... ................................................. ....................................................................................................................... ..... .... .........
<br /> .... .................................................................... . . ........ . . • •• ... -- • ...• - - - - -- - - ....... .........
<br /> �
<br /> 2� 1 ��3�59 ::
<br /> �
<br />' °��. A551C;IV�ENT�F LEASES AN�RE�TS.Trus��r irre���a�ly grants,c�no�eys and s�lls t�T�us���,in
<br />� trus$f�rth�b�nefit�f��r��fic�ary,as add��i�nal 5�curtty a{I th�r�ght,ti�l�ar�d�r�$�re��ir�and����y and ai�
<br />�
<br />:' ��ist�r�g❑r future leas�s,sub��ase�,and any oth�r vvri�ten or��rbal agre�ments f�r�h�use ar�d�ccup�n�y�
<br />: ar�y pgr�i�r�c�f the Pr�p�rty,�r���uding ar�y��$�nsa�ns,r��r�vval�,madif�ca�io�s ar sub�t�tu�i�ns�f su�h
<br /> nts a�l r�f�rr�d t�a�P'��as�s"�a�d r�r�ts,�s5ue5�nd pr�f�ts��gl ref�rr�d t�as'°R�r�ts`°�.T�ust�r�i11
<br /> agre�rn� �
<br /> r�mp��y pr�v�d���n�fi�i���vvith tru�and c�rr�ct c�pi�s�f a1��xis�ir�g ar�d futu�e L�aseS.Trus�t�r rnay
<br />:$ ��91��$ recei�e �n`� and use th�Ren�s s���ng as Tr�st�r i5 n��i�defauft under the$erms�f th�s 5e�uraty
<br /> , ► � y
<br />::;
<br /> lr�st�urr��n�o
<br /> Trust�r ackr��vuled �s that this assi nrrien�is p�rfe���d up�n th�r���rdir�g�f th�s�eed�f Trus�and that
<br />�:� � g ` raa�n�s t�rr�ak� a rnent�f Ren�s du��r t�b�c�r��du���
<br />::�
<br /> �ene�i�sary is�n�atl�d t�r�ot�fy any�f Trus��r s t� p Y
<br /> ��r��f�aary.�-I�vveW�r,��n�fi�iary agrees�hat�nly or�d�fauit�rvilf�en�fi�iary r�otify Trus$�r and T�us��r'S
<br /> ter�ants and rnak�derr�and tha��fi futur�Rents be paid dir��tiy���en�fieiary.�n r���ivi�g n�t�ce�f def�ult,
<br />�:; Trust�r r�vill�r�d�rs�and deli�er t�Eenefi�oary any paym�n��f R�nt��n Trust�r"s p�ssessi�n and rrvilf��C�iv�
<br />::,
<br />� a��R�nts in tru�t f�r��r��fi�iary ar�d r�vill�����mmir�g��the Rer�t�with�ray�th�r fun 5.Any�rraour�ts
<br />��' c�ilect�d will�e appli�d as pr�vaded i�thi�5��uri�y Ir��t�umen�o Trustar v�rarrar��s that n�d�fault��ig�5 ur�d�r
<br />:.,
<br />::; th�LeaS���r ar�y�ppl�cab�e fand��rdlter�ar�$iavv.T�ust�r also agree��a mair�tain ar�d requir�any t�r�ant to
<br />:::, c�mply�eith the t�rrn5 of th�L�ases and appli�ab1e�av�.
<br />.. 136 LEASEH�Lt]5;�C]ND�IV�IN[L��i15�PLAfVNE�IIN�T�EVEL�IP�IIENTS�Trust�r�gre�s t�c�mpiy
<br />���� �i�h�h� r��isi�r�s�f ar� leas�if this 5��urit lnstrum�nt�s�n a���seh�ld.!f�h�Pr�p�rty in�ludes a un�t in
<br />::i p Y � ,
<br /> �c�r�d�mir�ium or a planr�ed u�i�de�ee�oprr��r��,Trust�r w�l�p�rf�rrr�all�f Trust��s duti��und�r the
<br /> �o��nants,b�tlla�s,�r��gulatior�s��the��nd�r�inium�r p�at�r��d unit
<br />:::; d��e��pm�nt.
<br />�:�� �4. �EF�LJLTe Tru�t�r vviil b�i�default�f ar�y par�y oblig�ted�n the Se�ur�d�ebt fails��r�ake paym�r���uh�n
<br /> due.Trust�r vv��l b�ir�d�fau�t if��reach�ccurs ur�der the terrns�f this S�curity l�5trur�n��t�r ar�y��her
<br /> do�umen��x��uted f�r th�purp�se vf�r�a��ng,s�curir�g�r gu�rantyir�g th�Secu��d Debt.A g��d fai�h bel��f
<br /> by Eer��fi�iar�th�t��r�efi�iary��any tirr�e Es ins�eu�e wi�h resp���to ar�y pers�n�r�ntity��liga��d�n th�
<br />:�:; 5ecur�d D��t�r�hat�he pr�sp�c�af ar�y pa�r��n��r th��aiu��f�h�P��perty is irr�p�ired sha�l��s�c��stetute
<br />:::3
<br />:::� an�v�nt�f d�fault.
<br />:::; '�5. RE�E�1E5�N DEFALIL`Ts In��nn�ira�tan�es,f�deral a�d st����avv wifl r�quir���r�ef��iar�$�pr��id�
<br />����� Trust�r vv�th notice of th�right t�cur��r��her r��ti�es ar�d rr�ay�stabl�sh�irr�e 5�hedul�s f�r f������sure
<br />����' a��i��s.Sub�e�t��thes�lirr��tati�ns,if ar�y,��neficiary rriay ac��l�rate�h�5�cur�d D���and f�recio�e�hi�
<br />::::; S��uri�y Ins��urr��nt�n a mann�r pr�vid�d byiaw�fTrus$�r is in d�faul�s
<br /><::; At th�� tion c�f�enefi�i�ry,af�or any part�f th�agr�ed f��s and ch�rg��,acCru�d�nt�rest and prin�ipal
<br /> p
<br /> shall be�arr���mrr��d�a�ely du�ar��payabl��aft�r givir�g n�tsc�if r�quir�d by lavu,up�r�th��c�urr�n�e�f a
<br />:::::� default�r anytirn�th���af�ere in addi�ivn,Ber�efi�iary 5hail be e�titled t�a�l th�rem�dies pr�vided by I�vu,
<br />-���� �he��rrr�s�f the S��u��d D�bt,this S�curity lr�strur�nen�ar�d aray r�l�t�d d�curn�nts,�r��luding�eith�u�
<br />:::::;
<br /> lirrritati�n,th�p��nr�rt�s�ll�h�Prvp�rty.
<br />.. �f th�r�i5 a d�faul�,Trus���5hal�,in addi�i�r�t�ar�y�ther p��mitt�d r�medy,a$th�requ��t�f the
<br /> 6�n�f��iaryd�dv�rtise ar�d sel!�h�Pr�p��ty�s a vuh�l��r in s�para�t�pare�ls at pub1��aucti�r�t�th�high�st
<br />_::::; ��dder f�r ca�h�nd��nv�y a�s�lut�titl�fr��a�rd Cl�ar�f al�right,t�t1�ar�d int�r�st�f Tru�t�r at su�h�i�e
<br />-:::; and p1a��a5 Truste�d�signa�e�.Truste�shall gi��nv�i�e of s��e�ncludir�g th�tinn�,terr�s�r�d p�ace af 5a1�
<br />:::::;
<br /> and a d�s���pti�r��f th�prop�rty t�b�s�ld�s r�quir�d by th��pplicabBe la�ir��ffe�t�t the t�rri��f�he
<br /> pr�pv��d sale.
<br />. lJ on sal��f th�Prvpert�r ar�d t�th��x��nt no�pr�hibit�d by la�,Trus���shal�mak�and deliver a d��d t�
<br /> P
<br />��=��' th�Pr�p�r�y s�ld vvhich cvr���y�abs�lut�t�tle��th�pur�ha5�r,�nd aft�r f�rs�p�yar�g al�fe�s,�harg�s and
<br />=�<�' c��t�,shall pay�c���r��fi�iary�I�m�ra�ys ad�ar��ed f�r��pai�s,t�xes,insurance,l�ens,�55�55C�l�ll$5�I�C��3�1�J�'
<br />_:��:; en�umbran�es�nd in$erest th�r��r�,and the prir���pal and int�r�st on the 5��ured D�b�t�p��11CB��h�5�1��ILfS,�f
<br />::�:?
<br />`���' ar�y,t�TruSt�r.��n�fi�iary r�ay pur�hase�he Pr�p�rtyo T'h�re�i$a�5 ir��r�y d��d�f��nveyar���shall �
<br />::=:::� prirr�a fa�i�evider����f th�f���s set f�r�h th�rei�.
<br /> . All r�m�dies are disti��t,�ur�ulative�nd n�t��clusiv�,�nd the��nef��a�y is�ratitled t�all r�rr►�dies
<br /> pr��id�d at�a�w or�qui�y,wheth�r�r r����xpr�ss�ys�tf�rtheThe a��eptan�e by E�r�efe�iary�f an�sur�n�n
<br /> paym�nt�r par�iai paym�n��n th�Sec�a��d D�bt after$h�b�lan��is due vr is a�����ra��d ar�f��r f�r��losur�
<br />::::::3
<br /> p��ee�di�gs�r�fil�d sha�l���c�nstitu�te�vuair�er�f��nefi��ary°s righ�to r�quir�c�rr�pi��e�ur��f�r�y
<br />::=::� ��ds�ing d�fault.�y n�t�xer�isir�g�rry��medy��Tr�st�r's defaui����neficiary d�es r��t vvaie�e�en�f��iary°s
<br />::::::
<br />::..; �igh$t�la��r���sid��th�����r�a def�ulfi i�i��ontin�es�r happens
<br /> again.
<br /> �pa9�� � �
<br /> _i 994 Wolters Kluwer�iroancial 5err�iees-Bankers 5ystems � Form US�-����-fVE'111'I 612�1� ` °`�
<br />::::3
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