2� 1 ��3733
<br /> by r�a54n �f, this S�curi�y Instrumen#, un#i1 su�h Barr�v��r vr L�nd�� has n��ified �he ��h�r �art�r �with
<br /> such noti��gi��n in �omplian�e with �he r�quf��m�n�s af Se��ion ��}a�suc� aiieg�d br�ach an� a�f��d�d
<br /> �he ��h�r p�rty her��� a r��s�nabl� ��riod afte� th� giving of Such r�Qfiic� �a �ake �orr�ctiv� ac�ion. !�
<br /> App���ab�� La� prvvid�� a �im� peri�d wh��h mus� ����s� before certair� ac�tan can �e �ak�n, tha� �ime
<br /> p�ri�d will b� deemed to �e reason��le for �ur�as�s of thi� �ar�gra�h. Th� notic� �f acceierati�n and
<br /> oppo�tun��y t� �ure giv�n �� Borrow�r pursuan� fo �ectivn �� and #h� n��ic� vf ac�eler�ati�n giv�n to
<br /> ��rrow�r pursu�n��o Sec�ion �� sh�ll be d�emed fi� s��isfy �h� n�ti�e and appa�tunitjr to �ake �v�re���v�
<br /> ac�i�n �ravisi�ns�f�his Se�ti�n ��.
<br /> �1. Hazardous 5ubstances. As used rn �h�s S�c�i�n �'I: �a} "Haza�daus 5ubs�ances" are�hose
<br /> subsfi�n��s def n�d �s f�x�c �r ha��rd�us subs�ar�c�s, polIu�an�s, �r was��s by �nV�ranm�n�a� Law �nd
<br /> the followin� subs�an��s: ga�olin�, kerosene, ��her� fl�mm�i��e or foxi� ��frvleum produc�s, �o�tic
<br /> pestic�d�s and h�r�icid�s, v��atil� svlv�nfis, m��eriais ��n�a�ning asbestQs �r formald�hyd�, �nd
<br /> radi�ac��ve �a��ria�s; �b} "En�ir�nmen�al Law" means f��era� fa�s and Eaws af�he jurisdict�on �r�rh�r�the
<br /> P����rty is I��a��� t�af rela�e t� he���h, safefiy �r environrnen��l prot�c�tar�; ��}"Environm�ntal �leanup"
<br /> in�lud�s ar�y re�p�r��e ���ion, �rem�dial a�fi�an, ar rema�ral a����n, as defined in Environm�nf�l Law; and
<br /> �d} an "Environm�nt�l ��nditian" m�ans a �vn�i�i�n fha�can caus�, ��ntribu�� ��, or othenrv�se tri�g�r an
<br /> Envir�nmen�ai Cleanup.
<br /> Bo�r�wer sh�ll no� cause �r perrr�it ��h� �r�s�n��, us�, �ispo��l, s��rage, �r ��el��s� of �ny
<br /> Ha��rd�us �u���anc�s�, or thr�a��n t� ��feas� �ny �Ha�ard�us 5u�s��n���, on or in �h� Pr�per#y.
<br /> E�or���ver�hali n���o, n�r a�Iow an��n��1s��� da, any�hing afF�c�in� �h� Prnper�y �a}�h�t is in�Eol��ion af
<br /> ar�y �nvir�r�men�a� Law, �b} wh��h cr�a��s an Environm�nta� ��ndi�ion, ���c�whi�h, due�o the presence,
<br /> u��, �� �ele�se vf a Ha�ard�us Sub���nce, �r�a�e� a �andi��on �hat �dv�rse�y ��fe�ts �h� v�lu� af �h�
<br /> Property. The pre�edir�g two sen��nc�s sha�l not apply ta �h� p�e�en��, us�, or�tarag� an ��� Pr�perf�
<br /> �f sma�� qu�nti�ies �f Hazardous Subs�anc�s �hafi are ��nerafiy recagni�ed �� b� �pp�vpr�a�� t� n�rma�
<br /> resident�a# us�s �n� �o ma�n��nan�� af the Pr�pert� {�n�ludin�, bu� no� �imited ��, i�a�ardous subs�ances
<br /> in cansurr��r�radu��s�.
<br /> Ro�r�vv�r�h��l pr�mptiy�iv� Lend�r wri�ten no�ic� vf��} any inves#�gati�n, �laim, deman�, i�wsui�
<br /> a�r�fi��r acfian by any gv�r��nm�nta! or��guiat�ry �gency �r�ri�a�� party �n��lving �h� �r�p�rty and any
<br /> Ha�ard�us �ubstance or �nvir�nmen�al Law �f which �orrQwer has a��ua� know��dge, �b} any
<br /> �nviranmenfi�l �onditi�n, in��udin� but n�t limi�ed �o, �n}� spilling, I�akin�, discharge, r��e��� �r��r�afi�f
<br /> re���s� of any Ha���dous �ubstance, and (c} any��nd��ion c�us�d �y �h� pr�senc�, us� or�el�ase Qf a
<br /> �lazard�us Su�stanc�whi�h adW�rs�l� aff���s��h��ralue of�he Pro�erty. l�Barro�v�r fearn�, or is n��ifed
<br /> by ar�y gov�rnm�n�al or regu�a�ary au�hari�}, �r�ny p�iv��e party, �h��ar�y rerno�ra� �r��her r�medi�tion of
<br /> �ny�Ha��rdous�u��tan�e affec��ng �he Pr�perty i�ne�ess�ry, Borr�v�r�r shall pr�m��iy tak�all ����s�ary
<br /> remedial acti�n� �n ac�ard�nc� w��h Envir�nmen��i �L�vtir. Na�hing h�re�n �hall Gr�a�� any ob�iga���n �n
<br /> Lend��for an�En�ironrn�ntal�Ee�nup.
<br /> NO�NwUNt��RM C�VENANTS. Barrawer��d L�nder furth�r c�v�nant ar�d a����as�faliaws:
<br /> ��. A�celerati+�n; R�medie�. �Ler���r shail giw� no��Gs tQ B�rrv�nr�r pr�ar tQ acc���ration
<br /> f���av;rin� Borra�w�r's ;brea�h af a�y �ca��nan� �r a�reement in this ���urity [nstrum�nt ��u� no�
<br /> priar to ��ce�e�rat��n und�r ��c��an �� u�less A�pp�i��`ble L��r pra�ides oth��is��. The notice
<br /> �hadl sp�crfy: �a�th� d�fault; �b�th���tian require���ta�ur�th� �efau��; �c� a �afi�, n�t l�ss than 3�
<br /> d�ys frc�m the dat� tM��nat��e i� ��ven ta �8orrc�wer, by �nrhich �h� defau�� must be cur�d; and ���}
<br /> that �ailure �o cure the defau�t on ar h�fore the �at� �pe�ified �n �he natic� may re�ult in
<br /> accelera�;an vf tMe �ums se�ur�d �� th�s Se�urity �n�truiment an� sa�e a�th� Property. �"he n�fi�e
<br /> shall further inf�rrm Ba�rrower �f the right ta r��nstat� after a�c�lerati�n and the r�ght to ��aring a
<br /> co�rt a�tivn to �sser�t the non-exist�n�� of � defauit �r an� vther defen�� af Barrvw�r t�a
<br /> a��elerat��n and sal�, lf the �efault �s not �ured an or hefar� the �a�� speCified in the nat��e,
<br /> L�nder �t ifs optiQr� may requ�re �mm�diate payrnent �n ful� of a!! �ums secured by this �ecuri'�y
<br /> �,
<br /> � 6 S� ti 4 � � M C Ni � R T D t] T �
<br /> NEBRASi[A��Single Family-Fannfe lUIaelFreddie Mac UN[FC�RtSA iNSTRLiMENT �vrm 3U�8 �I1�� �page?2 0��4 p�ges)
<br /> Acc�ntura Mvrtgag��ad�nco I]o�um��t Genter G�3��7�1I14
<br />