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2� 1 ��3733 <br /> rec�ived fr�m ��rr�w�r �� the repaym�n� of the F�er��dic paym�n�s �f, and �� fhe �xten� thafi, ���h <br /> paym�nf car� be p�id in fulf. T� tMe �xtent tha� any �xcess exis�s aft�r�he p�yrr�en� is ap�ji�d �o �h� fuiN <br /> payrrl�n� �f vne �� mar� P�ri�di� Paymen�s, �u�h �xcess may �� ��plied fi� any iaf� �ha�g�� due. <br /> Volunfaty pr��aym�nts sha�� be a�pli�d firs� �o any pr�payment ch��ges and �h�n �� d�scr�b�� �n fhe <br /> fV�te, <br /> Any appla�a�i�n �f payrn�n��, snsu�ar��e pr�ceeds, �r Mis��ll�ne�u� Pra���ds �o �r�ncip�l du� <br /> und�r ��� N��� shal! n�� �xtend vr �os��ar�e �h� du� da��, �r �hang� �h� �moun�, af �h� P�rivdi� <br /> Paym�n�s. <br /> 3. �unds f�r E�cro�u it�ms. ��rr�wer sh�ll pay �a Lender on �he day P�rivd�c Payrr�ents �re <br /> du� und�r fihe Not�, until �h� Na�� i� paid in fu�l, � sum ��h� "Fund�"} �� pro�id� far��ym�n��f am�un�s <br /> due fa�: �a}tax�s and assessment� and o�her ifems w�ich �an a�tain pri�r��y o�e��his�e�uri#y l�nstrumen� <br /> �s a fien �r�ncumbranc��n fh� Pr�perty; �b} leas�h��d paymen�s ar gr�und ren�s an the �r�perty, if any; <br /> �c} �r�miums f�r �ny �nd �I1 ir��u�ance �e�uEr�a� by Le�der under Se��i�n �; �nd ��} M��tgage �nsurance <br /> pr�rniums, if �ny, �r any sums �payable by �orraw�� �o Lend�r in iieu �f �h� paym�nf �� iViartga�� <br /> �nsuranc� �remiurns in acc�rdanc� �vith �he p�-o�isi�ns �f ��ct��n ��. These �t�ms are �afied "E��rovtr <br /> lt�m�." A�� ��i�ina�io� ar at any ��me �uring �he �erm of the Lvan, Lend�� rnay ����uire �ha� �omrnunity <br /> Asso�iativn Du�s, Fees, and Assessmcn�s, if ar�y, be e�Grawed by Borr��r�r, �nd such �u�s, ,f��s �nd <br /> ass��sm�n�� sh��! �� an Es�raw ���m. B�rrnwer sha�� pr�mp�ly �urr�ish �v L�nde�al! n�tiG�s af�moun�s <br /> �� �� �paid un��r �his 5ec�ion. SQrra�rver sha�� pay �L�nder fihe Funds far Esc�ow I��ms un[e�s Lend�r <br /> w���r�� Borra�r�r�r's obliga�i�n �a p�y���e Funds for any or a�� E��raw items. L�nde��may wa�v� ��rr��wer's <br /> �blig��i�n t���y to L�nd�r Funds for any or��I Escra�v I��ms �t any time. Any such�v��v�r may Qn�y be �n <br /> v�r�i�ing. ln �he ev�n� vf su�h �rvaiv�r, Barr�wer s�all pay direG��y, wh�n and wnere payab�e, �f�e amaun�� <br /> due ��r �ny L�crav� I�ems f�r whi�h �ayment of Funds has be�n w�aived� by Lender and, �f Lend�r <br /> requires, sn�ll furnish x� Lender��cei�ts �v�d�nc�ng such payrn�n�wi�f�in �uch t�me �er�vd a� L�nd�r ma� <br /> re�uir�. Borraw�r's a�ligati�n t� ma�e �uch paymenfis an� �v provid� r�ceip�s �ha�l f�r at� purp�ses b� <br /> d�em�d fi� b� a �ovenant and agr�emen��vn�a�n�d in �h�s ��cur�ty Ins�rument, as the phrase "covenan� <br /> and agr��men�" is used in Sec�ion 9. if B�rrow�r is�b��gafied �o �ay ��crov`r ��em� dtr�ctty, pur�uan��o � <br /> waiver, �nd B�rrow�r f�ils ta pay �h� �m�un� du� for an E�c��w I��m, L�nd�r �nay ��ercise �t� rig��s <br /> und�r S��t�or� 9 and p�y s�ch amvun�and Bor-rower sha�I th�n �e ��li�afied under��ection 9 �o r�pay �� <br /> Lend�r any su�h �maunt. L�nd�r ma}� �evvk�#he waive�as t� �ny or a�l Escrow lfiems at any �ime hy a <br /> notiG� given in acc�rdance w��h ��c�i�n �� �nd, up�n su�h r�vvcation, Bvrrawer �hall p�y �o L.�n��r al1 <br /> Funds, and in such am�un�s, ��a�ar��h�n r��u�r�d �nd�r this S�ctiQn 3. <br /> Len�er may, a� any t�m�, colle�� ar�d hald Funds �n ar� a�nount �a} sufficr�n��� ��rmit L�na�er�� <br /> a�apiy th� Funds a��he f�me sp�c�f�d ur�d�r R�SPA, and �b} r����� ����ed �h�r�nax�mum �m�un�a lender <br /> �an r�quir� und�r RESPA. ��nd�r sha�l �s�ima�e �h� am�unf of Funds due �n �h� bast� of curren�dat� <br /> and r�as�nab�� es�imates of ex�endi�ur�� af fu�ur� Es�r�w ��ems �� a�herwis� in �c��rdan�� vui�h <br /> A�p�i�a�i�Law. <br /> Th� Funds sh�ll b� h�ld in �n �nstitu�ion v�rh��� �e��s�ts �r� fn�ured by a federai �gen�y, <br /> ir�strut-nen��lity, or entity �Enc�udin� L�nd�r, if�en�[�r�s an in��if��ivn whase de��si�s�re s� in�ur�d} or i� <br /> any �ed�ra! �H�m� L�an Bank. L�r�de�s�al� appiy fih� Funds #� �ay �the��scr�vu l��ms no�later�han the <br /> tin�� sp�ci�ied under ���PA. L�nd�r shail nat char�e B�rrower far h�lding and �p�l}�in� fh� Funds, <br /> annually ana�y�ing �he escrow ��c�unt, ar v�rifyin� �h� ����r�w I��rns, unl��s Len��r pay� �ca�r�w�r <br /> int�resfi vn the Funds and App�ica��e�Law permi�s Lender�o rn�k� such a c�arg�. Uni�ss an agre�m�nt <br /> is �mad� ��n �rrit��g �r App[i�abi� Law r��uir�� in��r�st �� 'b� ��id �n #�e �unds, Lend�r sh��� no� 'b� <br /> �r�quired �v �p�y �Bflrr�v�er any infi���s� ar ��r�nings on ��h� F�unds. Borra�r�r �nd Lender can agr�� �n <br /> vtirri�ing, h���ver, �h�� inter�s� sha« ���paid �n th� �unds. L�nd�r shall give �� Barrvw�r, wi�h�u��h�rg�, <br /> an annuai accoun#ir�� af�he Funds as requi�ed�by F��SPA. <br /> �fi�h�r� �s a �urpiu� af Funds he�d in escr�w, �s def�ned und�r �ESPA, l�er��er sh�l����c�un�t� <br /> BQrr�w�r-f�r th� ��cc�ss fund� in �ccQrdance wifih R��PA. �f�here is a shor�ag�of Funds h�id �n �s�row, <br /> . <br /> � 6 � b 4 � � M C M O R T D � T � <br /> NEBRASfC.A--Sing�E FamilywFannie MaelFreddie iV�ac�NIFDRM iNSTRI�t�Eh1T Fvrm 3D�� �itD�i {pag��r�f�4 pages} <br /> Accanture Mortgag��ad�nce�v�ument Cent�r�3�27��1�4 <br />