2� 1 ��3733
<br /> L�nder�� m�rtga�ee an�l�r as �t� add�ti�n�l loss pay��. Lender sh�l� have th� �i�h�to h�ld �he palicies
<br /> and ren�v�al Ger�ifica�es. If Lende� r�quir�s, Barr�wer shafl pr�mp�ly �ive �o Lender ai� re��ip�s of paid
<br /> �r�miums and renewa[ natic�s. )f B�rr�w�r ab�air�s any fnrm �f insuranG� ����rag�, n�t o�h�rw�se
<br /> re�uir�d by Lend�r, f�r d�mag� ��, �r d�s��u��i�n �f, �he Pr�p�rty, such palicy shall inc�ude � s�and�rd
<br /> mortgag���ause an� sh�l� name Lende�as mart�a�����ndl�r as an addit�onal iass pay�e.
<br /> �r� th� �ven� �f ���s, B�rro�wer shal� g�ve pr�m�t nv�i�e t� �he Ensuranc� ca�ri�r �n� Lend�r.
<br /> L�nder m�y mak� pr�of of l�ss if n�� mad� pramp��y by BQrraw�r. u niess Lend�r and Borrower
<br /> o�herwis� �gre� ir� w�ifin�, �ny insuranc� praceeds, wh��h�r or no��h� und�riying insu��n��w�� r�quired
<br /> hy Lend�r, shall be appli�d t� rest�ra�ion ar ��pa�r �f the P�op�rty, if the restarat�on �r re�air is
<br /> ec�nomica[ly f�asibl� and Lender's s��uri�y is'no� l���en�d. During such r��air and resto�a#ivn p��iod,
<br /> Lender sha�� hav� xh� r�gh� �� ho[d such insurance praceeds untiI L�nd�r has had an op�or�unit}� �o
<br /> in�pe��such Pr�p�rty�o e�sur�the w�r�ha�b��n ��mple�ed t� L�nd�r's satisfact�on, prvvid�d�hat suGh
<br /> in�pe�#i�n �hall �e un�erfi���n �rvmp�iy. �.ender may di��ur�e pr�ceed�for th� repairs and �����ra�i�n in
<br /> a s�ng[e,p�ymen���r En a s�ri�s of pr�gress pa�rments as �he w4�k �s com�����d. Unl�ss an agre�men�is
<br /> mad��in wri�ing �r Appli�able Latinr requir�s in��rest�a �e paid on such insurance �ro��eds, L�nd�r shall
<br /> n�t�e ��quired �o pay Barrawer�ny in�eres�vr��rnings an such pro�e�ds. Fe�� f�r,pu�li�adjusters, �r
<br /> ��h�r thErd�par�ie�, r�e�air��d by ��rrQWue��hall n�t be paid �u����he in�urance pro�eed� and �h�E[ b� �he
<br /> �ol� v���g��ion �f B�rrow�r. lf th� res��ra�ion or r�pair is n�� ec�norni�ally fe�sible vr �en��r's se�urity
<br /> would b� l�s�ene�, the Er�surance pro�e�ds sha!! �be ap�ii�� �� the sum� secured by �hi� 5ecurify
<br /> lns�r�umen�, wh�#h�r�r no��hen du�, w��h th� exces�, �f ar�y, paid �o B�rrawer. Su�h insu�ance proc���s
<br /> shall ��ap����d En �h��rd��pra�ride� f�r in Se��i�n �.
<br /> 1f��r��w�r ahand�ns�h� Pr���rty, L�nder m�y fle, n���fE��� and se�tle any �vailab[e insuran�e
<br /> �laim and relafi�d ma�te�s. If��rrow�r d�es no� respond w�thin 3� days t� a nv�i�e from ��nd�r�ha��he
<br /> insuranc� carrier has of��r�d �� s��fii� � cfaim, �h�n L�n�f�r ma� ne�axia�� and s����� the �laim. The
<br /> 3�µ�a� p�rio�will b��in when fihe na�i�� i�given. ln ��th�r�vent, ar if Lender�c�uires�h� Proper�y und��
<br /> ��Gti�n �� �r o�herw�s�, ���rower h�r�by a��ig ns �� I��nd�r �a} Bvrro��r'� righ�� �a any insur�an�e
<br /> pr�ceeds in an �mount no��o exc�ed ��e am�un�s unpaid und�r�h� No�e Qr thi�5e�u�ity InS�rumsn�, �nd
<br /> ��} �ny other �f B�rrawer's rights ���her �har� the right to any re�und �f un�arned prem�ums paid by
<br /> ��rr�w�r} under afi Ensur�nc� p��icies caWering �he'Pr�p�rt�, insvfar a� �uch �ights ar� �pp[Ec�bl� to �h�
<br /> c�v�ra��vf th� Property. Lender rnay u���he insuranc� �r����d� eithe�fiv re�air�r�es��re th� Prvper�y
<br /> o�ta pay�mvunfis unpaid under�he Note�r�hi�Secur�� �ns�rument, wh��her or no��hen du�.
<br /> �. �cGc��ancy. Barrow�r shaiI �ccupy, �s�abfish, and us� �h� Pr�p�rty �s Bar��w�r's �rin�ipal
<br /> resid�n�� w��hin �� day� �f��r the �xecu�ion of t��s Se�uri�jr lns�rum�nt�n� sh�ll c�ntinue �a �c�upy �he
<br /> Proper�y �� Borr�wer's �rine�p�1 resid�nc� fo� �� I�as� one y�ar aft�r �h� d��e af ��cupanc}�, un�ess
<br /> L��nder ��h�rwis� agr�es in wri�ing, whi�h c�nse�� shall no� be unreas�nab�y w��hheId, or un�ess
<br /> ext�nuating circumstan��s�xist which are beyond,Bvrr�wer's c�ntr�l. �
<br /> �'. Pr�ser�atio�n, Ma�ntenanc� an�i Protec���n af th� P'rvper�y; ln��Oe�ti�ns. Borrvwer sh��l
<br /> r�ot �es�r�y, d�ma�� �r�impair the Property, �Ilaw �t�e �Property t� d��eri�ra�� or c�mmi�w��t� �n �h�
<br /> Pr�p�r�y. Vllh��her �r n�� Bvrraw�r is r�si�fng in ��he Pro;perty, �vrrawer sh��i maintain �he Pro�er�y in
<br /> �rder �o pre�r�n� th�`Prop�rty f�om de��ri�r��ing �r de�r�as�ng in �a1u� du� fi� ;�ts c��dr�i�n. Un��55 i� IS
<br /> d��errnined pursuant �� ��c�i�n � �thafi �r�pair �r�r�s�ora��on is n�� �canomicaIly f�asi�l�, g�rrov�rer�sh�[[
<br /> pr�r�nptly r�pair ��h� Fro,p�r�y if dama��d to avaid fur�he� �e�e�iora�ion or d�mag�. lf �insuran�e or
<br /> cond�rnn��ian pr���ed� are p�id in cvnne��iQn wi�h d�mag� �a, �r th� �aking �f, �h� Pr���rty, �arr��rv�r
<br /> shalC bs r�sponsible fo� repairing or r�sfaring �h� Pr�p�rty vr�ly if L�nd�r nas rel��se� prac��ds f�r su�h
<br /> purp�ses. L�nder may disbu�s� prvc��ds far �h� repairs an�l res#orati�n in a �ingj� paym�n� or in a
<br /> s�ries �f �r�gres� paym�n�s as �he wark is complet�d. �f the �nsurar��� vr c�ndemna�i�n proceeds ar�
<br /> nv� suffi�i�n� �o r�pair or r�stvr� the Property, �arr�w�r �s not r�lieved af B�rr���r's ❑bl�g��i�n fvr �he
<br /> c�mple��vn of suc� r�pair or res�orati�n.
<br /> L��der�r ifs agen�may mak� reasvnabl� entr�es upon and ins�e�ti�ns of�he Pra�erty. �f i�has
<br /> ,
<br /> � s s b 4 * * M � �r a R r Q o T �
<br /> I�EBFtASKA--Singie Family�Fannie MaelFreddie M�c UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3028 �IIO'i (page�❑���pa�es�
<br /> AcCc�nture Mortgagv�adQnc�Dacument Genter D 3��?01�'14
<br />