FX!zibit A " 200003558
<br />A tract of land. comprie.in.g..all of _Lot, One (1),: Fark islagd'Squace Fourth'.'�ab iyi,*iq a the
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska -; more pac.ticulariy described ap J91lowss
<br />Beginning at the northwest:, corner of said Lot One (1)', `said .point also.' bung' on the:soiltherlyi
<br />right of way line of 13th Street; thence running easterly• al'ong� the north line
<br />and the southerly, right of way line - of 13th Street, on -an assumed bearing of -N.:90.;n0,'QO°
<br />distance of Five .Hundred Seventy. Six and Eighty Three Hundredths (576:83). feet, to;thia :rlottheast
<br />corner of said Lot one (1), and the westerly right of way line of Diers •$uenuei;,� thence. running
<br />5 45 °00' 00" E, along the easterly line of said Lot one (1), and .the vesterly right of,•vay' line' •of '.
<br />Diers Avenue, a distance of Twenty Eight and Forty Two Hundredths (28.42) feet.: thence running
<br />5 00°34''13" E, along the easterl.y..line -of said Lot One (1);. "and the westerly right qf.. way line "of
<br />Diers Avenue, a dista�t(ce of Four Hundred Twenty Three and Six Hundredths (423.06) feet; to,a point'
<br />of curvature; thence running, southeasterly along the'arc of $ curve to the left whose radius.,is Two
<br />Hundred Five (205.0) feet, the long chord of which beats S 15 04'28 ".B, a long chord distance of One
<br />Hundred Two and Si�Cty Eight Hundredths (102.68) feet, to a point of tangency; ;'thence cunning
<br />529 034'43" E, along the easterly line of said Lot One (1) , and. the westerly zi-ght of way line of
<br />Diers Avenue, a distance of Seventy Five and Fifty Nine Hundredths' (75.59) feet to the Southeast
<br />Corner of said Lot One (1) ; thence running S 89 °•27'29" W, a distance of Three Hundred (300,.0).. feet;
<br />thence running N 02 0 32'31" W, a distance of one Hun red Thirty an Four Hundredths (130.'04) feet:
<br />thence running 5 Hg 27'29" W, a distance of Two Hundred Thirteen and One Hundredths (213:01) fe9t;
<br />thence cunning S 00 °32'31' E, a distance of One Hundred Thirty and Four Hundredths (130.04) -feet;
<br />thence running S 89 °27'29" W, a distance of Oned Hundred Forty Five (145.0) feet; to the southwest
<br />corner of said Lot One (1); thence cunning N 00 41103" W, along the westerly line of said Lot. One
<br />(1), a distance of Six Hundred Fourteen and Twenty Six Hundredths (614.26) feet, to the point of
<br />beginning and containing 7.815 acres (340,425 S(tuare Feet) more or less.
<br />AND i
<br />I �
<br />A tract of land comprising all of Lot Thcee (3),jPark Island Square Subdivision, in the citylof,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said- Lot Three (3); thence cunning -easterly along the
<br />north line of said Lot Three (3), on an assured bearing of N 90 00'00" E,' (said Assumed Bearieg
<br />coincides with that used in the description for Lot One (1), Park Island Square Fourth Subdivision),
<br />a distance ,of One Hundred Forty One and Forty Eight Hundredths (141.A8) feet, to the 6ortheast'
<br />corner of said L-ot Three (3), and to a point. on the westerly right of way line of U.S. Highway-No.
<br />281: thence running 5 00 °34'13" E along the easterly line of said Lot Three (3), and the westerly
<br />right of way line of U-S. Highway No. 261, a distance of Five Hundred Fourteen and Seveaty'Seven•
<br />Hundredths (514.77) feet, to the southeast corner of said Lot Mires (3),_ and. to a point of curvature
<br />on the easterly right of way line of Diers Avenue; thence running northwesterly along the easterly
<br />right of way line. of Diers Avenue and the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is.- One Hundred
<br />Ninety Seven and Five Tenths (197.50)- feet, the long chord of uhicb bears N.15 041128" W, a long
<br />chord distance of Ninety Eight and Ninety Three Hundredths (98.93), feet, to a.point of tangency;
<br />thence running N 29 034'43" W along the easterly right of way line of Diers Avenue, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred. Three and -Thirteen Hundredths (203.13) feet, to a point of curvature; . thence .runhdng
<br />nottheaaterly along the easterly .right of way line of Oiera Avenue and the at'c of *a 'curves "to the
<br />right whose radius is ane Hundred Forty Five (145.0) feet, the long chord of which bears ei15 04'28 "W,
<br />a 'long chord distance of Sev�ncy Two and .Sixty Three Hundredths (72.63) feet, to a .point of
<br />tangency; thence running N 00 34'13' W-along the easterly right of way lint of Diets Avenue',. a.
<br />distance of One Hundred Seventy Two and Forty Five Hundredths (172.45) feet, to the point of
<br />beginning and containing 1.096 acres (47,751 square Feet) more cc less- ,
<br />,
<br />