2� 1 ��358�
<br /> in the prop�rty and righ�s under�h�s Securi�y �ns�rum�n�; and td� takes such act�on as Lender may
<br /> reas�nabl�requ�re�o assur�tha� Lender's �nt�rest in the Pr�p�rt�and righ��und�r�his Securi�y�nstrument,
<br /> and Borrovv�r's abligation�o pay�he sums seCured��this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt, shal�can��nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barrower pay such r�insta�emen�sums and expenses in one or rnore�f the fn���v�ring
<br /> forms, as seiected by Lender: �a}cash; �b}money order; ��} certzfied check, bank ch��k, treasurer's check�r
<br /> �ashier's��Zeck, provxded any such check�s�ravvn upon an inst�tu��on whose depos�ts are�nsure�by a
<br /> federal agenc�, ins�ru.men�al�ty or en�it�; or�d� Ele��ranic Fu�ds Transfer. Upon re�nstatement by Barr�wer,
<br /> th�s Security �nstrument and obligat�ons secured hereby sha�� remain fu��y effec�ive as �f na acce�era��on had
<br /> occurred. Howe�er, this r�gh�to r��nsta�e sha�� not apply in th�case of accel�ra�ion under Sect�on ].8.
<br /> �4. Sa�e of N�te; Chang� vf Loan �er�icer; Nvtice of �rie�ance. The No�e or a par�ia� interes��n�h�
<br /> N��e���ge�he�r wi�h fih�s�ecurity Ir�s�rument} can be sold��.e or mnre�imes wi�hou�pr��r n�tice�o
<br /> Barr�wer, A �ale migh�resu��in a change�n the en�i�y �knawn as the "�.oa�t �ervi�er"� �hat c��lec�s Periodic
<br /> Paym�ri�s due under the No�e and th�s Security �ns�rumen�and performs o�her mor�gage I�an servicing
<br /> �bl�gat�ons under the No��, �h�s Secur��y Instrumen�, and Applicable Lav�. There a�so might be one or more
<br /> change�of�he I.�an Ser�vi�er unre�a�ed�a a sa�e�f�he No�e. If�here xs a change of�he L�an Ser�icer,
<br /> Borrovv�r w�ll�be g�wen writ�en not�ce of��e change v�hich wi�l sta�e��.�name an�address of the new Loan.
<br /> S�r�icer, the addre�s to whi�h payrn�n�s shou�d b�made and any o�her infflrmation RESPA requires in
<br /> �annection with a notice�f transfer of ser�ici�ag. �f the Note is sold a�ad thereaf�er the Loan�s ser�iced by a
<br /> Loan Serv�cer other than�he purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan ser�icing obXiga�ions�a Borrawer wi��
<br /> rema�n vvxth the Loan 5ervicer or be�ransferred to a successor Loan Serv�cer and are not assumed by�he
<br /> No�e purchaser un�ess o�hervvise provid�d hy�he N��e purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrav�er nor Lender ma�r commence,�o�n, or b�joined ta any�udicia� act�on�as ei�her ar�
<br /> �ndivzdua� l�tigan��r��e mem�er of a c�ass��ha�arises fr�m�he other par�y's actions pursuan��o th�s
<br /> Security �nstrument or�hat a�leg�s�hat�he o�her party has br�ach�d any prov�sion�f, ar any duty ov�ed b�
<br /> reason of, �his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�, unti� such Borrower or Lender has notified the other par�y �with sueh
<br /> notice given�n carnp�iance wi�h the r�quirements of Section 15} ��"suc�al�egea�breach and affarded��ae
<br /> other par�y here�o a reasonable periad after the g�ving af such notice to ta.ke correc��ve action. If App���a��e
<br /> Law provides a�irne per�ad wh��h must elapse before certain ac�.ion�an be�a.ken, that��me period w���be
<br /> deemed to b�reasonable for purpases of�his paragraph. The notice of a�celera�ian and opportunity to cure
<br /> g��ven�n Borrower pursuant to Section 22 a�r�d the nat�ce of accelera�ian gx�en to Borr�wer pursuan�ta
<br /> Sec�ion �S sha��be deemed t� �a�isfy�he not�ce and oppor�un�ty to take carre��i�e action provisions of this
<br /> Se���on 2a.
<br /> Z'I. �a�ardous Substances. As used in�his��ction�1.: �a} "�'a�ardor�s Suhstances"are�hose�ubstances
<br /> def�n�d as toxzc�r hazardaus substances, paliutants, ar wastes by Enviror�menta� Lav�r and the fo���v�ring
<br /> subs�ances: gasol�ne, kerosene, o�her f�a�mmab���r toxic pe�rol�um produc�s, t���c pestx��des and herb��ides,
<br /> volatile sol�ents, ma�er�a�s containing asbes�os or formaldehyde, and rad�aact��e mater�a�s; �b}
<br /> "�nviranrnert�ar L�w"means federai laws and laws of the jurisdic�ian v�h�re��.�Proper���s Iocated that
<br /> relate�o heal�h, safe�y ar en��r�nmen�al protections �c} "Enwiron�rtental Cle�nup"�nc�udes an�r response
<br /> act�on, r�media� ac�i�n, �r remo�al ac��on, as defined in En�v�r�nmen�aX Law; and �d} an "Environmental
<br /> Condition"means a condit�on that can cause, can�ribute t�, or otherwise trigger an Env�ranmenta� �leanup.
<br /> B�rr�wer sha��no��ause or perm�t the presen�e, use, disposa�, storag�, or r��ease of any �-iazardou�
<br /> Substances, or�hrea��n�o r��ease any �3azardous Substances, an ar in the Proper�y. Borrower sha��nat do,
<br /> nor a�1ow an�one�lse�o do, any�hing affe��ing�he Prop�r�y �a} ��.at is �n vio�a��on af ar3.y En��ronmental
<br /> Law, �b} whi�h creates an En�ironmental�andit�on, ar�c} v�rh�ch, du��a th�presen�e, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous 5uhs�ance, crea�es a cand�t�on tha�advers��y affec�s�he�aiue of the Propert�. The precedin��wa
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fanr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3D28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfi[NEy�13�Zj
<br /> Wvlters Kiuwer Financial 5er�ic�� Pag�i 3 of 17
<br />