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<br /> II�me Federa�Sa��ngs&Loan Assac�at�nn of �Iome Federa�Sav�ngs S�Loan�Ass�c�a�ion of
<br /> Grand Island Grand Is�and
<br /> 2�1 Svu�h L�cu�t Street 2�Z South �ocus�Street
<br /> �Space,�,ba�e Thzs Line For Reco�rding Data}
<br /> LaAN�RIG�NAT�R��MPANY NAME: Home Federa�Sa��ngs&Laan A�soc�at�an af Grand Island
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY�DENT�FIER: 44�443
<br /> L4AN�RIG�NAT�R NAME: L�sa Mayer
<br /> DE�� ��` T�UST
<br /> �PR.�AUTHt]�I��D-[�P��T ENI) ��EI]IT -� �UTUR� AI)VAN
<br /> ) CE� A�.E SE�URED
<br /> BY THIS DEEI] (]F TRUS'T}
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"Security Ins�rumen�"} is mad� on June 10, Z�16. The grantars are DENN�S L
<br /> LY�NS ar�d DESaRAH L LY�NS, husband a�d w�fe, whose address �s �3�3 W DIV�SIUN ST, GRAND
<br /> �SLAN�,Nebraska G88�1-5739�"Borr�v�er"}.B�rrov�er�s no�ne�essar�Iy�he same as�he Person vr P�rsans who
<br /> s�gn �he HomQ Equ�ty Line �f Credit Agreement, da�ed June �U, 2�1� ["�on�ract"}. The ob��ga�ions �f
<br /> Sorrowers �h� did not s�gn �he �antract are expla�ned fur�her �n the se���on tz��:ed Su�cessors and Assigns
<br /> Bound;Jv�n�and Se�eral Lxab��xty; Accammodat�on S�gners.The trus�ee is Arcnd R. Baac�,A��orney whose
<br /> address is P.�. Bvx 79Q, Grand Island, Nebraska f 88U2 �"Trustee"}. The benef���ary is Home k"ederai
<br /> Sav�ngs & Lflan AsSv��ation �f Grand Is�and, �vh�ch �s �rgar�i2ed and ex�s�ing under the laws of�he United
<br /> Sta�es of America and �vhose address is ��l S�uth Lvcust S�reet, Grand Is�and, Nebraska 6S$�l ("Lender"�.
<br /> DENNIS L LY[]NS and DEB�RAH L LY�NS have en�ered intn a Con�ract����a�Lender as of.Iune lfl,20�6,
<br /> under �h� terms of w��ch Borrower �-nay, fr�m. �ime �� tz.m�, abta�n ad�ances no� �o exceed, a� any time, a
<br /> �''`�MAX�MU�VI PRINCIPAL AM�i�NT �E��LUDIN� PR�TE�T�VE ADVAN�ES�xx� �f Fifteen
<br /> Thvusand and �UI1�Q D+���ars �U.S. $15,UOU.UQ� �"�red��L�m��"). Any party i.n�erestied in �he detai�s re�ated �o
<br /> Lender's con��nuing �b�xga�ion �o make ad�ances �o Borro�ver is advised to cflnsu�� d�rec�ly with Lender. If n�t
<br /> pald earl�er, the sums owir�g ur�der Bflrrov�er's C�n�rac��ith L�r�der vv�Il be due an June �5,Z421. Th�s Security
<br /> �nstrum�nt secures �o Lender: �a} the repaymen� of. �he debt under the �antract, w�th in�erest, �nclud�ng fu�ure
<br /> advan�es, and a�l renev�a�s, ex�ens�ans and madif�cations of��e Contrac�; �b3 �he payment of ai� �ther sums, w��h
<br /> �nteres�, advanced �o pr��ec� �h.e securi�.y �f th�s Se�ur�ty Ir�s�rumen� under �he pro��sions of the sec�ion t�tled.
<br /> Pratec�ifln vf Lender's R�ghts�n th�Proper�y; and�c��he performanc�of B�rr�wer's cov�nan�s and agreemer�ts
<br /> under�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument and�he �an�rac�. For�h�s purpose, Barr�vver, in c�ns�dera�i�n af�he debt and�he
<br /> �rus�herein�reated, irre�vocably�ran�s ar�d conveys��Trus�ee, �.n�rus�,vvi�h po�ver of sa�e,�he foliov�ing descr�bed
<br /> pr�pe�-�y Iocated�n�he C�UNTY of HALL, S�a�e af Nebras�Ca:
<br /> Address: 13U3 W�]IVISIQN�T,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska G8$�1-5739 �
<br /> Lega� Descr�p��on: see a�tachmen� "A"
<br /> T�GETHER �'L�.ITH a�� �he �mprovemen�s nav� or hereafter erec�ed on �he properry, and al� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, atad fx�ures now ar hereafter a par� af�he praper�.y. A1� rep�acemen�s and add�tion� sha�� a�so be
<br /> covered by �h�s Secur�ty Ins�ru.ment. AIl �f �he forega�ng �s referre�. �o xn �h�s Security �nstrument as �he
<br /> "Praperty.{' �
<br /> B�RRaWER��VENANTS �hat Barrower �s Ia�vfu�ly seis�d af the esta�e her�by�onve�ed and has �he r�ght�o
<br /> grant and con�ey the ProperCy and �ha� �he Proper-ty �s unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of record.
<br /> Borrovver warra�ts and wiI� defend gen�ra�Iy�he ���Ie �� �h� PrQperty aga�ns� a�� ��aims and demands, sub�ec� �o
<br /> any en�umbrances of r�co�r�..
<br /> Borra�ver and Lender co�enant and agree as folla�vs:
<br /> Paymen�of Pr�nc�pa�and Interest; �ther Charges.Barrower shal�pramp��y pay v�hen due the pr�ncipai af and
<br /> �n�erest on�he debt�vved under�h�Cantrac�and late charges�r any nther fees and charges due u�.der�he C�ntract.
<br /> fl 20�4-2D I5 Carripliar�ce 5ystems,Inc.$C54-9EL9]-24l 5.1 t.3.2 Q98
<br /> Cvns►�mer Reai Estate-Sec�rity Ir�strument DL2d35 Page 1 of 5 �vww.campliancesys#ems.�vm
<br />