2� 1 ��3818
<br /> �E�l� �� TRI��T
<br /> . L��r�N�: ����1 fi�� ����#in u��� P����
<br /> Trust� �f��ll,withaut d�m�nd �n Tr��l�r, aft�r su�h t�me a� may then �� r�quir€�� by I�vMr �r�d afk�r
<br /> r��ar��ti�r�af su�h Nai����f Default�n��ft�r N❑ki�e�f 5a1�t�aving b��n�fver�as re��ired by I�w,s�ll
<br /> tf��Pr���rty ak the iim��nd �J�c��f sal�fixa� ��it in su�h N�ti���f S�I�,�itf������v�h❑!�, �r�n
<br /> ����rate I�ts ar p�r��l s�r�t�r����Trusl�e�hall d��m�xpa�li$nt,and in�uch ord�r�s It rri��r€I�t�rmfr��,
<br /> �t pu�li�au�tiQn to the hf�h�st bidder f�r�ash ir�I�wF�,l rr7on�yr�f#he�rri���1 S�ai�s p�ya����t th�time -
<br /> af��I�, Trust���h�ll ��liv�r tQ�ur�h pur�h�s�r or p�r�hasers ih�r��f its ga�� �r�d suffcient de�� �r
<br /> ������n��yin�th�praperty so sald, �ut�itf��ut�r�y�a���ank or vyr�rr�nty,�xpras��r impiie€1. 7h�
<br /> recit�ls in���k����d�f�ny m�tt�rs�r fa�t�sh�ll��c�ncl��irra pr��f�f fh�tr�lhfulr��s�th�r��f, Any -
<br /> p�r�on,in�ludin�with��t limit.�fi�r�Trustar,Truste�,�r L�r����,m�y p�ir�ha���t���s�l�.
<br /> ��) As m�y����rrnitte� �y I�w, �f#�r�����ing�II�o�#s, fe�s and �xp�ns�s�f Trust���nd�f thi�
<br /> Trust,in�ludin��asts�f��rid�n��af titl�in c�r�r���ti❑n v�ith��l�,Tru�t��shall a��lp#he�roceeds�f s�l�
<br /> t��aym�r�t❑f �i��II�ums�x��r����ur�der th�t�rms�f this�eed�f Trust�r und�r ff��#�rrr��af th�N�l�
<br /> not th�r� re�ai�,in�lu�iir���ut r��t limit��t❑���r+�ed ir�t�r��t an� lat��h��es, �ii)all ot��r�urr�s th�n
<br /> ����r��Yr�r��y,ar�� �iii}tf��r�m�ir�d�r,If an�r,t�the��rsan�r p�rs�ns I���IIy enlltl��tl��r�t�,
<br /> ��� Tr�sfee may in the man n�r pr��i����y law���t�❑n�s�l��f�I��r�ny��rtl�r��f th�pro��rty.
<br /> Rern�dl�� N�t E��i��i��.. Trust�e an� I�����r, an� e��h �f th�m, ��rall b� �ntitl�d t� �nf�rc� ���rr�'r�nf an�
<br /> p�rform�n���f�r�y ind�bta�n����r obli��tions se��ir��by tl�is D���f T���#�r��#o�xer�i���II right��n�p�wers
<br /> ur�dar tf�i���d❑f Tru�i,und�r the f�vt�,+�r�d�r any�f tk��F�e��ted���uments,�r�n��r ar�y ail��r�gr��m�nt�r
<br /> an�r lavv�n�v�►Qr h�r�afk�r in f�r�; notwith�#endin�,sam��r�II�f�u�F�ir�d�6��dne���nd Qblig�ti�n�����red by
<br /> this a���af Trusf rr1��na�►❑r h��'��ft�r���th�rwis�se�ured,wh�th�r t�y rri�rt����,d��d af trust;�I�d��,lien,
<br /> assigr�rn�n��r�#h�r��ri��. Ne�th�r the ac���at�n���f this ae�d af T�rust n�r'its�nf�r��m�r�tt wh�th�r��r c�urt
<br /> ��ti�r��r pr.rrsu�r�t t❑the p�w�r�f sal��r�th�r pow�rs�ontained in tht�a��d�f Tru�t,sh�ll pr�j���c�❑�in any
<br /> mar�n�r afF��t Trusfe�'s ar L.�nde�'s ri�l�t t�r��liza u��r��r�r�f❑rce�ny�th�r����rit�r n�w�r hereaft�r h�l� by
<br /> Trus#ee�r�.�n�er,it��in�agr$��I that Trust���nd L�nd�r�and�a����f th�m,�I�r�ll be enti�l��t��nfor�#hi�����I
<br /> �f Trust and any�ther��cur-ity n�►n►�r f��r��ft�r h�l��y Le�d��or Tr�st�a in�u�h�rd�r an�mann�r as they�r
<br /> �i�h��❑f fh�rn r��y in kh�ar absQl�ita dis�retion��termin�. Na r�rn���c�r�f�r��d�,��n ar r�eserv��i t❑Tru�t���r
<br /> Lend�r,Is inten��d ta b�e�cfusive�f er��r�th�r r�m�dy irr this ae�d�f Tr��#�r�y I�w�r�vi����r p�rmit#ed,I��f
<br /> ea�h �h�l� be��rr�u I�tiv�an� sh�ll b� in a���tian t����ry�th�r r�rr���y �iv�rr in this aee��f Tr��t�r n�w 4r
<br /> hereaft�r e�i�tin��t I$�r�r ir��quity�r�y stat�,te, �v�ry��v�r�r�r r�m��y given�y the��t��r an��f the R��at��
<br /> ���um�nts tQ Trust�e or L�nder �r #a wh ich �it��r af kf��rr� m�y �e ❑#h�rv�i�e �nlitl��, rrk�y �� �x�rci�€f,
<br /> ��rr�urr�nfl��r in��pen.d�rrtly,fr�rr�kirr7e ta tir1����r��as aft�n as rn�y��d�ein���x��dient�y Truste��r L�nd�r,
<br /> and �ith�r Qf th�m ma� �ursue ir��onsist�nt r�m��i�s. Nathlr�� iri thi� D�e� �f Tru�t �h��ll b� �n�tr�r�d a�
<br /> �rohibitir��L.�r�d�r frat�s��kin����fl�i�r��y j�,�lgrrlent��ainst th�T�u�t�r t�#he��€t�nt such��ti�n is p�rmitt��1��
<br /> lav�r. El��tion�y L�n��r t4�ur�u�any r�m�dy sF�afl r��t�x�Ru����r��it af any o�h�r r�rn��y,and an�le�ti�n t�
<br /> m�k�ea�p�r��itur�s�r t�t�k���t��n�o��rfQrm�n��iigati�r�Qf Trustor un�er#I�is D��d�f Tru�t,�fE�r Trustor�s
<br /> fail�r�tQ p�rt�rm,shall n�t a�f��t L�n�er's ri�ht t�d��l�r����f�ult�rrd�xe�ci��its r�m�da��.
<br /> R���$s#f�r Ff�ti�$. Trustar,�r���f��if❑f Trust�r ar�d L�nder,h�r�b�r���a��#�th�t a��py�f an�r N�ti�e�f D�f�ui�
<br /> an����y�f�ny N�ti���f�ale u nder this�ee��f Tru st�a m�il�d t�them a#lh�a��r���e���t f�rth In th�first
<br /> �aragra�h af this a��d�f Trust.
<br /> Att�rn���' ��s, Exp�ns�s. If��r����in�titu#$s any su it Qr��i�n t��nf�r�e any�f the t�r�rs�f thi� De�d�f
<br /> Trust,L�n��r shall fa��ntitl�d�a r�c���r su�h�um��tl��oourt may adj����r����nabl�a�att�r���s`fees at tr�$I
<br /> �nd u��n�r�y�����I. 1�lrhether ar n�k�ny��rt a�ti�n Is invol���, arrd k�the�xt�r�t r�ol�r�l�ibi#�d �y I�w,all
<br /> r�as�na�le exp�n�e�L�nd�r in�u�s��at ir���r��f�r'� ��ini❑n are n���$��ry a�t an}r tfrn��ar the�r�teciian�f its
<br /> int�r�st or th�enf�r��rr7ent�f it�ri�hl�slti�li b���ma a�art Q�the Inde�te�ne�s pa�a�l��r��I�rrr$nd�n��hall�ear
<br /> in#eresi at th�N�t�rat�Fr�m th�d�t�af tl���x��r�ditur�until rep�i�. �xp�n�����v�r��by this par��ra�h in�lude,
<br /> with�ut lirr�Ftati❑n,hrn�r�v�r su bje�t t❑any li�nit��nd�r��p�lica�le I�r�r,Lender�s�kt�rne�s'f��s�r��!L�r����'s legal
<br /> �xpen���,whe�her�r r��#th�r�is a I�wsuit, incf��ir��att❑rne�r�'f��� an��xp�n�����r k�nkrupf�y pra�e��in�s
<br /> �Ir�cE��€r�g eff❑rts t4 m❑�ify�r va��t�any aut�matl�sta�r or ir�jur��tion�,��p��l�,�n���y�r�tf�i��t�d���#-jud�men#
<br /> c�]i��i�r���rvi�e�,tY���a�t❑fi s��rci�lr��rec❑r��,❑�#aining ti#la r�p�rt���n�lU�ing f�r�cl��ur�reparts�,�urv����s'
<br /> re��rt�, �n�ap��ig�l fee�, �itl�in��r�n+�, �nd fe�s��r the 7rust��,t�#n���t��r�t p�rrr�itt�d by a��licable fav�+.
<br /> Tru���r�Is�v�ill pay any�au rt��st�,irr��diti❑n to�II❑�h�r��m��r�vfd�d I�y law.
<br /> Rl�ht�af Tru st��. T�st���hall have�II af th�rights an�l dutl���f Lerrder��s�i f��`th ir�#h€�s��ti�r�.
<br /> A�UY�RS AiV a DBLI�ATI4hl��F TR�J��E�. Th���Il�win�p���iaians r�lating f�th$p�v��rs�n��k�li��#ian�of Tr+�st��
<br /> �r�p�rt�f tf�is�����f Tr��f:
<br /> ��w�r��f�'r�,st��. I n�oldi#i�n tQ�II���v�r��f Truste��ri�in�as�r��tt�r�f I�w,Trusi�e s��ll i�a�,�th�p�wer t�
<br /> tak�th���Ilawir����ti�r�s with��s���t❑t��Pr�per#y���n th�writ#er�r��ue�of Len��r an�Trust�r: (��Jair�ir�
<br /> preparir�g ar�d filing �m�p�r���i�f th�I��al�rop�rty, inGluding th�d��lc�tian af streets�r❑tl���r�igh#$t�th�
<br /> pul�li�; {��j�in ir� �r�r�tir�� �r�y e���rr�ent❑r Gr�atir�� �ny re�tri�ti�n on fh�I�eal Prope�ty; ar�� (�}j�ir� ir����r
<br /> suh�r�ir��ti❑r�❑r❑ih�r a�r��m�nt aff��ting this C�����f 7rus#�r th�ir�t�rast a�l��r�d�r�,nd�r�his aeed af Tn.��t. �
<br /> Tru����. Tru�t��hall rn�et all�uaii�c�i�r�s r���ir��1 for Tr��t���n��r ap�li��bl�law. In a�itiition t�the ri�hts
<br /> an�r'�me�i����t f�rth a�ov�,with r�sp�ct ta aPl ar any p�rk�f#f���r���rt�,tf��Trus€�e�h�ll have the ri�ht t�
<br /> f�r��l�s�b�r n�tic��n�s�l�,�rrd��r���r sh�ll h�v�tF��rig hk ta fvr�cl�s��y���i��al f�r��l�sur�,ir�eith�r cas�in
<br /> a�c�rd�n��r�ith ar��fQ th�f�ll��ct�nt pr�vid�d b�r�pplic�bl�I�►rv.
<br /> �u������r Tru�t��. Len��r,�t Lend�r's opti�r�,m�y�r�m tirri�ta time a�p�irMt��u�����r Tru�t��t�ar�y 7ru�#e�
<br /> appoir�ted i�r���r thi�a����f Trr�st k��+an fn�t�am�nk�xecut��and�ckr��wl�d+����p L�nd�r arrd recar�l�d in th�
<br /> ��Fi�e�f ih�r��rd�r�f HALL.��ur�t�, �t�t��f N��r�ska. TI��ins#r�m�nt�h�lf��nt�in, in��di�lon t�all oti��r
<br /> matter�r�q�iir�al �y st�t� lakn►, th� names �f th� �r��ii��l L.�n��r, Tr��#��, �r1d T�u�tar, tk�e p��& �n�i p�g� ��r
<br /> c�mp�#�r system r�f�r�n��� �nrl��r�thi� a�e��f Tr�r�t i� r��r{d�d, an�tFt�nair��and�ddr��s �f th�su�c����r
<br /> tr�st��,an�th�i��tru men#sh�ll��ea��c�ted and��I�r�o�nrl�������all�he b�n�fi�iari���rnd�r fhi�a��d�f Tru�t�r
<br /> th�ir su�c�$��rs in it�t�r�st, TI����r�ce���r tr�a�f��,vyrith�ut��nve�rance�f the�r���rt�,�f�all suc�ed#o�II th�
<br /> titl�,��w�r-,�r�d�u#ies car�f�rr�d u��r�fh�Trr�st��[r�t�i�D��d❑f Tr�st���I�y a��ll��ble���. 7his���c��ur�f�r
<br /> suk�st�tuti❑n flf T���i���hall����rn t�th���r��u�i�n�f all�th�r�r�vis��ns f�r�u�stifu#i�r�.
<br /> N�TI�ES. �ny nQtf�e r��u�r��ta���i��n u n��r fY�is D��d�f Tru�t,Ir��lu�ing uvit��u�t Iimit�tiQn�n�r n�ti���f��f�ult
<br /> �r�d�r�y r��ti��af�ale shall h�giv�n in writing,an�shaJl�e�ff��#i�r�v�h�r���tua�lly d�lfv���d�wl��rr�c�u�liy r���i�r��
<br /> k�y t��$f���lmil��unle�s ot��rwise r��uir���y I�w�,wh�r������it��r+�ri�h�r���iQn�lly r�a��gni�ad�v�rnight���rr��r,�r,if
<br /> m�iled,when��R❑si#�d in th�Unit���t�t��m�il,as�irst Glas�,c�rkifi��i�r r�g�s#�r�d m�il p❑ska�e�r�p�i+�,�lir��ta�t�
<br /> tl��ad�res��s�h�vun n�ar lh����inr�ir���f this a���❑f Tru�t, 1�11 r.��i���f n�tf����f forecl�sur�fr�m fh�h�ld�r�f
<br /> �ny li�n w�i�h has�r��rity��r�r th i5�eed af Trusf sl�alf b���nt t❑L����1����d�lres�,a���h�vyrn n�ar th�b�ginnEn��f
<br /> tf�is a����f Trust. Any��rty may�hange i#�a��r�$�for n�tic�s un��r#�i�Qe���f Trus�by�ivir�g f��rr��l writt�n
<br /> nati�e t�#i�� �fher parii��, sp�cifyin� that tY�� ��ir���� ❑f#h� r��ti��Rs t��hai�$�lhe ��r�y`����ress. ��r n�ti��
<br /> �urp���s,Trust�r��r��s ta ke���.�r���r inf�rm���t all tlme�af Trust�r's cU�r�n#�d�r���. l�r�l����t�r��wi�e pro�r�d��
<br /> �r r���iir�d��I�v�,�f fh�r�is m�r��h�r1 ar��Tru�k❑r,any r��ti���Iv�ra by Len��r t�an�Tr�r�t�r is�1��med t��$n�ti��
<br /> �iuen#o all Tr��k�r�.
<br /> 1�11���LI.A�E�ll�PR41fl�1�{V 5. T��f411�wi r��mi�cell�n����prQ�ri�i�n�ar�a p�rl of#I�is a����f Trt�st:
<br />