2� 1 ��37�8
<br /> The property is lacated in ...Ha 1 l.................................................. at .....................................
<br /> ��vunty}
<br /> ..41�..E..9 t h+,S t re e t......................... ..Gr and,I s 1 and..NE............., Nebraska .....................
<br /> �Address} tCity} �ZIP Code}
<br /> Together w�th a�� rights, easements, appur�enances, rayal�ies, rnin�ral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and
<br /> riparian rights, dit�hes, and water stock and a.�i e�isting and future impro�ements, structures, f�xtures, and
<br /> replacements that may now, �r at any time�n the future, be part of the real estate described above (a�l referred
<br /> to as "Property"}.
<br /> 3. MAXIML7M �BLI�ATI�N LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security �nstrument at any
<br /> �ne tim� shali not e�ceed $ S��,���;,0.�................................... . This limitation of amount does nat
<br /> includ� interest and other fees and charges �alidly made pursuant tv this Security Instrurnent. Also, this
<br /> limitat�on does nat apply to advances made under the terms of th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument to pratect
<br /> Benefic�ary's 5e�urity and�o p�rform any af the cov�nants contained in�his Security Instrument.
<br /> 4, SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The term "S�cured Debt" is defined as follows:
<br /> A.Debt incurred under the terms of all pramissory no�e�s}, contract�s}, guaranty�ies} ar ather e�idence of
<br /> debt desCribed helow and all their extensians, renewals, mvd�f�cations or substitutians. ��'ou must
<br /> speca�icQtt�identify the de���s} secured and you shor�ld incZude the�nat maturi�y date nf such debt�s}.�
<br /> Note Dated May �5., ��16 ,In The Amount �f $8 9. 0��.0�
<br /> Ac�ruing At A Variable Rate Wlth A Maturity Date �f May �5� 24�1
<br /> Said Loan In The Name�s} of Wi 11 iam L Lore
<br /> And Mary M Lore
<br /> B. A11 future ad�ances from Beneficiary to Trustor ar other future �bligatians of Trustor to Ben�ficiary
<br /> under any promissory n�te, contract, guaranty, or other evidence of debt executed�y Trust�r in favor
<br /> �f Beneficiary after this Security Ins�rument whether or not this Se�urity �nstrument is speci�caily
<br /> referenced. �f mare than one person signs this Security Instrument, each Trustor agrees that this
<br /> Security Znstrument wi�� secure a11 future ad�ances and futur� obligations that ar� gi�en t� or incurred
<br /> by any ane or mar� Trustar, or any ane or mar� Trustar and others. A�� future advances and ather
<br /> future o�iigations are secured by this Security Instrument e�en though all ar part may not yet be
<br /> ad�an��d. All fu�ure advances and other future o�ligations are secured as if made on the date of this
<br /> Security Instrument. Nathing in this 5ecur�ty Instrument sha�� constitute a commitment to make
<br /> additiona� vr future loans ar ad�ances in any amaunt. Any such commitment must be agreed to in a
<br /> separate writing.
<br /> �.All other obl�gations Trustor owes to Beneficiary, which may later arise, t�the extent not prohibited by
<br /> lavv, inc�uding, but not limited �a, Iiabilities for o�erdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement
<br /> �etween Trustor and Benefxciary.
<br /> D.A11 additional sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or
<br /> atherwise pratecting the Property and its va.�ue and any other sums ad�anGed and expense� incurred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> In th� e�ent that Beneficiary fails to pravid� any requir�d notice of th�right of res�ission, Beneficiary waives
<br /> any subsequent security interest in the Trustor's princ�pal dwe��ing that is created by this 5ecurity�nstrument.
<br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST C�VENANTS. Trustor agr�es that the co�enants �n thi5 section are rnaterial abligations
<br /> under the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. If Trus�or breaches any co�enan� in this section,
<br /> Beneficiary may refuse to make addi�iana� extensions of credit and reduce �he credit iimit. By not exercising
<br /> either rem�dy on Trustor's breach, Bene�c�ary do�s n�t wai�e Beneficiary's right to Iater consider the e��nt a
<br /> breach if it happens again.
<br /> Paym�nts, Trustor agrees that all payments und�r�he Secured Debt will �e paid when due and in accordance
<br /> with the terms of the Secur�d Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br /> Prior Security Interes�s. �Vith regard to any other rnor�gage, deed af trust, securi�y agreement or other lien
<br /> docum�nt that creat�d a prior security �nt�rest or encumbrance an the Prop�rty, Trustar agrees to ma.k� a�l
<br /> payments when �ue and to perform �r comply with a11 cavenants. Trustor al so agrees not to allow any
<br /> modi�cation or extensinn of, nor�o request any futur� advances under any note or agreement secured by the
<br /> lien doGumen�withvut Beneficiary's prior writ�en apprflva�.
<br /> �laim� Agains� Ti�le. Tru�tor wi11 pay a.11 taxes �includ�ng any tax assessed to this De�d of Trust},
<br /> ass�ssments, liens, encumbrances, �ease payments, ground rents, ut�lities, and o�lier �harges relating ta the
<br /> Property when due. Beneficiary may require Trus�ar to provide to Beneficiary copies �f a.11 natices that such
<br /> amvunts are due and the receipts evidencing Trustar's payment. Trustor wili defend title to th� Property
<br /> against any claims tha� would impair the lien �f this Security Instrument. Trustor agrees ta assign to
<br /> B�ne�ciary, as requested by B�neficiary, any rights, claims or defenses Trustor may ha�e against parties who
<br /> supply Iabor or materials to main�ain or impro�e the Property.
<br /> 5e�urity Ir�strumen#-Open-End-Cansumer-N� �CP-REDT-N� 712l2411
<br /> VMPa 6ankers 5ystems�" VMP-C4fi5{NE} {1 9 07).00
<br /> Walters Kluwer FinanGial 5er�ices O�994,241 1 Page 2 af fi
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