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2� 1 ��3829 <br /> L�AN#: '1��527981'I <br /> permitted limi�s wilf be refiunded fio Barrov�er. Lender may ch�ase�o make�his refund by reducing �he <br /> principal awed under�he Note or by making a direct�aym�n�ta Barro�ver. If a refund reduces principal, <br /> th� �educ�ian wil� be�reated a� a partia! prepayment with nv chang�s in�he due date�r in�he manthly <br /> payment amvun�unless the No�e h�lder agrees in writing to those changes. Borrower's accep�ance v� <br /> any such refund made by direct paymen��o Barrower v�ill consti�ute a wai���r of any right of action B�r- <br /> ro�rv�r might ha�e ari�ing out vf su�h avercharge. <br /> '14. Nat�ces.AI!notices given by Barrower or Lender in connection wi�h this Securi�y lnstrument must <br /> be in wri�in�.Any noti�e to Barra�rver in cvnnectian wi�h th�s Security Ins�rument sha��be deemed tQ have <br /> been given�a Bvrrawer v�rhen mailed by f rst class mai! or when actually delivered fio Borrower's natice <br /> address if sent by other means. Nv�ice�o any one Borrower shalE�ansfitufie natiGe ta ali Barrowe�s unless <br /> Applicab�e Law expressly requires��therwise.The notice address shall be the Properky Address unless <br /> Borr�wer has designated a subs�itut� notice address by notice�a Lender. Borrawer shall promptly na�ify <br /> Lender af Borrower's change o�F address. If Lender specifr�s a prv�edure fvr repa�ting Barrower's change <br /> of address,then gorrower shall an[y r�pork a change af address through that specified prac�dure.Th�re <br /> may be anly ane d�signafied n�tice addr�ss under this Secur�ty Instrument at any one t�rne.Any nat�ce ta <br /> Lender shall be given by delivering it ar by mailing it by firs�class mail to Lender's addres�stated herein <br /> unle�s Lender has designated ano�her address by notice�� Bvrra�ver.Any nafiic�in cvnn�c�ion wi�h this <br /> Secu�ity Instrument shall na�t b�de�rned tv hav�been giv�n ta L�nder un�il ac�ually recei�ed by Lender. <br /> Ifi any natice required by this Securi�y Insfirument is also requi�ed und�r Appl�cable Law, �he App�icable <br /> Law requi�r�m�nt will satisiy the correspanding requiremen�under fihis Security Ins�rumenfi. <br /> 'i5. �o�erning Law; SeWerability; Ru�es of Constructi�n.This S��ur�ty Instrument shall be ga�- <br /> erned by federal faw and the lav�of the�ur'r�diction in wh'rch the Praperty is laca#ed,Alf right�and aloliga�ions <br /> contained in �h�s Security Instrumen�are su�j�c�ta any requiremen�s and ��mi�at'ron�vf ApplicabCe Law. <br /> Applicable Law might explicitly or implici�ly allavW�he parties to agree by��ntract�r it might be silent, but <br /> �uch silence shal�nof be cans�rued as a pr�hibitian against agreement by can�rac�. ln th�e�en��hat any <br /> praWision or clause Qf�his Securi�y fns�rument ar th� N�te conflicts wi�h Applicabl� Lau�, su�h Gonflicfi <br /> shall no�aff�ct other provi�ians of this Security Ins�rument ar the Nat�wh�ch can �e gi��n effect without <br /> the conf�ic�ing pravisian. <br /> As used in �his Securit� Instrumen#: �a} words of the rnascul�ne gend�r shall mean and include <br /> corresponding neuter v�rords ar wards a��he fem�nine�ender; �b}word�in th�singular shall mean and <br /> include the plural and Wic��ersa; and {c}the w�rd "may" gives sole discr�tion withau�any obliga�ion <br /> to take any activn_ <br /> 'I�. Borrower"s Cvpy.Barr�wer�hall be gi�en one copy of fhe N��e and of this Security�nstrument. <br /> 'I?. Transfer of the Prapert� vr a Beneficia� �nterest in B�rrawer. As us�d in this Section 17, <br /> "Interest in the Pr�perfiy" m�ans any le�aE or beneficial in�erest in the Praperty, including, but no�Cimited <br /> tv, �hos�beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, c�n�ract f�r de�d, installment sales can�rac� <br /> or escrvw agr�ement,�he int�nt of which is the transfer af ti�le by Bvrrower at a future date to a purchaser, <br /> If al[vr any par�of the Pr�pert�or any lnfierest in�he Property is sold�r#ransfer��d�or if Borr�wer is nvt <br /> �natural person and a benefcia�inf�rest in Borro�ver is s�ld or transferred}withau�L�nder's privr wrifi��n <br /> cansent, Lend�r may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this S�curity lns�rument. <br /> H�wever, this ap�i�n shall nvt b� �xercis�d by L�nder if such �xe�ci�e is prohibi��� by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lend�r exercises�his option, Lend�r sha�l give ��rrower notice af acceleration. The na�ice sha�i <br /> pravide a period af no�less than 3D days�rom the da�e the nvtice is�iv�n �n accardance with S�cti�n 14 <br /> within which BorravWe�must�ay a!I sums secured by this�ecurity lnstrument. tf Barrawerfails to pay these <br /> sums prior ta�he expira�ion vf�his peri�d, Lender may inv�ke any remedies permitted by �his Security <br /> lnstrument with�ut further natice ar d�mand vn Bvrrower. <br /> 'I 8. Borrower's Right to Reinstat�After Acceferation. If Borrower meets cer�ain canditions, Bor <br /> r�wer shall ha��the right to reinsta��ment of a mvr�gage.Th�se cond�tions are tha�Bo�rower: �a} pays <br /> L�nder all sums which then rrvould be due under this Securi�}I lns�rument an��he lVate a�if na a�ce[era-- <br /> t�on had accurred; �b} cures any default of any other ca�enan�s or a�r�ements; �c} pays all e�cpenses <br /> �ncurr�d in enforcing this Securi�y Ins�rument, including, but nat limited ta, reasonable a�torneys' �fees, <br /> proper�y inspection and valuation f�es, and vther fees incurred for the purpase af pratecfing L�nde�'s <br /> interest in th� Property and rights under th�s Security Ins�rument; and �d} takes such aGtion as Lender <br /> may r�asonably require to assure that Lender's in�eres� in �h� Property and rights under this Securi�y <br /> Inst�ument,and Barrower's abligat�an tv pay th�sums secur�d by�hrs Security Instrument,shall c�ntinue <br /> un�hanged, Hvwe�er, Lender is nv�required�o reinsta�e�f: �i} Lender has a�cepted r�insta�emenf after <br /> th�carnmencement af fvrecl�sure proceedings w�thin two years immedia�ely preceding the commence- <br /> m�nt of�current f�r�closure praceedings;�Ei}re�ns�atement will preclude forecEasure�n different�rounds <br /> in the future, vr �iii} reinsta�ement will ad�ersely affect the priority �f the lien created by th�s Secur�fiy <br /> Ins#rument. Lend�r may require �ha# Barrower pay such r�insta#emen� sums and expens�s in one ar <br /> more o��he follawing f�rms, as selected by Lender� �a} cash; �b} maney order; �c� certified check, bank <br /> check,treasurer's check ar cashier's check, provided any such check is dra�n up�n an instifu�ion whose <br /> depvsits are insured by a federa!agency, instrum�n�ality or entity; or�d}El�����nic Funds Transfer. Upan <br /> r�instatement by Barrawer, this 5ecuri#y �nstrument and olaligations secur�d her�by �haff rernain ful[y <br /> effect�ve as if na acce�eration had occurr�d. Hav�e��r,this righ�ta reinstate shall nat apply in the case of <br /> acceleration under Sectian �7. <br /> � <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family—Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3a�8'll��l ' � <br /> Modified for FHA 91���4�HUD Handbook 4�OD.1} Initia�s: <br /> Ellie I�llae,Inc. page g of�1 NEEFHA��DE �9�5 <br /> NEEDEED{CLS} <br /> 061�812D'l 6�9:�fi AM P5T <br /> . ti <br /> . <br /> _ , 1 <br />