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2� 1 ��37�9 <br /> Transfer of the Propert�r�r a Beneficia�I��te�e�t in Borro�ver.�f all a�any part o:f�he Pr�per��r an�r in�eres� <br /> in it is sold flr transferred �or if a beneficia.l in�eres� in �3�rr�vver is sold �r transf��rred and Borr�vver is not a <br /> na�u.ral p�rson} vv�thout Lender's prior�rit�en consen�, Lender ma�, at i�s ap�ion, requz�-e immediate �agrrn�n� zn <br /> fu1� of a11 sums secured by �his Secur�ty Instrumen�. Hovve�er, th�s op�ion sha�� no� be ex�rc�sed by �en�.er if <br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federa�lav�as af�he date of�his �ect�.-i�y�nstrument. <br /> If Lender exercises thzs �ptzon, Lender sha:« give Borrov�er no��ce of acce�era�ion. 7Che not�ce shall pr�vide a <br /> period of not �ess than the m�inixnum numb�:r �:f days established by Ap��icab�e La�� from the da�e the notice �s <br /> delivered or ma��ed �vithin vahich Borrotiver m�s� pay a�l sur�as se�ured by this Security Instrumen�. �f Borro�wer <br /> fails tfl pay these sums prior to �h.e expir�.t�an ❑f�his p�riod, L�nd�r may �nvoke an��remedies perm�t�ed by �his <br /> 5e�urity Instrumen�vv��hou�fur�her no�ice or demand on Borra�ver. <br /> B�rr�wer's R�ght �o Iteins�ate. �f Barravu�er m�e�s certain �flnditions, Barrav�rer ��ha1� have t�ie righ� to have <br /> enforcement of�his Security Instrurnen� disc��ntinued at any��me prior to the earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> period as Applicab�e Lav�r may spec�fy for re�.ns�a��m�nt}�efor�sale�f the Praperty�3u.rsuant t�any povver�f sale <br /> cantained �n this Securzty instrument; ar ��b} en�ry �f a judgme�.� enfarc�ng this 5ecurity �ns�rumen�. Those <br /> canditians are that B�rrov�er: �a} pays Lend�r a�� sums wh�c� �hen vvou�d be due un�der �hzs 5 e�urity�ns�rument <br /> and the C�n�ract as if no a�celeratian had�ccurred;�b�cures any defau��of any o�her���enan�s ar agre�n�en�s;�c} <br /> pays all�xpens�s incurred in enfarcing�his Sec�.r�ty�ns�ru�nent,�nclud�ng,but no�Iim.i�ed�o,reaso�ab��atta�neys' <br /> fees to the extent permitted by law; and �d} tak�s su�h action as Lender may reasonal�ly require�a assur��hat�he <br /> �ien af this Security Instrumen�,Lender's ri�i�s�n�he Propex�r and Borro�ver's flb��gati�n ta pay the su�ns secured <br /> by th�s S ecurity�ns�rumen� shall cant�nue ur.��hanged. Up�n�e instatement by B orrotiver, �his S ecurity Ins�um.ent <br /> and the �b�iga�i�ns secured hereby sha�l rerr.�air� fully effe��iv� as if no a�celerati�n]�.ad occurred. Hawever, this <br /> r�ght to reins�ate shall no�apply in�he case o:E accelera�ifln un�er the se��i�n titled Tr,�nsfer of the Property ar a <br /> Be�ef�c�a�Interest�n B�rrflwer. <br /> Hazardous Substances.B�rrower sha�l no�E�ause ar permi�t�e pr�sence,use, disposal, s�arage, ar release�f any <br /> Hazard�us 5ubstances on or in the Property.:Bo�-rower shall no�do,riar al�o�anyane�else to da,any�h�ng aff�c�ing <br /> �he Property that is �n violat�on af an� Ez�viror�mental Law. The pr�ced��g two sent:ences sha�1 no� app�y �o the <br /> pr�sence,use,or���rag�on th�Proper�y of szna��quan��tzea of Haza.�daus Substances��ha�are genera��y recagni�ed <br /> �o�be appr�pria�e�o r�flrma�residential uses a11d�o ma�n�enanc�of�he Praperfiy. <br /> BorroWer sha�l prompt�y give Lender�ritten n��ice af any investigation,claim, demar�d, �awsuit�r other�c�i�n by <br /> any governmen�al or regulatory agency or p:c�va�e par�y invo�v�ng �he Pr�perty and ���y Hazardous Subs�ar�ce or <br /> Env�ronmenta� L,aw af �vhich B�rrower has actual kn�wledge. If Borrawer �earr�s, �r �s no�xfx�d by any <br /> governm�ntal ar regula�ary au�hori�r, tha�an.y�removal ar��her remediatian of any H��zardous Subs�ance aff�cting <br /> �he Proper�y �s nece�sary, B�rrovv�r shall pr�mp�ly �ake all neces�ary remedial actians i� accQrdance v�ith <br /> En�rironmental Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous S�:bst�.n�es" are�hase substances defined as t���i� or haza�dous subs�ances <br /> by Environmen�a� Lavv and �he follovving �ubstances: gasoline, ker�sene, o�her fla.mmable or �ox�c pefiraleum <br /> products, tox�c pesticides and herb�c�des, vc�lati�e so�ven�s, materi�.�s can�aining as��est�s ar fo�-mald�hyd�, and <br /> radioa��ive mater�als. As used xn th�s, "Environmental La�r" means federallavvs and�avvs of�h�s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska re�ate ta hea��h,safefiy ar envirc�nmen�aX prot�c���n. <br /> Ac�e�.erat�on; l�emedies. Lend�r sha�.�. g�vf� n�ti�e �o �arroVver prior to acceler���ion foll�wing ��rro�wer's <br /> breach af any cQvenant�r agreement in th���ecurity Instrum��.t or the C�n�rac��under wh�ch acce�erat�Qn <br /> is permit�ed�bu� �ot prior to aC�eleration under the secti�� titled Tr�nsfer af t��e Prvperty or a Bene�c�al <br /> Interest�n �3arraVv�r, unle�s AppZi�cabi� L�a�v provides o�h�rw�se�. The no�ice shal� specify: �a� the d.e�au�t; <br /> �b� th� a�tifln required tQ cur� the def��u�t; �c� a dat�, not �e55 fhan the m�r��mum number �f day� <br /> established by A.pplica�Ie Law from th�d��te the notice is g��en �o Borrower,by vvh�ch the default�nust be <br /> cured; and (d} tha� fai�ure ta �ure the de�ault �n or bef�re th� dat� spec�f�ed �n �he not��� may x°esu�t in <br /> a�celerat�on af �he sums �e�ured by this S�cur�ty In�tr�umen� and sa�e of �h+Y Propert�. To the ex�en� <br /> permi�ted by law, �he no�ice shali further xnform�orrflw�r af�he right tv reins����e after a��elerat�o� and <br /> the r�ght to hring a��urt actx�n�a a�s��-�t�he n�n-ex�stence of a defaul�or any vtlher defer�se of Borrow�r�o <br /> acce�era�ion and �a�e. If the defauit i.s mo� �ured on flr bef��e th� date spec��ed:in the notice,Lender at its <br /> op�ion may requ�re immediate payment in fu�� of a�l. sunr�s secured by �his Se+�urity Instrument w��hout <br /> further demand and may invoke the povv��r �f sa�e and any �ther remedies per�nx�ted by_As.pp���ab�Q La�v. <br /> To the extent permitted by �aw, Lender sha�l b� en�itled to c���ect �i� e�pense�� in�urred �n pu�suxn; the <br /> rQ�.edxes prov�ded xn th�s Sec�i�n,inClud�n.g,but nv��imit�d�o, rea�onable attor:neys' fee� and��sts af t�t�e <br /> evi��nce. <br /> If the power of sale is��vo�ed,Trus�ee sh��l��-ecord a natic� of defauit in each cr�unty in Yvh.�ch any p�rt of <br /> the Property is laeated and shall mail c�p��e� of su�h n��Y�e in �he manner pres�ribed by.�pp��cab�e La��w to <br /> Bor�ow�r and tv the other persons pres�r�ibed by Ap�iicable I�aw. Af��r th� ti�rne requir�d by Appli�ab�.e <br /> La�v, Tru�tee shall g��e public not�ce vf sa�e �o th� p�r5ons and �n the manner prescribed �y �ppli�abl.e <br /> La�v. Trus�ee,��thout demand on Barrower, sha�� se�I the Prvp�r�y at pub��c au�c�f on to the h�gh�s�b�dder <br /> a��he time and place and under�he terms Ed��ignated ir�th�no�i��of sale�n flne t�r mvre parcels and�rn any <br /> orc�er Trustee determines. Trustee may ;p��tpon� sale �f all �r any parcel vf the Property by p�blic <br /> announcement a�the t�m.e and�lac�of an�r p�-�viausly sch�duled sale.Lender nr its d�signee may pur�hase <br /> the Property at any sa�.e. <br /> Upon receip� of pa�mer�t of th� price bid, Trustee ShaIl d�i�ver �o �he purchaser� Trustee's d�ed �o��eying <br /> �he Property. The recitals in th�Trustee's de�d shall b�prirna fa�ie e�dence of i�he truth of the�tatemen�5 <br /> �2�44-20i 5 Cvmptiance SysteFns,Inc,8CS4-27GD-2015.11.3.1098 <br /> �vnsumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Ir�sti-u�nent DL2�3d Pa��4 of S www.c�rr� <br />