2� 1 ��3� 11
<br /> payment of juni�r t�us� deeds, m�r�gages, �r ��her lienho�ders and the balance, if any, t� �he person �r persons
<br /> �egally entYtled there��. The reci�als in �he T�S����S c�eed slia�l be pr�ma facie e��dence �f the truth of the
<br /> sta�emen�s made ua i�.If Lender c�avses ta invflke�he pa�er�f sa�e,Lender�r T�-ustee�v�rii�provide not�ce of sa�e
<br /> pursuant t� applicable 1a�. A�.1� such sale �r a sale made pursuant�� a judgmen� or a decree f�r�he forec�osure
<br /> hereof��nay, a� �he apt��n of Lender, be made en masse. Tlie commenc�ment vf pr�ceed�ngs to fore��vse �his
<br /> Securifiy�nstrument in any manner au�horize�.by�a�v shall be deemed as exer�ise of the abo�e opt�on.
<br /> Upon the oc�urrence af an Event of Defaul�, Lender shail immedia�e�y be en�i��ed to make applicati�n fur and
<br /> obtain the appo�nt�nen�of a recei�rer f�r�he Proper�y and�f�he earnings, income, �ssue and prvi��s af i�,with the
<br /> powers as �he c our�making�he app o intments confers. Grant�r here�b}� irrevo�ably c�ns ents �o such app a intment
<br /> and vvaives n�tice�f an�app�ication�herefor.
<br /> N� 'V�ANER.Na de�ay or fa��ure of Lender ta exerc�se any ri�ht, rernedy, power �r pr���lege hereunder sha�l
<br /> affec�tha�right,remed�,po�er or privilege nor sha�l any single or par�iai e�ercise�hereof preclude the e�ercise�f
<br /> any right,remedy, povtrer�r privi�ege. �ia Lender de�a� �r fai�ure t� demand strict adherence t�the term� of fi.�iis
<br /> Securit}�Ins�rument shall.�e deemed�o constitute a course af conduc�incons�stent with Lender's right a�any��me,
<br /> before �r after,an e�vent �f defau��, to demand strict adherence tv �he terms �f this�Seci.0 ity Insirument and �he
<br /> Related I]�cumen�s.
<br /> SUSSTITUTE TRUSTE�.Lender, at i�s optivn,ma�from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a success�r
<br /> trustee to any Trus�ee appointed hereunder by an inst3rument recorded in the c�unt� 1ri �V�11C�'1 �715 Secur�ty
<br /> Instrumen��is re�orded. �U�Ti�hout conveyance vf�he Prap�r�r, the success�r�rus�ee sha1� succeed �fl a�l �he title,
<br /> power and duties c�nferred up�n Trus�ee herein and�by applrcable Iav�.
<br /> JUINT ANI] S�VERAL LIA�ILITY,If this Security�nstrument should be signed by m�re than�ne person,a11
<br /> �ersans executing 1;hxs Secux ity Inst�u.�nen�agree�ha�they sha1�be�oin��y and severally�ound,where permitte�b�
<br /> �av�.
<br /> SUR�'LTAL. Lender's righ�s in this Secur�ty 7nstrument�vi�� c�ntinue in i�s successors and assigns. ThYs Securi�
<br /> Inst�ument is b�nding�n al�hell s,e�ecu��rs,admin�stra�ors,assigns and successors of Grant�r.
<br /> N�TI�ES AND 'L7L�AIVER �F I�I�TIC�. Un�ess v�her�rise required by applicabie �avcr, any n�tice or demand
<br /> given�y Lender to any par� is considered efFec�ive: �i} �rhen it is depvsi�ed in the Un�ted States Mail v�rith�he
<br /> appropriate pos�age; ��i} vvhen �� is sent �ia electran�c ma�I; [i�i� vvhen x� �s sent �r�a facs�m�le; �i�r� vt�hen it is
<br /> dep�sited with a nat�o��a�ly recognized �vernight cour�er ser�ri�e; �v] on the da.y af personal_de��very; or�vi� any
<br /> o�her�ammerc�al�y reasona��e means. A c�py�f any notice sha��he sent to each par�y at the address vf the par�y
<br /> given at fihe beginning �f thxs Securi�r �nstrumen�un�ess an al�ernat��e address has been pr�vided�� Lender in
<br /> �r�ting. Ta�he exten�perm�tted by 1av�, Grant�r�aives notice �f Lender's accep�ance�f�his Secu.�-ity Instrumen�,
<br /> defenses�based on suretyship,any defense arising fr�m any electi.on by Lender under the Un��ed S�ates Bankrup�cy
<br /> Code, rJnifoim Co�runercial C�de, as enacted in�he s�a�e v�here Lender is la�a�ed or other applicable Iaw ar in
<br /> equity, demand, no�ice af acce�era�ion, natice of nonpa�ment, presentment, protest, not�ce �f dish�nar and any
<br /> �ther notice. �
<br /> RE��JEST F�R N�TIC�S,: �rant�r r�quests that copies vf�the nat�c�of defaul�and.n�tice af sa�e be sent tv the
<br /> address vf�ach party gi�en at�he l�eginn��g�f the Security Instrumen�.
<br /> V�AIVER UF APPRAISEII�ENT RIGHTS. Grantior�ai�es a�l appraisement righ�s r�la�.ng t� the Proper�y��
<br /> the exten�p ermit�e d b}�1 avw.
<br /> ��NDE�t�S E�PENSES. �rantar agrees to pay al�expenses�ncurred b}�Lender in c�nnect�on v���h�nforcement
<br /> af its rights under the Indebtedness,�IZ�s Security Instrurn�nt vr in�he event Lender is made parry�o any litigation
<br /> be�ause af�h�e�is�ence uf�Iie Indebtedness or tlais Securiiy Instrument, as v�e�l as �aur��os�s, colle��ion charg�s
<br /> and reasonable at�orne�s'fees and disbursemen�s.
<br /> ASSIGNABI�YTY. Lender may assign ar ��hervwise t�ansfer �his Security Instrument �r any �f Lender's rights
<br /> under�his Secur�t� �ns�rurnen�w��h�ut no�ice t� Gra��tor. Grantor may not assign�his Se�urity Instrument or any
<br /> par�of the Security Instru.ment wi�h�ut�he e�press�rritten c�nsen�of Lender. '
<br /> G�'�ERNYNG LAW. Th�s Securit,�Instrument will�e governed by�he la�vs of�he S�a�e of Nebraska including
<br /> alI praceedings arising fi om this Security Instrument.
<br /> SE'LTERAlBILITY. If a cou.�-t af �ompe�en� jurisdict�an de�ermines any �erm or prov�sifln af this Security
<br /> Instrumen� is in�ratid or pr�h�bi�ed by applicable Ia�, that term �r pr��ision wi11 be ineffe�ti�e to the e�tent
<br /> required.Any term or pr�visivn�ri.at has been.de�ermined t�be�n�a�id or pr�h�bited wi�l b��e�rered from the rest
<br /> of�he Se�ur�ty Instrument v�i�hout in�ral�da�ir�g �he r�mainder of either �he affec�ed pro�si�n or this Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> WAIVER �F JURY TRIAL. All par�ies t❑ this Security Instrum�nt hereby kn�wingly and v��untarily
<br /> v+vaive,t❑tl�e fullest extent permitted by law, an�right to trial�y 3ury of any dispute,vvhether in c�ntract,
<br /> tort,or otherwise,arising out�f,�n connecti�n with, related to,or}ncidental t�the relatinnship established
<br /> b�tween them in thi� Security Instrument or any other instrument, dacument or agreement �xecuted or
<br /> deliWered�n coni�ectian with t��is S�curity Instrument or the Related Documents.
<br /> �2U0�-2Q�5 Comp�iarl�e Systems,In�.58F9-2TDB-2�15.3 I,3,1�25
<br /> Commercia�Real Estate Sece�rity Instn.iment-DL4U67 Pabe 4 oF5 www.campliancesystems.�om
<br />