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2� 1 ��358� <br /> B�RR��VER �4VENANTS that Barrawer is lawfu��y s�is�d of the esta�e hereby canveyed and has th�righ�ta <br /> grant and convey the Pr�per�y and�ha�the Proper�y �s unen�uxnb�red, ex�ept for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrflw�r warrants and will d�f�nd general��the t���e to �he Pr�perty aga�nst all c�a�ms and demands, su�j�c�to <br /> any encumbrances�f re��rd. <br /> TH�S �E�URITY �NSTRUMENT��xnb�n�s un�f�rm co�enants for nationa�us�and non-uniform�ovenarzts with <br /> ��mited varzations by jurisdiction ta ��ns�itut�a unzform security instrument cover�ng rea�praper��. <br /> Unifarm Covenants. B�rrower and L�nder�o�enant and agr��as fo�Iows: <br /> 't. Payment of Pr�nG�pal. Interest, Escrvw �terns, Prepayment �harges, an�1 Late Charg�s. Borraw�r <br /> shall pay vvh�n due the principa� of, and znter�st on, the debt e�idenced by t�e Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and �a�e char�es�ue ur�der�he Note. Borrower sha�� alsn pay fund� for�scr�w �t�ms pursuan�ta <br /> Section 3. Payments due und�r the N�te and this Se�ur�ty �nstrum�nt shall be made�n U.S. �urrency. <br /> Howe�er, if an�check or a�her instrument recei�ved by L�nder as payrr��nt under�he Note or this Security <br /> �nstrument ��returned to Lender unpaid, L�nder ma�requxre�ha�any or al� subsequen�payments due under <br /> the N�te and th�s�ecurit�r �ns�rumen�be made in�n�or more o��he f�I�owing farms, as se�ected by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} rnone�r�rder; �c} cer�ified check, bank�heck, tr�asur�r's check�r cashier's checl�, pravided any <br /> su�h check is drawn up�n an�nst��utinr��vhase d�pos�ts are znsured�y a federal agenc�, instrumen�a�ity, or <br /> �nt�ty; ar�d� Ele�tranic Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�ments ar�deemed rec�iv�d by Lender wh�n rece�ved at�he Iacati�n designated xn the N�te or a��uch <br /> other loca���n as may be designated by Lend�r in accordance with the no�ice provis��ns in Sec��on �5. <br /> Lender ma�r re�urn any payment or par��a�payment if the paymen�or partial pa�ments are insuff�c�ent�o <br /> br�ng the Loa�a current. L�nder may accep�any payment or par��a�paymen� insufficient to�ring the Loan <br /> current, u�i�hout v�a�vtr af an�r rzghts hereund�r or pre�udic��a �ts rzghts�o refuse such payment ar part�a� <br /> payments in the future, but L�nd�r is not ob�igated t� app�y such paym.en�s a��he time such payments are <br /> a�cepted. If each Peri�d�� Pa�men��s app��ed as of�ts schedul�d due da�e, then Lender need nat pay in�erest <br /> on unapp��ed funds. Lend�r ma�ho�d such unapp�ied funds ur�ti� Borr�wer ma.k�s payments��bring�he � <br /> I�oan curr�n�. �f�3orrower does r�ot do s��ith�n a reasona�ie p�r��d of�ime, �ender sha�� e��her ap��y suc�. <br /> fund��r return them�o Borrower. �f not app��ed ear�ier, such funds w���be app�ied tfl th��uts�anding <br /> prin�ipa� balance under�he Nate imm�diate��pr�nr�o fareclosure. No offs�t�r c�aim�vhich Barrovv�r might <br /> have n��r ar in the fu�ure aga�nst Lend�r sha�� re�zeve Borrower fram making payments due und�r the Not� <br /> and this Securi�y �nstrument or the covenan�s and agre�ments secured�y th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments vr Proceeds. Exc�p�as otherwise descr�b�d�n this Section 2, al�pa�m�nts <br /> ac��pte�. and app�ied by Lend�r shall�e app�zed�n�he fo�Iowing order af prxor�ty: �a} �nterest due under�he <br /> N'a�e; �b}princ�pa� due under the N'nt�; �c} amounts due under�ection 3. Such paym�nts shail�e app�ied �a <br /> each Per�od�c Payment�n�he order�n whiGh i�became due. Any remaining amounts sha��be app��ed first to <br /> late charges, s��ond to any�ther amoun�s�ue under thzs Security Ins�rument, and th�n�a reduce�he <br /> principal ba�a���af the N�t�. <br /> If Lender r�ce�ves a payment fr�m Barrawer far a delinqu�nt Per�od�c Payment wh�ch �nc�udes a suff���en� <br /> amount t�pay any �ate charge du�, �he paymen�may be app�ied ta �h�d��inquen�paymen�and�he�at� <br /> �harge. �f more than one Per��diC �'aym.�nt is flutstanding, Lender maY app�Y anY paym.en�r�ce���d fram <br /> B�rraw�r to the repayment af the Period�c Payments if, and�o �he ext�n�that, �a�h payment can��pa�d�n <br /> fu��. To �he�x.tent that an�e�cess exis�s af�er�he payment is app��ed to �he fu�l paym.�nt of on�or mnre <br /> Periadic Paym.ents, such e�c�ss may be app�ied to any la�e�harg�s due. Vnluntary prepaym�nts sha��be <br /> appl��d first to any prepaym�n�charg�s and�hen as described �n��.e N'o��. <br /> N�Bi�ASKA-5ingte�amily-�anr�i�MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE�t13D�y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 4 a#17 <br />
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