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<br /> L��E�3 �F 1`R�J�T'
<br /> ��c���i���d� �age �'
<br /> E�en#of De��ul�. The words "E�en�of❑efau��" m�an any o��he events a�d�fault se�for�h in�his Qeed of Trust in
<br /> the events af defau�t sectian of�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Existing Indebtedn�ss. The wards "Exist�ng lndebtedness" mean the indeh#edness d�s�ribed in �he Existin� Liens
<br /> pr�W�s�on�f�his ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Hazard�us �ubs�ances. The words "Hazardaus 5ubstanc�s" m�an ma�er�al� that, �ecause af their �uantity,
<br /> concentra�ian or physi�al, chemi�a! or infe���ous �ha�acteristic�, may cause ar,po$e a pres�nt or potentia! ha�ard
<br /> to human health ❑r the enviranmen#when imp�oper�y us�d, treatedt S�Q�"$�, disposed of, g�nerated, manufa��ured,
<br /> ��anspvrk�d or oth�rwise handled. Th�words "Hazardous Substances'" are used in their �ery broadest sense and
<br /> inc�ude w��hout iim€�a�ion any and ail ha�ardvus or �nxic subs�ances, ma#eria[s a�- wa�te as de�ined by or I�sted
<br /> under the En��ronmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" al�o includes,without iimita�ion, petraleum and
<br /> petrofeum by-products or any frae�ion therea�and asb�s��s.
<br /> �rnpra�ements. The word "�mpro�ements" means a�l existing and future impra�em�n�s, bui#dings, s�ruc�ures,
<br /> mobile hames af�€xed an �he Real Proper�y, facilitie�, additians, replacements and oth�r�anstruc�ion on �he Real
<br /> P roperty.
<br /> Indebtedness, The word "[ndebtedness" means al� principal, int�rest, and ❑ther amaun�s, C�5�5 and expenses
<br /> pa�able un�er �he �redit Agre�ment or I�elated Dacum�nts, together with all renevua�s of, ��ctensi�ns of,
<br /> modi�i�a�ivns of, consvlida��vns af and su�stitu�ions;for the Cred€� Ag�eement or Related Dacum�nts and any
<br /> amvun�s expended ar advanced by l��nder fo discharge Trustar's abl3gations ar expenses incurred by Trustee or
<br /> Lender to enfvrc� Trus�ar's �bligations under this Deed af T�ust, �vgeth�r vvi�h in�erest nn such amounts as
<br /> pro�ided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Lender. The wo�d "Lender" means First National Bank af �maha, its successars and assi�ns. The words
<br /> "successors or assigns"mean any person or��mpany�hat acqu�r�s any in�erest in the�redit Ag�-�em�nt.
<br /> P�rsvnal Property. The wards "Persanai Proper�y" mean ali e�uipment, fixtures, and ather ar�ic�es n� personal
<br /> property now or hereafter owned by Trust�r, and naw or hereafter at�ached or af��xed �o the Rea� Pro�er�y;
<br /> tageth�r �rvith ali acces�ions, parts, and add`rtions to, af[ replac�men�s o�, and al1 subs��#utians for, any ❑� such
<br /> praper�y; and tage�her wi�h all pr�ceeds �incfuding w�thout �imitation a[1 insurance praceeds and refunds of
<br /> prem�ums}�rom any sate ar o�her disposi��on af th� Proper�y.
<br /> Pr�perty, The wv.rd "Property"means coilectiWely�he Rea�Prvperty and fihe Persanal Proper�y.
<br /> Rea[ Prop�r�y. The words "Re�l Property" mean the real property, interests and rights, as further described in this
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> Rela�ed I�vcum�n�s, The w�rds "Related Documen�s" mean alI promissory notes, credit agreements, [oan
<br /> agreemen�s, environmental agre�ments, guarant�es, security agreem�nts, mor�gages, d��ds of trus�, s�curity
<br /> deeds, c�llateral mortgages, and a!1 other Enstrumenfs, agreements and docum�nts, whether now or hereafter
<br /> exis�ing, executed in connectivn with the lndehtedness.
<br /> R�n�s, The wa�d "Rents" means all present and future rents, revenues, income, �ssues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> o�her benefits deri�ed fram th� P�operty.
<br /> Trustee, The word "Trustee" means First National Sank of Omaha, whvse address is �52a Dodge S�reet, Qmaha,
<br /> NE �8�97 and any subs�i�u�e or successar trustees.
<br /> Trus�o�. The ward "Trustar" m�ans T�mathy Harris and Kr�stine Harris.
<br /> TIRUST�R�#�REES T��YS T�R�J15.
<br /> TRUST�R:
<br /> - ^F �
<br /> x �:��,.�.r�..� �
<br /> Tim�thy Harris
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> �C �'�: �-�.-� �°'�' � ����� -
<br /> Kr�stine Ha�-ris
<br /> ���������►L. �1����'��.�������
<br /> STATE�F �"jf'�-� F'
<br /> }
<br /> }SS
<br /> C�UNTY�F �� �
<br /> �n this day�efare me, the undersigned hlotary Pub�ic, personally appeared Timo#h� Harris and Kri�fine Harrls, Husband
<br /> and Wife, as joint�enan�s wi�h r�ght af survi�vrsh�p,and nvt�s tenants in common.,tv me knflwn to be the indi�iduals
<br /> descr��ed in and�rvha�xe�ufed�he [�eed of Trus�, and acknowl�dged that�hey s�gned the Deed vf Trus�as their free
<br /> and�o�untary act and desd,far�he uses and purpases therein mentioned.
<br /> � p��
<br /> G��en und�r m�r hand and offiic�al seai#his �� ___day of ,�0 �
<br /> �
<br /> By ��� ��.�,�
<br /> Pr�n�ed Name: � �.�� . �
<br /> JfJ �E����L��TARY�St�.t�����b��s�� No�ary F�ublic in and tvr th��tate v� � �
<br /> fill ��#���r7r+R4..7���� �
<br /> �:::��� - ���Ar��7.�� ResidEng at � � ` �.° ��
<br /> p•�OV�m�I��',�,�d�� '.� a 's�� �
<br /> 1�[y c�mmis�ion exp��-es����.�'�, �����
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