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r <br /> r `� 1 ��3�74 <br /> (�} "Lende�•" is SUN T�E S T 1�InRT�A�E C�MPANY, INC. , D�B�A �AL S TATE <br /> FUNDING, IN�. . <br /> Lei�der is a CAL I F�RNIA ��RP�RA'I'I�N organi�ed <br /> and existin�under the �aws of CAL I F��NI.A . <br /> L�nder's add�•ess is 18��� STUDEBAKER RQAD, SUITE 2�� , CERRIT�S, <br /> �ALIF�RNIA 9�7Q3-54�1 <br /> (D} "T�-ustce" is C�MM�N�EAL T�-� LAND T I TL E C�l�P.�NY <br /> 348� VINE ST # �.�� , RIVERSIDE, CAZIFDRNIA 9�5�7 <br /> �E) "MERS" is Mor�gage Eie�tronic Registra�iot� Syste��ls, Inc. ME�S is a separate carpo��ation that is ac�ing <br /> salely as a no�z�i��ee far Lende�-a��d Ler�der's successors at�d assigns. MERS is Che ben�ficia�y undcr this Secu�-ity <br /> Instrument. MERS is orgatliLed arld existin�undex�f�1e l�vvs�f Delaw�re, ar�d�zas an address and telcpho�le nua��bei- <br /> af P.�. Box 2�ZG, Flirlt, MI 4$541-2�2�, �el. (8�8} 679�1VIERS. <br /> (F} "Note{'meails tihe promissory �1ote signed by Barrower a�7d d�ted JUNE 4 , 2�l 6 . <br /> The Note s�ates that Bo�•ro�ver owes Lender ,S EVENTY-S I� TH�USAND �I�HT HUNDRED <br /> E I GHTY-TW� AND ���l�� Dal lars (i].S. $ 7�, 8 8� . �� } <br /> plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payt��en�s and to pay the debf in fu�� t�ot <br /> 1 ater�han JUL Y 1, ��31 . <br /> �G} "Pi-oper�y"means the prope�-t�that rs desc�-i�ed belavv under the�7eadii�g"Transf�r af Ri�h�s in the Praper�y." <br /> �H} "L4�n"means the deb�ev�denced by tl�e Note, plus intet�est, any pt•epayment cha�-ges and �ate ch�rges due unde�- <br /> the No�e, and all sums due under this Secux•i�y I�7strument, plus interest. <br /> ��} "Riders"�-neans all Riders�o�his 5�ci.irity rns�rur��ent t��at�.r�executed by Bo��rowct•. T�Ze foilawing Rid�rs are <br /> to be executed by Borrawer [che�lc bo�: as app�ic;able]: <br /> � Adjustable Rate Rider [] Planned Unit DeWelopment Rid�r <br /> [] Bal�aon Ride�• [� Biweekly Payf��ent Rider <br /> � 1-4 Family Rider � Second ��ome Rider <br /> [] Condotninium Rider � �ther�s} Cspecify] <br /> VA As sumpt ion Pol ic�r Ricler <br /> �J� "E1pp��cabie Law"t�7eans all controlliilb applicable Fede��al, s�ate and Iocal statutes, re�ulations, �i-dir�ances and <br /> administrative rules and orders �that ha�e the eff'ect of�aw} as well as aIl applicable f t�al, noi�-appealable judici�l <br /> opi��ia��s. <br /> �K} "Cammuni�y Association llucs, Fc�s, a�xd �ssessmcn#:s"means all d��es, fees, assessmen�;s and other c��arges <br /> that are imposed at� Box-rowe�� o�• the P�•o�et-ty by a ca��da���i��iu�n associatiot�, harneovvners associatiot� oi� similaz- <br /> organ�zat�on. <br /> �L} "E�ectrani� Funds Trans�'e��"mear�s any trax�sf�r of funds, othe�•�hat�a tran�ac�iot�origi�7ated by�h�ck, draf�:, <br /> or similar paper instrument, w��ich is itlitiated tllraug�� an elec��•ot�ic�er���i��al, �elep��nn�c instrut��ent, computer, or <br /> magnetic tape sa as to ordet•, ip5�:1"UC�, or authorize a fina�lcial iz�stiitutiion to d�bit a�- credit at� �ccout�t. Such ��rm <br /> �nc�udes, bu� is not limited t�, point-of-saI e transfers, automated t�ller ���achine transac�iax�s, trai�sfers initi�.ted by <br /> telepho�ie, w�re transfers, and automated clear�ng��o��se tra��sfers. <br /> �M} "Ese�•ow ��ems" means those items that are described in 5ection 3. <br /> �N} "Miscellaneous P�-aceed5"means �ny campensation, settlement, award of damages, oz- ��-����ds���� �y �r�y <br /> �hird par�y �other than insur�nce proceeds paid utlder the coWera�es described in Section. 5} far: �i} dainag��a, ar <br /> destructian of, the Proper�y; �i i} condemnation or ot�7er taki���of all nr any part of�he Property; �i i i} con�eyance in <br /> lieu of�ondeinnat�on; or ���} misrepr�sentations of, or omissions as to, the value andlor conditioi� af the Property. <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Family-UNIFt]RM INSTRUMENT - DacMagic��,,� <br /> [IIID��Fl ED F�R DEPARTMENT QF V ETERAN S AFFAi RS - MERS w <br /> �R�v. �1�1} Page � of �4 <br />