2� 1 ��3�88
<br /> aEEa oF T�u�T
<br /> ��antinuedy Pa�� �
<br /> effect tinctuding fa�lure of any collateral dacument ta �rea#e a ��1id and p�rfected security interest ar lien� at arry
<br /> time and fof any reason.
<br /> �e�th ar lnsal��ncy. The d�ath�f Trustvr, the insol�ency vf Trust4r, the app�intment af a receiver far any part of
<br /> Trustvr's pr�per#y, any assignment for the benefit a� c�editors, any type of �reditor workaut, or the
<br /> cammencement af any proceediny undsr any bankruptcy ar insol�er�cy laws by or against Trustor.
<br /> Cred�tor o� FvrFeiture Rroceedings. �ommencement of foreclosure or farf�iture prviceedings, whether by judicial
<br /> pr4ce�ding.self-help, repossession ar any athQr method, by any creditar o#Trust�r or by any�o�ernmental ag�ncY
<br /> against �ny property securing the Indebtedness. This inciudss a garrrishment �f any of Trustar's accounts,
<br /> including d�posit ac��unts, with Lender. However, this Event of Default shall nat apply if ther� is a goad faith
<br /> dispute by Trustar as ta the validity or re�sonabien�ss of the claim which is the basis a# the creditor or �orfeiture
<br /> proGeeding and if Trustar gi�es Lender written notice of the creditor ar farfeiture proceeding and depasits with
<br /> L�nder monie$or a$urety bond f�r the cr�ditor ar fvrfeiture praceeding, in an arn�unt determined by Lend�r, in its
<br /> sal�discretion,as being an adequate res�rve or k�ond for the dispute.
<br /> Breac�r of�th�r Agr�ert�ent. Any breach by Trust�r under the terms of any �ther agre�rnent between Trustar and
<br /> Lender that is n�t remedied within any grac� period prnvided therein, including without lirnitation any agre�ment
<br /> cvncerning any indebtsdness or other obl�gativn uf T�ustar to Lendec, whether existing now ar iater.
<br /> Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding eVents ocGurs with respect ta any guarantor, endorser, su�ety,
<br /> �r aGcammod�tian party df any af the Indebtednsss or any gua�ra�ntor, end�rser, surety, ar accommodation party
<br /> dies or becomes incQmpetent, ar re�akes vr disputes the validity af, or liability under, any �uaranty of the
<br /> knd�btedn�ss.
<br /> Ad�erse CF�ang�. A material ad�r�rs� �h�nge ❑ccurs in Trustor's financial condition, or Lender be�ieves the
<br /> prospect of payment or per�arman�e ofi the Indebtedness is impair�d.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in go�d faith believes itsel�insecure.
<br /> Ri�ht t�Cure. �f any default,vther than a default in payment, is curable an� if Trustvr has not been gi��n a n4ti�e
<br /> �f a breach�f the same provision o#this❑�ed af TrUst within the prec�ding�welv� �12� months, it may���ured if
<br /> Trustar, aft�r Lender sends written natice ta Trustor demanding�ure of such default: {17 cures the default within
<br /> twenty ��Qf days; or {�y if ths cure requires rnare th�n tv►renty �2D� days, immediately initiates steps which
<br /> Lender deems �n Lend�r's sQle discr�tian t� be su�f�ci�n� to cure the d�fauit and thereafter conttnues and
<br /> camplexss all reasonable and nece�sary steps sufficient to produ�e campliance as saon as reasonably practical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N aEFAULT. If an Event of Deiault o�curs under this Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender rnay ex�rcise any ane vr more �f the follawing rights and rernedi��:
<br /> Accelerativn Upun Da�ault; Additivnel R�medies. If any Event o� ❑efault accurs as per the terms of the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all lndebi�dness secured by this Deed of TrUst t�be due and payable and
<br /> the same shall thereupon became due and payable witho�t an� presentment, demar�d ar pr�test of an� kind.
<br /> Thereafter, Lend�r may:
<br /> �a] Either in person or by ag�nt, with Qr with�ut bringing any a�tion or pro�eeding, or by a receiver
<br /> appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy af its Security, enter upon and tal�e p�ss�ssion
<br /> af the Prop�rty, or any part thereaf, in its own nams�r in#he name af Trustee, and dQ any ac�s which it
<br /> de�ms necessary or desirable t�preserve the�alue, marketa�ility ar rentability of the Prop�rty, or part of
<br /> the Property ar interest in the P�vperty; increase th� incam� from the Property ar prvtect the security of
<br /> th� Praperty; and, with or withaut taking possessi�n of the Prop�rty, sue far ar otherwise cvlle�t the
<br /> rents, issues and profits of the Pr�perty, including thns� past due and unpatd, and apply the same, le�s
<br /> casts and�xpenses of aperation and collection attarneys'fees, to any indehtedness secured by this �eed
<br /> vf Trust, a!I in such order as Lender m�y determine. The ent�ring upon �nd taking pQss�ssion af th�
<br /> Prop�rty, the �ollectivn vf such rent�. issues and pr�rtits, and the �pplication thereaf shall n�t cure �r
<br /> wai�e any d�fault or nvtice of d�#ault under this D�ed �f Trust ar in�alidate any aGt done in resp4nse ta
<br /> su�F�default or pursuant to such n�tice of default; and, notwit��tanding the continuan�e in possession of
<br /> the Prvperty ar the calle�tian, receipt and �pplication af rents, issues or prafits, Trustee or L�nder shal�
<br /> �� entitled tv exer�ise e�ery right pr�vided for in the Nate or the Related Documents ar by law upon th�
<br /> o��urrence of any e�ent o#defau�t, including the right ta exercise the pvw�r af sai�;
<br /> {a] Cammence an action to forecl�se this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a re�ei�er ar speGifically
<br /> enfarce any of the ca�enants hereof; and
<br /> {�y peli�rer ta Truste�a writt�n de�laration af default and demand for sale and a written notice of default
<br /> and election to cause Tr�star'�interest in the Property to be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause t��e
<br /> duly filed f�r recvrd in the appropriate offices af the County in which th�Property is la�ated; and
<br /> [d� With respe�t t�all�r any part vf the Personal Praperty, Lendsr shall have all the rights and rem�dies
<br /> af a secured party under the Nebraska Unifarm Commercial Code.
<br /> Fareclasur�hy Pawer�f Saie. If Lender el�ct�to foreclose by exercise �f the Power�#Sal�her�in�ontained,
<br /> Lender shali notify Trus#�� and shall deposit with Trusf�e this Deed of Trusx and the Note and such receipts
<br /> and eviden�e of expenditures made and secured by this Deed�f Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> (a� Upan re�eipt af such notice fram Lender. Trustee shall c�use to b�recarded, pulalished anci deli�sred
<br /> ta Trustur su�h Natice a�Defauft and IV�tice of Sale as then required hy law and by thi$ ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> Trustee sha!!, withaut demsnd an Trustor, after such tim� as rn�y then be required by law and after
<br /> recardati�n af such Motice of De�ault�nd after Nvtice af Sale having been given as required by law, sell
<br /> the Praperty at the t�rne and place of sale �ixed �y it �n such Notice of Sale, either as a whale, vr in
<br /> separate Iot�or parcels ar items as Trustee shall deem expedi�nt, and in such�rd�r as it rnay determine,
<br /> at public auction to the highest bidder far cash in lawful money of the United Stat�s paya��e at th� time
<br /> af sale. Trustee �hal� deli�er to such pur�haser ar purchasers thereaf its good and sufficient deed �r
<br /> deeds conWeying the property $o svld. �ut withaut any ca�r�nant ar warranty, express or �mplied. The
<br /> re�ital� +n such deed of any matt�rs or facts shall be conclusi�e praof af th� truthfulness therea�. Any
<br /> pe�son. in�luding withaut limitation Trustor, Trustee,Qr Lender, may purchas��t such sale.
<br /> �b) As may be permitted by �aw, after ded�cting a�l casts, fees and exp�nses nf Trus#ee an� af this
<br /> Trust, including costs of e�iden�e of titte in connection with sale, Tr�stee shalt apply the p�ace�ds of sale
<br /> t❑payment o� �i} all sums e�cp�nded under#he terms�f thEs Deed of Trust or unde�the terms vf the hl�t�
<br /> not therr r�paid, �ncluding but nnt limited to accrued int�rest and late charges, [iif all other sums then
<br /> secur�d hereby,and tiii�the remainder, if any, to the p�rson or pers�ns legally en#itled thereto.
<br /> {�f Trustee may in the rnanner pravided by law pastpone sale of all�r any portion of the Property.
<br /> Remedies NQt Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and each of th�m, shall be �ntit�ed to enfarce payment and
<br /> perfarmance o#any indebt�dness or abligations se�ured by this Qeed af Trust and ta exercise all rights and paw�rs
<br /> under th�s aeed of Trust, under the Note, under any af the Rel�ted Documents, or under any other agreement o�
<br /> any laws nc�w or hereafter in force; notwithstandirr�, sarne ar a!!af such indehtedness and obligations ��cured by
<br /> this Deed af Trust may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by martgage, deed of trust, pledge, li�n,
<br />