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<br /> Re�u rn To:
<br /> Hame Federa�Sa�in�s&__Laan
<br /> P C]Box 1�fl9
<br /> Grand IsI�.nd,NE �8$��
<br /> PART�ES: This Deed af Trust is m�de on May ��, �4�G among the Grantor, Laura N� Mastek, A Single Persan
<br /> �"Bnrrower"}, AREND R BAACK, ATTC)RNE�, v�rhose res�dence address is P. �. Box 7��, Grand �sland, �aIl �ounty,
<br /> Nebraska �"T�us�ee"}, and the Benefici�ry, H�ME FEDERAL SAV7NGS AND L�AN ASS��IAT��N �F GRAND
<br /> �SLAND, a corpo�ration organized and �xis�in� under the �aws �f NEBRASKA wh�se address is 2�l SC�UTH LC)Ct�ST
<br /> STRE�T,GRAND�SLAND,NEBRASK.A 688�� t"Lende�r").
<br /> C�NVEYAN�E: For�alue rece��ed, Bor�row�r ixre�ocabl� �rants and conveys�o T�rustee, in ��rust, w��h pawer af sa��,
<br /> the real proper�,of which Borrower is lavvfu�ly seiz�d,described be�ovv and aII bu�ldings,fix�ures,and existin�and fu�ure
<br /> impra�emen�s thereon and all righ�s-af-way,easem�nts,rents, issues,pr�fts, �ncome,tenemen�s,heredita�nen�s,pri�iie�es
<br /> and an�a�pur�enances�hereun�a belangin��all called the"proper�y"}.
<br /> PR�P�RTY ADDRESS:7�6 S Sfiuhr Rd,Grand �sl�nd,N�GSS��
<br /> LEGAL D�S�R�P'�`��N:
<br /> Th Easter�y�ne�undred Sixty�ne and Eigh�Tenths�1�1.8}fee�of Lo��i���1},Vailey Vzew Second Subdi�is�on, �n the
<br /> City af Grand�sland,HaII C�unty,Nebraska.
<br /> Loca�ed in�alI�aunty,Nebraska.
<br /> T�TLE: Bo�rrower con�enants and warranfs title ta the p�oper�y,except for
<br /> SECURED DEBT: Th�s deed �f trust se�ures to Lender repaymenfi of�he secured debt and t�ae pe�formance of the
<br /> c�n�enan�s and a�reeme�ts con�a�ned in th�s deed af trust and in any ather d�cumen� incorpora�ed here�n. Secured deb�,
<br /> as used �n this deed of trust, �ncludes any amoun�s Borro�ver owes ta Le�der under this deed of firus� or under any
<br /> insfirumen�secured by th�s deed of��ust,and ai�madif ca�ians,extensions and r�newaIs thereaf.
<br /> The secured debt is e��denced by�Lis�a�l instruments and a�reemen�s secured by this deed�f�rust and�he dates thereof.}:
<br /> ❑ Future adv�n�es: The abave amoun� �s secur�d ��en �hau�h a�l �r par� of�� may not ye� be advanced.
<br /> Future advances are con�emp�ated and wi�i be secured �o the same ex�en�as if made on �he date of this de�d af
<br /> trust is execu�ed.
<br /> AIl amoun�s�wed under this agreemen�are secu�ed e�en thou�h all amoun�s may����ye�be ad�anced. Fu�u�-e ad�ances
<br /> under the agreemerr�are c�ntemplated and wiii �e secured to th� same ex�en� as if made on �he date�his deed of�rus� �s
<br /> execu�ed.
<br /> The aba�e ohIi�a�ion is due and payable on No�ember�1,2��6, if no�paid earlier.
<br /> The ta�al unpaid batance secur�d by this deed of trust a� ar�y ane time sha�l nat exceed a maximum prin�ipat amaun� af
<br /> $�5�,�4�.00, p�us int�rest, plus any am�unfis disbursed under�he terms of this deed af�rust to p�rotect the securi�y of�his
<br /> deed of trust�r to perf�rm any of the co�enan�s contained in�his deed af�rus�,wit��interest on such disbursements.
<br /> ❑ Variab�e Ra�e. The interes� ra�e on the ab�i�ation secu�ed by�his deed of trus�rnay vary accoxd�ng to�he
<br /> �erms of#hat obl��ation. A Rider�on�ainin��he te�ns under �vhich the �nteres� ra�e ma� �ar}� �s attached �a �his deed af
<br /> trus�and made a par�hereof.
<br /> R�ders:
<br /> [,� PUD ❑ Condominium ❑ARM ❑ �]�her
<br />