2� 1 ��3818
<br /> �E�� �F TF�l��7
<br /> ���rr N�: �'I��!'1�I�� ���r�tirl���1� �����
<br /> �er�i���ara furnlsl���1,�r�ny m�#��i�l�ar�s���li��#�th�Pr�p�r�y,If an}r m��hani�'�ii�nr rrraierjalmen`s li�r�,�r
<br /> �th�r I��n�aul�be a��erk�d or�a��aur�t�f tha v,r�rk,s�r�l���,�r m���ri�l�, Trus#�r wilM u��n r���a����f l��nd�r
<br /> furr�isf� ta L�r1d�r a�v�n�� ����r�nr�$ ��tisf�ct�ry tQ L�nd��th�t�'r�st�r can and wrll �a�y tl�� c�st ��s��l�
<br /> irrrpr�vem�nts.
<br /> 1�R�P�RTY C}�MA��IN�I�F�A�f�E. Th�f�ll�win��r�vi�iQns relatin�ta irr�urirr�th�f�r�perty�r�a��rt�F tJ�is����of
<br /> Trus�, '
<br /> Nl�irrt�n�n���f In�uran��. Tru�t�r�h�ll pr��ura an� maintair�poli�ie��f fir�in�urarr���ith �t�nder€I�xt�ri��d
<br /> ��v�rag��n�ors�m�nts on a fair v�l�i� b��i�far fhe fu31 insura�le��lu����rerir�� a#I Im�r❑vem�nts Qn th� R��I
<br /> Pr�p�rty in ar��mQ�n���ffi�i�nt t��v�id appl��ati�n��an}�c�irr�ura�rr���la�us�,�nd witl��st�nd�rci rry�rt���ee
<br /> c�au�e in f���r aF L�r�d$r. Trustar�hall�Is�pr��r�al��l m�ir�#�Rn�Qrnpr�h�n�iv�g�n�r�l Ifa�ili#y in�uran�e in su�h
<br /> ��v�ra��am���t�a� L�n��r may+r��uest wi#h Trust�ar�� L�nder��ir,�n�m��l��a�diti❑r�al�rt�u�ds�n �u��
<br /> liability ir�sur�n��p�li�f�s. A�diti�r��lly,T���#�r�I��II rnair�t�ir����h�lh�r in��aranr�e, in�ludln���t not limited k�
<br /> ha�ard,�uslr����Inferruptian,�nd��iC�r insuranee,a�L�nder m�y r���or��bly r��ui+�� P�li�i��sf��ll��writt�n fn
<br /> farm, amour�ts, �avar���s �r�� ���is r�as�r�ably a�ce�k�hl�t� L�nd�r and f�s��d by a com�any�r cornpani�s
<br /> r�ea��nabl�r acc�ptabl�t�L�n��r. Tru�t�r� upor� r��uast�f L�nd�r, will deliver#��.�rr��r fr�m tirrye t��Ir��th�
<br /> �ali�ies�r�ertifi�a#e�❑f in��r�n��in fQrm�ati�f��tory to L�n��r,inc��din�stipula�tior�s th�t c��r�ra��s v�lll��#��
<br /> �an�ll��or diminished with�ut�t I��s�t�n�'10���y�pri�r written notic�#o�.�n�1�r. E��h ins�ran��p�li��r als�
<br /> sh�ll fr��l��e�r�en��rs�m�nt pr�vidin�that�av�ra���n FavQr af L�nder will n�t��impair�d in a�ny r��y�y�r��act�
<br /> �missi���r d�f�ult��Tru�k�r�r�ny�th�r��r��r�. �h��ld th�R��I I�r�p�r#y��I��at��i!n arr are���s��nafed i�y
<br /> lh��ldministrak�r�f th�F�d�ral Em�rg�n��r�I�n�g$m�nt A��n�y a�a spe�ial flood I����rd�raa,Tru�E�r a���e�ta
<br /> ��tain an�m�int��r�F���r�l Fla�d Ir���,r��r�r.�,if a��il�ble,F�r th�fu�l�np�i�prin�ip�f�alan���f ih�lo�n and a�n�r
<br /> ��i❑r` li���s ❑n th� prQ��K� ����rirrg th� I��n, �p t� the rr�aximum ��li�y limit� s�t und�r tl�� Nati�r��l Fl�ad
<br /> In�ur�n�Pr��r�r�r,�r���ther+�ri��requir`e��y Len��r,�n�k�m��nt�in s��h In�urar��e�or th�t�rm�f the I��n.
<br /> �Ippli�ati�n�f P����e�s. Tru�t�r�hafl pr�mptly n�tif�r I�en��r 4f any I��s�r dama��t�th��r���rt�. L�r����m�y
<br /> mak� pr�uf�f Ioss if Tru st�r fails t�d� s�withir�iift��r� �1��d�y� of�he��su�l#y. V�Fi�th�r Qr n�# L�nc��r'�
<br /> �ec��ity is im��ir��,L�nd�r m��,�t L�nd�r's el��tf�n,r��ei�►e and ret�in#h����ca�ds�f�ny ir��ur�r��$�r����P�Y
<br /> t�r��r��eeds t�fh�r�du�tiar���the In��bt�dr��ss, p�ym��it�f�r�y li�l�e�fFe�ting the�r�p�r#y,Qr th�r��t�rati�r�
<br /> ar�d repair�f tk��PrQp�rty� If L�n��r�I��ts t�apply th�pro�e�d�t�resfar�ti�n ar�d rapeir,Tru�t�r�h�ll����ir or
<br /> r��alac� tl�e �am�g�� ar �i��ir�ye� Irr7�r��rem�nts Jn � rr�ar�n�� ��#i�f��t�r�r t� L�n��r. ��n��r ��all, up�n
<br /> aati�fa�t�ry pr��f���u�h�x��ndit���, ���r�r reim�urs�Tru�tar frarr�tl�� �ra�e�ds f❑r 1��r�a��r�a�le�Qst�f
<br /> r�pair�r r�storati�t� If Trustar is r��t ir� ��f��lt ur���r this ��ed�f Tr��t. �ny�r����ds v�rhich h�v� n�t be�n
<br /> dis�ur���within ����a�s aft�r t�i�ir re�:ipt an�wh i�h l.�n��r ha�s rrof�om,�mift�d to th�re�ai��r rest�r�i�n�f
<br /> the�ra��rty shell��usad iir�t t���y�r�y�rr���,r�i�+nring ta Ler���r�i�rd�r ti�i��a���f 7ru�t,#hen t�pa�r a��ru�d
<br /> int�r��t,ar��th�r�mafnd�r,f�an�+,�h�ll�a�ap�C��d#�fh�prin�i�al I��I�r��e af if��Ir���bt�drr�ss, If Ler��er h❑I��
<br /> �ny pr���ad� aFter��yrri�r�t ir� full af the In���t��ne��, �u�h �r����d� shali �� pai� t� Trustor a� Tru�t�r'�
<br /> iM�r�si�m���pp�ar.
<br /> �omplian�e wi#h Existin�Ind�bt�dr�$��. ��ari��th���ri�d in�►hi�h any�xi�ting In��bf�dn�������ri�����I�w i�
<br /> �n aff�ct, �mplian� �vith th� Insuranc� prn�risi�n� eontain�d in th� in�t�urrti�r�t �vl��n�fr�� sucl� E�isfing
<br /> Irr��bt�dnesa sl��ll c�n�titut��rrr�li�nc��n►ith tf�� ���u��r�c� �r�vision� �n��r thi� ����f�'ru�t, t�th�$xt�n#
<br /> �mRliar���with t�i�t�rms af fl�is�e����'7rust v�r�ul���ns#ikut��dupl���tf��vf ir��urar���r���ir�rrr�nt. If any
<br /> pra�eeds from th�ins�ranc�b��am���y��l��n I���,tl���r�visian�in#hi�����#Tr�s#f�r divi�i�n�f pr����ds
<br /> �h�ll�pply�nly t�fhat p�rti�n o�the�roc�eds r��t p����le#�th�haid�r�f th�E�istln�Ir�d�l�le�n���.
<br /> 7nastors R�p�r!ar�Insura n�e. Ll��r�r����sk❑f L�r�d�r,I��w��re�not rn�r�#h�n�nc�a y�ar,Tru�tQr�hall furnlsh
<br /> t� ��n�ar�����rf�n�a�}� ��cistir�� ��I i�y�f ins�r�r����t��v�►ing: �1� t�e narr�e�f th�insUr�rr ��} ih�ri�ks
<br /> insured; ��� the am�unt af the poli�y; ��} th��r���rty ir��ured, #i�e#hen�u�r�n�r��l���m�n�v�lu��f���h
<br /> pr�p�rty,an�th��m�r�ner❑f deterrninir��#hat val��;ar�� ��� th��xplr��fon da���f#he p�licy. Tru�#ar�hal�,up�r�
<br /> re���st�f L�nder,h�v�an fn��per���nt��pr�i��r s�tisfa�t�ry t�L�nder de#ermin�th�c�sh vaiu�r��la��m�r�t���t
<br /> af t[��Pra�er�y,
<br /> LENaEI�'S E�P�hIaIT1JF�E�. If any�cti�n�r pr��e�din�is��mm�r���d tha�r�r❑uld rrrat�r�ally�ff�ct�end�r��int�rest in
<br /> #ha Pr�p�rty�r[�Tru�t�r f�il�ta�m�ly�vith any�r�visiQr�Qf#h�����d��Tru��or�n}r I�el�t�����urn�nfs:ir��ludinr�
<br /> �ut not limited t�Tru�t�r's faiJur�t��or���y�,rith�r����IE��ti�r�t❑rr7aintain��i�tin��nd�k���dness in�����tan�lin��s
<br /> r��uir��k��l�w�ar ta dls�f��rr�����a�rn��n�+���ny�rnaunt�Trus��r i�r�quir�d t���f�char�e�r pa}r und�r tf�i�a��d�f
<br /> Trust�r���r I��tlat�d ao�um�nts, L�nd�r on Trus�❑r'���h�lf m�y{�u�shall not be❑pliga#�d t��#����r�y��tk�n that
<br /> Lar��ler daerra� �p����r��t�, irt�l��ling but n❑t limit��l t� �i��har�fng �r �aaying all �axes, li�r�s, security ir�t���t�,
<br /> en��arn�ran��s �r�d oth�r�taims, at an� iim� I�vi�� �r pl�c�d �r� the Prop�rtp �n� ��ying �II ���t� f�r ins�aring,
<br /> rr�airrtair�in�ar���res�rving th�Pr���rty. �II s�i�h�x��ndifure�inc�arr���r�aid�y l.�nd�r fa�-sucn�ur��s�s will tl��r�
<br /> bear ir�t�r�st�t the rat�ch�rg���r�d�r tl��N�t�from the�ake ir��+�rr���r��i�by L�n�l�r#o th�date�f r$paym�n#�y
<br /> Tr��t❑r, A[I��,ch��c��ns��will b�rQrn��part of�h�I n��bt�dn�ss�nd,�k Len��r's��tian,v�ill (A� b�p�y��l��n
<br /> dernand; ��� ����d��t�t�� ��I�n��flf the N❑t�an����ppQrtiQn�� arn�r��and b�payabl�with�ny in�ta�lmer�t
<br /> ��ym�nt�to hecome�1����rir���ith�r ��1� th�t�rrn�f�ny�applicable ins��ranc�p�li��r;�r (�} tl��r�mair�ing t�rr�n af
<br /> tFr�hl�i�;�r ��} ��tr�at�������Il�ar��ayrr�en#v�hi�h�r,►ill b�d���nd�ayabl��t#h�N�t�'�ma�urit�. 7h�ae�d�f
<br /> Tru�t�I��v�rill ����ir��a�+r�n�nf Q�khes�am��ints. �u�h ri�ht shall��in�dditi�r�to�II�if��r ri�ht�ar�d rer�ledi��t�
<br /> whi�h L�r��l��rr��y���n�i�le�up❑r�I�efa�lt.
<br /> 1�V,4RF�ANTIFa p�F�N���F TITLE. Th�f�ll��ring�r��isi�ns r�l�tin�t�awn�r�hip�f the Pr���rt�+ar����ri af�hi�C?eed
<br /> �f Tn.��t: -
<br /> Titl�. Trust�r w�rrants that: �a}Tr��t�r h�l�s go��an�mark�ta�l�titl��f r�c�rd t�tha Pr��arty in f���irn�le,
<br /> fr���n�cl��r�f�IJ liens and�n�urribr�r��es�th�r th�r�tF����s�#forth in the F�eaf Pro�er#y d�s�ri�tR�n�r in th�
<br /> �xis�i���In���#�dn���s��:tiQn b�low�r�n an�r titl�in s�r�nc�p�li��,titl�r���rl,�r fin�l litl��plr�i�n I��ued ir�fawar
<br /> �f,a�nd a�e�t��l by�L�r���r in�nrr��ti�r�v�ritl�tk�i���e��f Tr��t,and ��}Tr��tor ha�th�full ri�ht,p�wer,and
<br /> autlti�r�ty t������t�and��li�►er thi���ed af Trust t�Lande�.
<br /> a�f�rr��af Ti#le. Su�je�f ta tf���a����ti�r�ir�th���r�graph���v�, Trust�r vw�rr�nt�a��u�ilf f�r���r��f�nd�he
<br /> titl�ta t�����pert�ag�inst th�lav�rf�l�1�1m��f all p�r��ns. In#F�e err�nt arr�ac�ian ar pr�����ing is�ammer�c��1
<br /> fha�t�u��tior�s Tru�t❑r's t�tle�r tf��int�r�st af Tr+��ke��r�.�r�d�r und�r this��d�f Ti rusf,Trustor ahall d�fen�the
<br /> ��ti�n at 7rustor'���rp�ns�. Truafor may���t��n�rr�i��l�a��f�in�u�h pt�r���iin�,but L�r�der�h�ll�e entikl��l#�
<br /> parifci��te in th� �r���e�in� ��tid#� �� r��r�s��t�� Jn th� proc���in� by�aun��l �f L�nder's av�n �h�i��,�r��
<br /> Trust�r will deliv�r,���au��#��e deliv�r��,#�L�n��r su�l�ir��tr�r�er���a�Lender it�ay r�qu�s#fr�m#im�#�tim�
<br /> #�p�rmik���h parti�i��tion,
<br /> ��mplfan��1�lith L�w�, �ru�#�r w�rrr�r�ts th�t#}��F'r���rfy a�d Tr+��t❑r's u�e flf ihe Pr��erky�rnpli�s with al�
<br /> e�istir�g�pRfi�����lav�s,�rdir�an���,and r��ul�ti�ns�f����rnm�i7tal auth�riti�s.
<br /> Surviv�l�f F��pre�en�ati�n��nd 1��rr�i�ti�s. All r��r�s�r�t�ti❑r��,�r�rr�nti��,an�l a�r��rn�r�ts ma��by Tr��t�r in
<br /> t�i�i����l af Trusk sli�li s�rr����[h��x��utE�n an�deli��r}af thi���ed�f Tr�i�t,�Y�all��c�ititinuin�in r�at�ir�,�nd
<br /> sh�fl�main in full f�r���nd eFfe�t�ntiF�Uch tGme as��r��v���'�In���t�dn�ss shall�����d in full,
<br /> E�I�TII���Na�BTEa�I�S�, Th�f�ll�win�pr�visions�nc�rnin��xistill�I�ti�1�bt�d�ti�ss ar��part�f t[���Q��d�f Tru�t:
<br /> �xlstirr� Ll�n. Tn� Ifen �f thfs �eed af Trust s�curi��� the Ir����t�di�e�s map b� s���r�dary�r�d inferior#� �n
<br />