2� 1 ��382�
<br /> Transf�r af th�Proper�y or a :Beneficial Interest in Borrow er. Yf a���r an�par�af the Prape�or an�y�nterest
<br /> xn �� �s so�d or transferred �or �f a benef cia� interest in Borrc}�er is so�d or transferred and Borr�we�- is nat a
<br /> natural person} w�thou� �ender's prior vvritten cfl�sen�, Lende�� m�.y, a� its optxon, requ�re �mmed�a�e payment in
<br /> fu�i of a�l sums se�ured by this S�curi�y �nstrun�.�nt. Hav�e�er, this aption shal� not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> ex�rc�se is prohibrte�by federal lav�as of�he date of�h�s Secur�ty�ns�ru�m.en�.
<br /> �f Lend�r exercises this option, Le�.der sha�l g���e Barrov��r notice of ac�e�erat�on. The no�xce sha�l ��rovide a
<br /> period �f not Iess than th� minimum number of days es�abl�sh:ed by Applicab�� Lavv fram the dat� �he no�i�e is
<br /> de�ivered or mai�ed w�thrn wh�ch Sorrawer must pa}� ali sum�� se�ured by this Secur��y Ins�rur�en�. If Borrower
<br /> fails �o pay�hese sums prior�o the exp�ration of�his periad, I1er�der may in�ake a.ny remed��s permxt�ed by �hrs
<br /> Security�nstrument wxthout fur�her no�ice or den�and on Borroti�er.
<br /> Borrower�s R�ght �o Re�ns�at�. If Barro�er mee�s �er�arn taondY��ons, Borrower sha�� ha�e the righ�t �o have
<br /> enforcemen� af this Secur�ty �nstrument discontinued a� any�ir.�e pr�or t��he earlier of: (a� 5 days �ar such other
<br /> period as Appl�cab�e Law may s�ae�ify far reins�ateme���bef�r��saXe n�'�he Praperty pursuant to any pow�er of sal�
<br /> can�axned �n th�s Secur�ty �nstrument; or �b} en�ry of a jud�ment �nforczng �hxs Security Instrument. Those
<br /> conditions are that Borrower: �a� pays Lender aII sums which then would �e due under�his Se�ur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and�h��on�ract as if no acceleration had oc�urred;�b�cures ar:y d�fault flf any�ther covenants or agr�err�en�s;�c�
<br /> pays aIl expens�s incurr�d in enf�rc�ng this Secur�ty Ins�rumen�.; �ncluding,but nat limit�d to,rea�onabie,�.ttorneys'
<br /> fees�o the extent permit�ed by�aw; and �d��akes such acti�n as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the
<br /> Iien of�hxs Secur�ty Instrunlent, Lender's righ�s xn the Prflper�y and B�rrovver's o��igat�on�o pay the sunZs secured
<br /> by �his Security �ns�rument sha�1. continue unchanged. Upon re�n.staternent by Barrov��r, �his Securi�y Instrumen�
<br /> and the obliga�ians secured hereby shall r�ma�n ful�y effective as rf r�a acc�l�rat�on had o�curred. However, �his
<br /> right�o reinstate shali not app�y:in the case of acczlera�ion und�;r the s�c�ion tit�ed Transfer of the Prop�erty or a
<br /> �3enefic�al Interest in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. Borrower shal�no�cause ar permit th��presenc�,use, disposal, storage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances on or in the Property.Barravver sha�l no�d�,nor a�1ow anyone�Xse�a do,any�hing affecting
<br /> �the Proper�y �hat is rn vio�ation of any Envirflnm�nta� Lavv. T�e precedin� �wo sentences shal� not apply to the
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on the Froper�y of smal�quant�ties of��azardous Substances�ha�are generally re.cogn�zed
<br /> to be appropriat��o norrnal resxdentia�uses�.nd to maintenan�e�f the Prap�rty.
<br /> Borrflwer shali promp��y gi�e Lender wr�tten notice of any�n�e;at�ba��on,cla�m, demand, �awsu�t�r flther actian by
<br /> any gov�rnmenta� or regu�atary ageney or pri�ate party �nvoiving the Praper�y and any Hazar�ous Substance flr
<br /> Env�ranmen�a� Law of whzch Barrower has a��ua� knov�le+�ge. �f Borrov�er �earns, or is notified. �y an�
<br /> governmental or rebulatary autharity,that any r�ma�al or o�her rem�dxa�Xon of any Hazardaus Substance affectxng
<br /> �he Property is n��essary, Bor��ower shal� pramptly �alce alI necessary r�medial ac�ians in accordance w��h
<br /> En�ironmental Lav�.
<br /> As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Haz�.rd�us Subs�ances" are�hase s��bstan�es defined as toxic or hazardous s�.�bs�ances
<br /> by Envirox�men�al Law and �he fol�flw�ng substances: basoline, kerosene, other flammable or tox�c ���ra��um
<br /> products, toxic pest�c�des and herbzc�des, vola��ie so��en�s, �n�.terials con�axn�ng asbestos or f�rmalder�yde, and
<br /> rad�oac���e materia�s.As used�n this paragraph, "�nviranmen�a.l Law" means federa��aws and Iaws of th�e state�f
<br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate�o health,sa�'e�y or environmen�al pro�ecti��:�.
<br /> Acce�era�ifln; Remedies. Lend�r shall gi�e noti�� to Sorro�l�ver p�ri�r to ac���eratio� f���o�ing B�rrower's
<br /> breach af any covenant or agreemen��n �his Se�uri�y Ins�rume��or�he Con�ract u�der wh�ch acc�i�rativn
<br /> �� permitted �bu� no� prior to a�ccelera�ion under�h� sect�or� �itled Transfer of the Propert�or a B��ne�cial
<br /> Interest in Barrower, unles5 Applicab�e Law pro►v�des o�h����vrse�. The no���e sha�l �pecify: �a} the d�fau�t;
<br /> �b� the a�t��n required �o c�re the defau�t; ��} a da��, nvt ��ss than �he m�n�mum number of days
<br /> es�abiished by App�ica�b�e Lar�from the da�e the no��ce�s gi�ven to B�rrower, by wh��h the defau�t must be
<br /> �ured; and �d� that faiiure to ��ure �h� default on or befor�� the d��� spec�f�ed in the na�i�e m�y :resul� in
<br /> acceierat�on of the sums secured by �his Security Instrumen� ar�d sa�e of �he Proper�y. To the ex�en�
<br /> permi�ted by �aw, the notice sh�ali fur�her �nforrr� Borrower of�h� right to reinsta�e af�er accelera�i�n and
<br /> �he right to bring a�nurt activn to assert the non-exis�enc�c�f a d�fau��or any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> acc��eration and sa�e. If�he defaul� zs not �ur�d fln or hefn�-e the da�e sp�cified in �he no���e, Len�(er a� its
<br /> opt��n may requ�re �mmed�a�e p�ymen� in full of a�l sum�� secur�d by �his Se�urity Instrum�nt w�thaut
<br /> fur�her d�mand and may �nval�e the power of sa�e and any� othe� r�medies permi���d by .�pplical��e Law.
<br /> T� the extent permi��ed by la�v, Lender shail be enti��ed �� caliect aIl expenses in�urred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remed�e� pro�ided in �h�s Secti�ang in�luding, but no� �imi�ed ta, reasonable attorneys' fees and �vsts of ti��e
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If the power of saZe is �nvoked,Trus�ee shall record a n��ic��of d�f�u��in each county in w�a�ch anr�part of
<br /> the Property is �oca�ed and shall ma�� copies of such notic��n the manner pres�r�bed by A�plicabl€�Law to
<br /> �orraw�r and �o the o�her persons presc�ibed b� A�p�icable La�v. After �he txme requ�re� by A��plicable
<br /> Lavv, Trustee shaZ� gi�ve public notice of sale �a the p�rson;9 and i� thQ manner pr�scr�bed by Ap�pl�cable
<br /> I1avv. TruStee, w��hout demand un B�rrower, sha�l 5eli the P'rflperty at pubiic auct�on t� �he highes� bidder
<br /> a�th�t�me and pla�e and unde�-the�erms des�g�ated in the �at�ce of sale in one or more parceis and in any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Tr�ustee may pas�p�ne sale of all or any parcel of the Proper�� b� publi�
<br /> annaun��ment a�the time and p�ace�f any pr�vi�usly sched:u��d ��Ie.Lender or�ts designe�m�y p�urchase
<br /> th�Property a�any sale.
<br /> Upan rece�pt of payment of th� price bid, Trustee sha�l deli�er t� �he pur�haser TruStee'� deed �a}nveying
<br /> �he Praperty. Th� reci�ais in the Trustee's de�d shal� be pr�zna �a�ie e�idenc�of the truth of the s����ement5
<br /> C�2044�2�15 Compliance Systems,In�.8C54-28FA-2015.1 t.3,1098
<br /> C�r�s�mer Real Estate-Se�urity Tnstn�mer�t DL2�3b Pa�e�of 5 www.comp]iancesystems.cQm
<br />