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<br /> CQmp�iance 11111ith En�ir�nmen�a� Laws. Trustor represents and warrants�o Lender that: �'i} During�he periad o�
<br /> Trustar's �wnersh�p of the Prvperty,�here�as been no use,generation, manu�ac�ure,starage,treatmen#,disposal,
<br /> reiease or�hrea�ened re�ease of any Ha�ardvu� 5ubs�ance by any persan ❑n, under, abvut�r�rom the Praperty;
<br /> ��} Trus��r has no knowledge�f, ❑r reas�n ta believe�hat there has been, except as previous[y dis�fosed�a and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, ta} any breach or �ivla�ivn ❑f any En�iranmental Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> generatian, manufa�ture, s�orage, treatmen�, disposa�, release or threa#ened release af any Hazardous 5ubsfan�e
<br /> on, under, abaut ar'�rom fhe Pr�perty by any priar vwners ar occupants vf the Prop�r�y, �r �c} any ac�ual ar
<br /> �hrea�ened lifiigation or cl�ims ❑f any kind �y any person rela#ing to such ma�ters; and �33 Except as pre�iausly
<br /> dis�lased to and acknowi�dged by Lende�in w�it�ng, �a} neither Trustor nar any tenant,confirac�ar, agen#or other
<br /> authvri�ed user❑��he Properky shall use, gen��ate, manufacture,st�re,#re�t, dispose of❑r refease any Fiazardous
<br /> S�rbsfiance on, under, abvut a��ram the Proper�y;and �b} any such ac�i�ity shail be cvnducted in cvmplianGe vui�h
<br /> al� appli�ab�e federa�, s�ate, and �o�a� laws, regu�atians and ardinances, including withvut limitation ail
<br /> Environmen�al Laws. T�usta� authorizes Lender and i�s agents �v en�er upan the Praperty fiv make su�h
<br /> inspe��ions and tests, at Trus�ar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriafie �fl determin� compli�n�e ot the
<br /> Pr�pe�ty with this s�ctian of�he �]eed of Trust. An� inspe�#ian� ar tests made by Lend�r�hall be�or Lender's
<br /> purposes�nly and shafk nat be c�ns�rued tv �rea�e any respansibility vr�iab��i�y on the parf of Lender ta Trus�vr vr
<br /> t� any ather persan. The representa�ions an�l warranties contained herein are based an Trustor's due diligence �n
<br /> in�estiga�ing �he Pro�erty far Hazardaus Substances. Trus�or he�eby �'i� r�leases and waives any�uture ciaims
<br /> against Lender far indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trus�ar bec�mes �iab(e far cfeanup vr other�os�s under
<br /> any such faws; and (�} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hv[d harmless Len�er agains�any and all cla�ms, lasses,
<br /> liabilities, damage�, penalt3es, and expens�s wh�ch Lender may direc�l}��r indi�e��[y susta�n ❑r suffer resul#ing from
<br /> �breach vf this s�ctivn a�the Deed a�Trust or as a cvnsequence of any use, generativn, manufac�ur�, stvra�e,
<br /> dispvsai, re{�ase or threatened release occurring prior to Trus�v�'s awnership ar interes�in�he Praperty,whether ar
<br /> nv� �he same vvas �r shau�d have �een known #o Trustor. The proWisinns o��his sectian o�F the Deed of Trust,
<br /> including the❑bligation fa indemni�Fy and defend,shall survi�e fih�paymen�o�F the Indebt�dness and�he satisfa�tian
<br /> and recon�eyance of the[ien v�F#h�s ❑eed a�Trus#and shal�nvt be�ffe�t�d by Lender`s acquisition❑f any int�res�
<br /> in the�'rvperty,whe�her by fareclosure�r v�her�wise.
<br /> Nu�sanc�, Vlfas�e. Tru��or shall nvt cause, can�luct ar permi� any nuis�nce nor cvmmit, pe�-mit, or su'ffer any
<br /> str�ipping of v�waste vn or fi� th� Proper�y vr any portian ❑�F the Prnpe�ty. V11i#haut limiting the generality of the
<br /> �vreg�in�, Ti�usf�r wifl`nat remr��e; ar grant to any other pa�ty the righf to�remv�e, any t�mber, mineraf��inc�uding
<br /> ni�and gas�,coa[,��ay,s��ria,svil;�rave!vr rnck pr�du�ts wi�houfi Lend�r s prior wr�itten consent.
<br /> Remova�of�mpro�emenfs. Trustor shall not demalish or remo�e any Improvements from the Real!'roper�y wi�hvut
<br /> Lender's prior wri�#en consen�. As a�vnd�fian��the remo�al af�ny lmpro�emen�s, Lender ma�requi��T�ustor to
<br /> make arrangements satisfactory to Lender #r� r�p�ac� �u�h �mpra�ements with lmprQ�ements �f at least equ��
<br /> �a�ue.
<br /> Lender's Righ�to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upan the Real P�-operty at al�
<br /> reas�nab�e �imes �o attend to Lender's interests and t� inspect #he Real Praperty for purpos�s a'� Trustor's
<br /> campl�ance rrvith the�erms an�i cond�tions vf�his Deed��Trust.
<br /> ��mpl�ar�ce wri�h �o�ernm�r��al R�quirements. Trus�or sha�i pramp�ly comply wi#h all la�►vs, ardinances, and
<br /> regu�a�ions, naw ar hereafter �n e�fec�, of all governmental au�hori�ies app�Ecab�e ta the use or o�cupanGy v��he
<br /> Prvper�y. Trustvr may confie�t in gaod fai�h any.such law,ord�nance;or�egula#�vn and wi�hhv�d camp[iance during
<br /> any prvice�ding, inGluding apprapri�te appea�s, so Ivng as Trustor has r�oti'��ed Lender in writing priar ta do�ng so
<br /> and sa lt�ng as, in Lender'�so[e vpir�ion, Lender's in��rests in the Property are n�t jeopardized. Lende�-may require
<br /> Trustor tv post adequate seGur�ty vr a sure#y bon�,reas�nably s�#isfac�vey tv'Lender,to pratect Lender's in�teres�.
<br /> �u�y to Profi�c#. Trustar agrees neither�a abandon �r leave unattended �he Praperky. Trusfior shali d❑ ail ather
<br /> acts, in additian ta thase acts s�t farth abave in fhis sectian,which firam the charac�er and use of the Prvperty are
<br /> reasanably necessary tv protect and p�eserve the ProQer�y.
<br /> DUE DN SAL�-G�NSENT BY L�NQE�. Lender may, at Lende�-'s option, dsc�are immedia�ely due and payab�e a[1 sums
<br /> se�ured by this �e�d o�Trus#upon the sale flr transfer,�ithout Lend�r's priar writt�n consent,of a!l ar any part o��he
<br /> Real Property, vr�ny in�eres�in �he Real Property. A "sale ❑r transfer" m�ans the conv�y�nce of R��1 F'roper�y o�any
<br /> righ#, title vr interest in the Rea! Proper#y; �nrhether legal, benef�cia[ ar equitabie; whe�h�r �olunfary or it��o�untary;
<br /> whe�her by vutright sa�e, d�ed, installmen� sale con�ract, land con�ract, �antrac� �or d��d, leasehold interest with a
<br /> term greater than three 43} years, lease-optian cantract, or�y sa�e, assi�nment, or�r�ns�er of any beneficial in#eres��n
<br /> ar tv any land trust ha[ding tit�e ta the Real Pr�per�y, ar by any other methad af con�eyance of an in�erest in th�-Rea�
<br /> Pr�per�y. Ho�ever, th is option sha�� not be exercised by Lender �f such ex�rc�se is prahibited by ��deral 1aw or by
<br /> Nebraska[aw.
<br /> TA�CE� AN� L�E�V�, The follavving p�ovisions relating ta the taxes and iiens an �he Prvperfiy are par� of this ❑ee� o�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Tru�tor�h�ll pay vUhen due�and in a�i e�ents prior tv delinquency}a�l taxes,speciaf taxes,assessm�nts,
<br /> charges �inc�uding water and se�uver}, �ines and imposi�ions le�ied agains�or an accvunt o�the Proper�y, and shall
<br /> pay when du�a�l claims far�rvark done �n or for services rendered vr m��eria( �Furn€shed ta the Prvperty. Trustar
<br /> shall maintain th�Property€ree o�all �iens ha�in�priarity aWer❑r equal tv the in#eres#of Lend�r u�der#his C�eed of
<br /> Trust, except ��r �h� �ien af �axes and assessmen#s nat due and excep# as o�herwise pr��ided in thi� De�d af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> lRight tv Cont��t. Trus�or may withha�d paymen�o�any�ax, asses�ment, ar claim �n cannecfiivn with a.g�od�aith
<br /> dispute a�er�he abligation�o pay, so long as Lende�-'s interest in the Praper�y is nv��e�pard'tz�d. �f�lien ar�se�ar
<br /> �s filed as a resuft o'� nonpayment,.Trustor shall wi�hin f�fteen �'[5} days afte�-the lien arises or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> wi�hin �ifteen ��5} days after Trustnr i�as notice af the fi�ing, s��ure the �ischarge of the fien, �r if requested by
<br /> Lender,d�pos��wi�h Len�ier ca5h❑r a su�Fi�ient co�pvrate surefy band ar�ther security satisfactvry��Lender in an
<br /> amoun�sufficien�#o discharge the��en p�us any casts and attvrneys'fe�s, ar.other charges�hafi cau�d accrue as a
<br /> r�sult of a fareclasure ar s�le under the li�nr �n any�vntest, Trustor shall de#'end i�sel�and Lende�and sha[[satisfy
<br /> any ad�er�se judgment bef�re enfr�rcement ag�inst the Prapet�y. T�ustor shall name Lender as an additivna[obligee
<br /> under any surety bond�'urnish�d in�he cc�n#est pr�ac�edings:
<br /> EWiden�e v�Payment. Trus#vr shall upvn demand furnish �o Lender satis�Factvey e�iden�e��payment❑f the taxes
<br /> �r assessmen��and shall au�hori�e#he �pprnpriat�ga�ernmen�al vfficial tv de[i�er to L�nder a�any time a v�rr�fi�en
<br /> s�atement of the�axes and assessments a�ainst the Propet-fiy.
<br /> NotiGe o�Con�t�uctian. Trus�vr sha11 notify Lender�t �east�i�teen �'i 5} days before any work is commenced; any
<br /> services are furn�shed,c��any.ma�erials ar�supp�ied fa the Prvperty, if any mechanEc's lien, materialmen's.Iien, or
<br /> ather�i�n could be asserked ❑n accaunt of the work, servi�es,:ar m�fierials: Trustor wili upon reques�af L�nder
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfac�vey to Lender �hat Trustor can and wil� pay ttie cos� v� such
<br /> impr��ements.
<br /> PRDF'ERTY DA�IAGE 1NSURANG�. The fo���wing provisions re�a�ing to insuring�he Proper�y are a pa�v'�#his D�ed af
<br /> T ru st.
<br /> Main�ena�ce o� �nsurance. Trustar sha�� pro�ure and main�ain polici�s of fire insurance with s�andard extended
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