr af Net Prac��ds. �f�II�r�arly park�f tfi�PrQ��rky Is��r�deinn��b�r�mir��nt dama�r�p�acee�i��gs�r�y
<br /> ar�}r pr�����1in��r��r�cf�r���in lie��t��r��i��rir���[�r����r�d��-m�y�t it��I��ti�n re€�uire ti��t all ar�ny p�rti�r��f ff�e
<br /> n�t�r����ds�f th����r� b�appli�d t4 tf�� Pn�i��t�dness or th�r���ir�r r�st�r�tior�af th�PrQ��rty� Th�n�#
<br />