2� 1 ��3829
<br /> L�AN#: '1�0527�8'!'I
<br /> L�nder i� a Lim�ted L�ability Company, organized a�nd existing
<br /> u nder�he laws af Delaware.
<br /> L�nder's address i� �1 GDD 5�uth Douglass F�oa�d, Suit�s '11�&���-A,Attn: Lending �irriSivn,
<br /> Anaheim, CA 9�8�6.
<br /> �D� "Tru�tee" is Carringtan Title Servi�es, LLC-Ramqu�st.
<br /> �Ej "IU�ERS" !s IVlartgage E�e�tran�c Registr�tion Syst�ms, Inc. MERS is a separate corpa�ration that is
<br /> �cting salely as a nominee fvr Lender and L.end�r's successa�s and assigns. MEF�S is the k�eneficiary
<br /> under this 5�curit� lnstrument. MERS is organiz�d and exis�t�n� under the laws❑f Delaware, and has
<br /> an addre�s and telephone numb�r vf P.�. Box�426, FEint, M1�4�5a1�-���6, teE. �888}G��-MER�.
<br /> �F} "Note" means the prornissvey n�te signe� by Borrow�r�nd �a�ed June '��4, ��"1�.
<br /> Th� N��e states�hat Barr�wer awes L.ender T�'V� HUNDREd T"V�IENTY TWD TH�USAND NINE
<br /> HUNDRED SEVENTY FC]URAND N�1144***�`**�`****�***********'� **�"�*�`***�`*****
<br /> ���**************�*�**��*�***�**�********** �******************� pollarS
<br /> �U.�. $222,91�.�� } plus inter�s�. E�arrow�r ha�prami�ed �a pay thNs debt�n regular P��iodic
<br /> Payrn�nfis and�a pay the d�b�in�ull not Cat�r th�n Ju[y 1, �D4G.
<br /> �G� "Prop�r�y" means the praperty�hat is des�rib�d belaw under the heading"Transfer vf R�ghts in the
<br /> P rvperty.,'
<br /> �H� "Laan"m�ans�he d�bfi evid�nced by th�Nofe, pfus�nterest, �a�e charg��due und�r the Note, and
<br /> a�l sums du�un�er�h��Securi�y Instrum�nt, plus in#eres�.
<br /> �I} iiRiders" mea�ns al� Rid�rs t��his S��urity Instrument that�re executed ioy E�orrower.The follo�ing
<br /> �iders ar��a be�xecut�d by Borraw�r[check b��c as appli�a�le�:
<br /> ❑ Ad�ustable Ra�e Rider ❑ �ondvm�nium Rider ❑ Pfanned Unit Dev�lopmen�Rid�r
<br /> ❑ �ther�s} [�pecify]
<br /> tJ� "App�i�able La►iv" means all c�n�ralling a�pplicab�e federai, s�ate and I�cai statu�es, re�ula��ons,
<br /> �rdinances and�dministrati��ruf��and orders�t.hat ha�ethe effec�of law}asweil as all applicablefina�,
<br /> n�n-appealable judi�ia�opinions.
<br /> �[�� "Communit�A�s�ciation Ques,Fees,and Assessment�'7 means a�l due�,fees,assessm�nts and
<br /> other charges�hat�r�imposed on Borrnwer vr the Pr�perty by a candominium associa�ion, h�rneowners
<br /> �ss��iat�an or simijar organization.
<br /> �L� "ElectroniG F'unds Tran�fer"means any transf�r affunds,ofih�rthan a�ransaction orig�na�ed by ch�ck,
<br /> draft, �r similar paper-in�trumen�,which is initiated�hraugh an �IeG�ron��t��-m�nal, telephonic insfirument,
<br /> �amputer, vr m�gnetic ta�e so�s�o arder, instruct, ar authari�e a finan�ial institution�v debit ar cr�dit an
<br /> accaun�. Such ferm�n�lud�s, but is not limited ta, p�int af-sale transfers, au��ma�ed teller machine trans-
<br /> aG�ivns, transfers in�fiiated by��le�han�,wire transfers, and �u�omate� c�earinghouse trans��rs.
<br /> �My "Escrow It�ms" rneans those i�ems that are described in Secti�n�.
<br /> �N� "Misc�llaneous�rnceeds'�means any comp�nsa�ian, s�ttlernen�, award��damages, vr pra�eeds
<br /> �a�d by any third party �other�han insurance prac�eds paid und�r�he co�erages d�scrib�d in Sectian
<br /> 5}for: ��}dam�ge to, or des�ruc�ivn of,the Propert�; �ii�condemnatian or oth�r�aking of all Qr any part a�
<br /> the P�-oper�y; {i�i} con�eyan�e �n lEeu �f cand�mnatian; ar���r} misrepresen�ati�ns of, �r�mi�sian�as to,
<br /> th��alue andl�r candi�ion �fthe Pr�perty,
<br /> �C]� "Mortgage In�urance'� me�ns insurance pra��cting L�nd�t-agains�the nonpaymenf of, or defaul�
<br /> on, the Loan.
<br /> �P� "P�r��dic Payment"means the�egularly scheduled amvun�due for ti}principa[and int��es�under
<br /> th� Nat�, plus �Ei}any amounts under Se�fivn 3�f this Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> ��� ii�ESPA"means the Re�!Es�te�efi�fement Procedures AGt�1�U.S.C.§2��'{ et seq.}and i��impl��
<br /> men�ing regul�tion, Regulation X �12 C.F.R. Park 'I a24}, as�hey might be amended f�vm �ime to time,
<br /> �r any additianaC or suc�essor legisla�ion ar r�gu�at�on�ha�g�verns the same�u����t matter.As us�d in
<br /> this Securi�y�nstrum�nt, "RESPA" refers to all requirements and res�rictions�ha�are imposed in regard
<br /> to a"federa[ly r�ia�ed mortgage laan" even if�h�Loan do��na�qualify as a"federally related m�rtgage
<br /> Ioan" unde�RE�PA.
<br /> �R� "Secr�tary" means fh�S�crefiary vf�he Uni�ed States C�ep�rtrnent of HQus�ng and �rban C�evelop-
<br /> men�or h�s des��n�e.
<br /> �S� "SuGc�ssor"rn�nterest vf Barr�►nrer" m�ans an�1 party that has fiak�n�itl��n the Pro�erty,whe�her
<br /> or not�hat parky has as�um�d �orr��rer's�bl�gatians unde��he Nate andlar this Se�uri�y Instrumenf.
<br /> The ben���ciary of this Security lnstrument is MERS �so�ely as naminee for L.end�r and Lender's suc-
<br /> cessors and assigns} and th� success��s and ass�gns of M�RS. Th�s 5�curj�y Instrument s�cur�s to
<br /> �,en�er: ����h�repayment of'the�.oan, and �C1 r�newals, ext�nsions and mvdificati�ns of the Nate; and
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Farnily-��annie I�AaelFreddie rVlac UNiFDRN!INSTRUI�AENT Form 3Q2�'IIa'[ �
<br /> . . ��/
<br /> Modifed for FHA 9I�D14�HUQ Handbook��a�.�} in�t�als:
<br /> Ellie Mae,�nc. p�g�2�f�� NEEFHA�5DE �9�5
<br /> NEEaEED(CLS}
<br /> �C1D812��6 D9:�S A[Ul PST
<br /> ti
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