2� 1 ��3744
<br /> 'Transf�r of the Pr�p�r�y o�� ��n�f�cial�r��er�st i�� �ar�~o��r. �f ail ar any par�of�he Prop�rty or any in�erest
<br /> in i� is sald ar transferred ��r if a b�nefi��al in��res� in �orrow�r is sold or t�•ansferred and ]Borrawe�- is not a
<br /> na�ura� person} vrri�haut Len��r's prior v��-it�en c�nsent, Lender may, a� �ts optian, require xmmed�ate paymen� in
<br /> Ful1 of a�l sums secured by �his Se�urity �nst�-u�ner��. Hav�e�er, ���is tipti�n shall na� be e�ercised by Le�nder if
<br /> exercise�s prahibited by federal law as af the da�e af�his Secur�ty�ns�rurnen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises this op�i�n, Le�c�er sha�l �ive Borrti�er �no��c� �f acce�erati�n. The no�i�e shal� pra�ide a
<br /> per�od af n�t less �han �he minimu�n numb�r �f�lays estabiished by Applicable Law fr�m �he da�e the nat�ce is
<br /> de�iWered or �nai�ed within whic�� B�rrov�er mus� p�y all sums secur�� by this �ecurity �nstrument. If B�rro�er
<br /> fa�ls �o pay �i�ese s�.�ms pr�or t� the expiration of this per�ad, Lender may �nvo�e any remedies perznYt�nd by �his
<br /> Secur��y�nstrurr�ent w��h�u�fur�her�a��ce or demand on Borr��er.
<br /> Borrvwer's Righ� �o Reins�a�e. �� B�rro�er rneets cer�ain ��ndit�ons, Borro�er sha�I �ave the r�gh� to haWe
<br /> enforcemen� af�his Securi�y �nst�rumen� d�s�ontinued at ar�y�ime pri�r�� �he earlier �f �a} 5 d�.ys �or �uch ��her
<br /> period as Appl��a�le Law�nay specify for reins�a�emen�}befor�sa�e of the Property�ixrsuan�to any p�vwer of sale
<br /> �on�ained in �h�s Se�ur��y T��strument; or (b} ���ry o� a j uc�gmex�t enf�rcing th�s �Secur�ty I�s�rumen�. Thos�
<br /> condit�ons are �hat Bflrrower: �a} pays Lender all su�ns �hich t1�en wvo�.Id be due under �h�s Security �nstrument
<br /> and the Con�rac�as if no accelera�i�n had�ccurre�;�b�cures any default of any�ther co�enants�r agree�nen��;�c}
<br /> pa�s all expens�s in�urred in enf�rcing�:his Security Ins�rumen�:, �ncluding,bu�n�t l�mited�o,re�.s�na�Ie attorneys'
<br /> fees �o�he extent permit�ed U��a�; and�d}taltes suc�� ac��on as Len�er ma�reas�nab�y requirE to assu�re tha�the
<br /> lien�f�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�, Lender's righ�s i��.�he P�r�per�ty ar���o�r��ver's obliga�ian to pay-the sums secured
<br /> by �his Security Ins�rume��t shall ct�ntinue uncha��ged. Up�n r�ins�at�r�en� �y �3orr�wer, this Secur�ty Instrum�n�
<br /> and the ob�iga��aris secured hereby shall remain fuliy effec���� as if n� accelera�i�n hac� occurred. H�v�ever, �his
<br /> righ�to rei�state shall nat a�ply in the case�f a�c��era�ion under the sec�i�n����ed TranSfer�f the Prvper�y�r a
<br /> �ene�cial In#�rest i��ar�o�er.
<br /> H�zard.ous Sulbstances. Borrower shall n��caus� ar per���.i�the pres�en��,use, disposa�, s�arage, o�•r��ease of any
<br /> Ha�a�-daus Substances on or i���he Pr�p�rty. Bor�ower sha�l no�do,rior a1�ow anyone else fio do, any�h�ng aff�c�ing
<br /> �he Properry �.ha� is in �ifl�a��a� of any En��r�nme���a� Law. 7~he pr��eding �wQ sentences sha�l not app�y ta �he
<br /> pres�nce,use,or s�orag�on�he P�roper�y�f smai�quan�.�ties af Hazard�us Substances���a�are ge�erally r�ecogni�ed
<br /> �o be a��r�priate�o nor�na�residential uses and�a maint�nanc�af�he Prope�-�y.
<br /> Barrov�er sha��p�arnptly gi�e Lender w�-it�e�no�i�ce of an}�in�res�iga�i��,�laim,demand, l�wsuit�r a�her ac�ion�y
<br /> any g�vernmen�:al Qr regulatory agen�y �r private par� ��v��,ving the Pro�erty and any Hazar�ous Su�s�ance or
<br /> �n�ironmenta� Lav� of vvhi�h B�rro�er has actua� kno�rl�;dge. �f Barrov�er �earns, or �s natifie�d by any
<br /> g��ern��nen�al or r�gu�atory authori�y, tha�any re�nova� o�o�he�-remediation of any Hazard�us Substanc�affect�ng
<br /> �he Pr�per�y is necessary, Barrav�er shali promp�ly �ake a��l nec�s�ary remedia] ac�i�r�s �n accord�nce v�ith
<br /> �nviranmen�ai Law.
<br /> As used in�:h�s paragrap��, "Ha�ard�us Subs�a���s'� a�e�h�se �ubs�anc�s defined as tflxic or ha�ardous substances
<br /> by En��r�nmental Law and �he fa�lo�ving su�s�ances: gasa�ine, kerasene, other f�amma��e �r toxic petro�eum
<br /> pr�duc�s, �to�ic pesticides and herb�cides, �ola�ile soiver�ts, ma�er�a�s containing asbestas or �ormaldehyde, and
<br /> radi�ac�i�e materia�s. As used in�his paragraph, {`En�ironmet�ta�La�"means federal.Iaw�and 1�ws of t�e state of
<br /> Nebraska�hat reia�e ta heal�h,safe�or en�ironm�n�al pr��ec�ion.
<br /> Acce��ra�ion; Remed���. L�nder �hali g�v� no�ice �� ��rr�v,ver �r�or �o acce�era�i�n foi��wing ��rrov�ver's
<br /> brQach �f any c�venant or agr�e�ent in �h�s S��u�•ity I�s�rum�n�:�r t��e�om�ract u�der which acre�eratian
<br /> �s per�nitted �b�� no� pr���-t� ac���eration un�er th�s�c��o�n ��t��d Transf�r�f the �raper�y or a Benefci�l
<br /> Int�res� �� �v�-r��ver, ur�less A,pp�ic�bi� Lav� prfl�vides o�h�rv�i��}� �The n�t�ce shal� specif�: �a} the default;
<br /> �b� th� ac�i�n re,qu�re� �� cur� �he �efau��; �c� a dat�� not l�s� than fh� minimum number �f days
<br /> established by .A.pp��cai�le lLa�from t���at��h�nofiice is�i��� �v�orrnv�er, hy wh�ch�����efault r�ust be
<br /> cured; and ��� �h�� failwr� �� �ure �he €�efau�t �� or befa�-e ��he dat� ��ecif��d in �he no�ice �nay resul� in
<br /> a�ce�e�-�tion �f �he �ums s�cu��d by this �����ri�y ��as�rument and sale of t��� ]�roperty. To the exten�
<br /> per�m�tt�d by la�v, the nvtic� shal� fur�h�r inform �B�rr��er o��1�� righ� �o re�nsta�� after ac���er�tion and
<br /> �he r�gh��n bring a caurt a��ion t�asser�t�e ��a���-�xistence��a�efaul�or�n�other defen�e of Borrower ta
<br /> accei�ration and sale. �f���e defa�l� is n�t cu�-�d on �r bef�3re th� �a��specif�ed �n th� no��c�, Lernder at i�s
<br /> �ptifln may requ�re �mmediat� pa�m�nt in f��� �f a�l �ur��s secured by this S�curity In��ru�nen� v�ithou�
<br /> further demand and r�ay inv���� �he pa►w�r of sa�e aa�d an�y �th�r remedies p�rmi��ed by Ap�licab�� Law.
<br /> Tv ��e �a�ten� ��rmitted �y �av�, I�ender s����� be e����le� �� ���lect al� exper�ses incurred i�� pur�uing the
<br /> r�medies p�°o��d�d i�� this Sec�ion, in�lud�ng, bu� ��o��imi�e:d �o, ��easonabie�t��rn�ys� fe�s ar�d co�ts of title
<br /> �v�de���e. .
<br /> If t�e �ovr�er of sale is �nv��.e�, '��uste�sh��l r���rc� � �o�i���o��[efault in each coun�y in �hich a�y part af
<br /> th�Praperty i� lo�ated and shal� maii c�p�es o�such �nn�i�� in thP �nanner��-escribed by App��cab�e Law tn
<br /> S�rr�rrver and �Q the ot�er pers�n� pres�rib�d h� App�ica;�ai� L��. .A.�#�r th� �i�ne requ�red �y .�ip�licable
<br /> L��vy TrustQe shal� gi�� pub�ic notic� �f sa�e t� th� perso:�s �nd ia� the man�ex prescr��ed by .�pp�icable
<br /> I�a�vv. 'I'rustee,�i�hau�derr�and a�� �nrr�wer,shall sei� �h� Prvp�r�y at pulbl�c�uction to t�e high�st bidder
<br /> at the t�m�and pi��e arnd under the�erms d.���gnated in�h+e n���ce flf sa��xn a��e or mtur���rce�s and�� any
<br /> ❑rder 'T`rus�e� de�ermin�s. 'Tru�te� ma� pvs�:pan� s��e of a�l ��- �ny parcel af �he Pr�perty �y public
<br /> �r�i�ouncern�nt��the�irne and p�ace of�ny p��viousl��ch��d��led sale.Lend�r or i��desigr��e may�urchase
<br /> ���P�a�er�y at an�sale.
<br /> i��o� rece�pt of pay�nen� �f�he p�rice bi�, 'T'rustee �h�il d�x����r to the purchaser Tru��ee`s deed ron�eying
<br /> �he Proper�y. 'T`he �eci�a�s i�� �he T�-us�ee's de�d. shai� �re p�irr�a fac��evidence�f th��ru�h of the st�tements
<br /> C�J�0�4-�a15 Complian�e Systerns,Inc.8C54-18�C-2015.11.3.1�98
<br /> Consurr�e��Reai Estate-Securi�y Instr�ment DL2036 Pa���oF5 www.compltancesystezns.cor��
<br />