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<br /> _�_____________________�SP'�4.�E A..B�VE THIS I.�INE F�R RE��RI�IN�I3ATA�_--_�__.�___...._.�.�..__----
<br /> ��TI�I� �F I]�FAULT
<br /> Retum to:Forecl.Dept.,'SNalentine,C]'Toole,Mc�uillan c�c Gordon,L.L.P.,1].�4�Davenpa�rt Street,P.O.Box��01�5,Omaha,NE�SI54-�1?5
<br /> T��H�M IT MAY��N�ERN:
<br /> You are here�y no��fied tha�Jase L. Fernande.�N�end�za and Trinidad Fernande�, as hus�an�.and wif�, as
<br /> Tru.stors, did on or ab�u�Nove�nb�r 3, 200�,ma�e, �xecu�e and de�iver unta Traxz�nat�an, T�-us�ee, a Deed of Trus�
<br /> �rherein sa�d Trust�rs conveyed the fa1la�.ng-described rea�prapex-�y:
<br /> The Nor�T�o ��� fee�of Lo� S�x�een (I�}, a�I of Lot Four�een{�4}, and the S�u�t.h.Faur �4� feet �
<br /> of L�� T�vve�ve �I�}, Bl.ac� Tw�nty (2��, Scarffs Ad���ion ta �est La�rx�, �xrand Zs�and, Ha�I
<br /> �ount�,N�braska
<br /> a�securi�y f�r repayment of a 1�an v�rhzch the Trus�ors Qbtained�'rom.Ar�en�N�ortgage�vmpany, LL�,Benef ciary
<br /> �f said De�d of Trust vcjh�ch vsras rec�rd�d on November 4, ���4, in the off�e af�he Reg���er af I7e�ds af Ha��
<br /> �vur�ty,Nebraska, a�Ins�rument N�.����4��774.
<br /> �n ar about June�?,�4��,Argen��Iflor�ga�e Company,LL�,B�nef�ciar�,assxgned a��af�ts righ�,�i.t�e and
<br /> benefZc�al i.r�terest in t�i�TJeed�f Txus��a C�tifinancia�iVlar�gage�ompany,In�. The As�igrunent was r�corded Ju�y
<br /> �.�,,����,ir�.�he offzc��f the R.eg�ster Qf D�ed�of�3a���ounty,I�Tebraska,as Ins�rument I�To. D2��5�6�3�4.
<br /> t]n or ab�u� June 3, ���.5, �zt��r�.ortgage, �nc. Successor �ay Merger t� �z��f n�nGza� Mor�bage Go�aapany,
<br /> �nc., Ben�f�c�.ary, assz�;ned a�1 �f i�s right, tit�e and beneficial znt�r�st �n the Deed of Trust ta Bayview Loan
<br /> Ser�ricing,LLC. The As�ignment was recQrded Ju.xze�,���5, in�he office of�1i�Regi��er af Deeds of Ha�1.�vunt�,
<br /> Nebras�a,�.s Zns�rumen�No.�Z����3�7�.
<br /> �ami��� R. Hawk, At�arney �� Laur, ha� b�en a�apointed Su.�cess�r Truste�, puxsuant �Q a Substxtutian af
<br /> Trus�ee f�Ied f�r record wi�h th�Reg�s�er of I�eeds o�Ha���oun�y,�Tebraska.
<br /> Yau are further notif ed that�here has accurred a breach�f an obligat�an of fihe Trus��rs for vvhich th�Trust
<br /> prop�rty�as �onvey�d as se�uri�y, to-�rit, �hat the TruStors�lave fa�Ied ta pay the B�n�ficiary pa�en�s fihat �uere
<br /> c�ntrac�al�y due.
<br /> � You are further notified�h.a�if t��e d�faul�breach is not�ured v�i�hin�he redemp�ion timefram�a�lo�red for
<br /> under the N�bras�a Trust I�eed� Ac� �Neb. Rev. Stat. �75-100� �o §7G-��I 8}, the Benef�c�ary has ��ect�d t� and
<br /> does dec�are th� en��re unpa�d principal �alance, tog�ther u�i�h �ntere�t �here�n, at onc� c�ue and payab�e, and the
<br /> Trustee ha� eiected �o sel� �r �ause �o l�e s��d �h.e rea� praper� d�scri�ed zn sa�d Dee� af Trus� ta sa�isfy said
<br /> obligati�n.
<br /> I�ATEI�: � � ���� �ami��e R.Ha�v�,At�orney a�Lav�r, Successar Trustee
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � . �
<br /> Y: �. �_ -.
<br /> Caxn����R.�awk�#��3�5�
<br /> �or �1'al�ntzne,�'Toole,M��u�llan,c���rd�n,L.L.P.
<br /> I 1.244 I]avenpar�Street,P.�.Box S��I�S
<br /> �maha,NE���54-��2 5
<br /> 4��--33�-63��
<br /> IT 5 A`�`�RNEY S
<br /> STAT��F NEBRASI�A �
<br /> � ss.
<br /> ��UNT�QF I]C�UGLAS }
<br /> The fflregaing ins�ru�n�n�uras acknaw�edged before me, a r�otary publ�c by�amille R. Hav�k, Attorney a�
<br /> Law, Successar Trus�ee,an �� � •
<br /> �����'�A►���e������ �
<br /> I� �������A►� ..:
<br /> � Co�m.�.�a�5��� No�a.ry P�ic
<br /> Y
<br /> _.
<br />