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<br /> the real pr�perty described being set forth as follows:
<br /> In consideratinn of the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the partie5 hereto agree as
<br /> follaws�notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained rn the Note vr Security Instrument}:
<br /> 1. As❑f, APRIL 1, 2a1� the amount payable under the Note and the Security Instrumen� �the"Unpaid
<br /> Principal Balance"} is U.S. �1�4,1G9.�9, consisting of the amount�s} lvaned tv Borrower by Lender,
<br /> plus capitalized interest in the amount af U.S. �17,115.77 and other amoun#s capita�ized, which is
<br /> limited to �scrovvs and any legal fees and rela�ed forecio5ure c�sts that may ha�e been accrued for
<br /> work completed.
<br /> 2. Borrower prom�ses to pay the Unpaid Principal Balance, plus interest,to the order of Lender Interest
<br /> will be charged on the�Unpaid Principal Balance a�the yearly rate af 3.67UU%,fram APRIL 1,2416,
<br /> Borrower promises tfl make monthly paym�nts of principal and interest of U.S. $ 459.36, beginning
<br /> on the 1ST day of MAY,2�16, and continuing thereafter on�he same day of each succeeding month
<br /> until principa� and interest are paid in full. The yearly rat� �f 3.67�D°/o will remain in effect until
<br /> prin�ipal and interest are paid in ful�. If on APRIL 1,2D46�the"Maturity Date"},Borrower still flwes
<br /> amounts under the Note and the Security Instrument, as amended by this Agreement, Borrower will
<br /> pay�hese amounts in full on the Ma#urity Date.
<br /> 3. If all or any part af the Property or any interes�in the Property is sold or transferred�or if Barrower is
<br /> not a natural persan and a beneficia�interest in Borrower is sold ar transferred}wi#hout Lender's prior
<br /> written consent, Lender may reyu�re immediate payment in full af all sums secured by the 5ecurity
<br /> instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises �his aptifln, Lender shal� gi�e Borro�ver notice of acceleratian. The notice shall
<br /> pro�ide a period of nat less than 3� days from th�date the notice is del't�ered or mailed within which
<br /> Borrower must pay all sums secured by the Security Instrument. If Bflrrower fails to pay these �ums
<br /> prior tn the expiration of this period, Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by th� Security
<br /> Instrument wi#hout further notice or demand on B�rrower.
<br /> 4, Borrower a�so wili comply with all other co�enants, agreements, and reyuirements of the Security
<br /> Instrument, including with�ut limitation,Borrower's co�enants and agreements to make all payments
<br /> of taxes, insurance premiums, assessments, escrow items, imp�unds, and al� �ther payments that
<br /> Borrower is obligated to make under �he Security �nstrument; howe�er, the fo��owing terms and
<br /> pro�isians are fore�er canceied,null and�oid,as of the dat�specif ed in paragraph No. 1 abo�e:
<br /> �a} a�l terms and pro�isians of the Note and Security Instrument �if any} pro�iding for,
<br /> �mplemen#ing, or relating to, any change flr adjustment rn the ra�e af inter�st payabie under�he
<br /> Note, including, where applicable, th�Timely Payment Rewards rat+e reduction, as described in
<br /> paragraph 1 of the Timely Payment Rewards Addendum �o N�te and paragraph A.1. of the
<br /> Timeiy Payrnent Rewards Rider. By executing this Agreement, Barrower wai�es any Timely
<br /> Payment Rewards rate reduction ta which Barrower may ha�e otherwise been entitled; and
<br /> HUD-HAMP 1�452fl�5 3Sf 99�ZZU51U6
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