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<br />����� �Zo A551�N�11�ENT�F LEA5E5 AND�EiV'TS.Trust�r irr���cab�y grants,conveys and 5��1s��Trus�e�,�n
<br />::::;
<br />:`:; ��u5t for�h�b�n�f�t�f�er�efic�ary,as addit�nnal s��urity all$he right,titi��nd ir►t�r���in ar�d��a�y�nd a��
<br />::::, ��i5ting�r future le�s�s,5L.1bI��5�5r and any�th�r vvri��en�r v�rbal agr��rn�nts far th�us�and vc�upanc��f
<br />::::� �ny��r�i�n of th�Pr��erty,in��udir�g an���c��nsi��s,renevvals,rn�difi�ati�r�s�r subs�ti�u�i�ns�f su�h
<br /> agre�rrients�a�f referred ta as"Leases'"��nd rents,155L1ES lP'1C�pr�fl�5{���I��f�P'I"�CI��d5'lR�nts"�.Trustor wil�
<br />::::� �r�rr�ptly pr�v�d���nef�ciary�vith tru�and��rr�ct��pi�s�f all��cisting and fu�ur�L�as�s.Tru�tor may
<br />::::; c��fe�t,rece6��,e�joy and us�the R�n��s�Ivng a�Trust�r is n��6n defaul�und��th�t�rrr�s�f�his 5��uraty
<br />����' In�trurr�ente
<br />:�:�;
<br />::::�
<br /> Tru�t�r a�kn�vvl�dg�s�hat this ass�grrrr�er��C�s perf��t�d u�aon th�r���rdir�g�f�hi5 De�d�f Trust and�hat
<br /> B�r��fi��ary is e��6�l�d t�n�tify any�f Tru�tar`5 t�r�ar�ts��rnak�p�yr�nent�f R�r�ts du�o���b�eor��du�t�
<br />::::� �en�fi��ary.Fl�vve�er,��n�f���ary agr��s that only or�def�ul��vi�B��n�fieiar�n�tify Trust�r ar�d Tru���r'S
<br />::::; $�nan�s and r�ake d�rr�and tha�all fu�ur�Ren�s be�aid direc�ly��Eer�ef��iary.�n r���E�ing r���ic��f d�fauit�
<br />�:::� T'ru�����vill�ndorse and d��i��r���en�fi�iary ar�y payrn�n�of Rents in Trustvr's p�ss�ssion and�vill r��eive
<br />����' any R�nts in�rust��r����fciary and wiil no���mmsngl�th�RentS wi�h ar�y�th�r fundso I�ny arr��ur��s
<br />����{ c�llect�d►n�ill b�a�plied as pr�vid���n�this Se�uri�y lr�5trur�ent.TruS�t�r►nrarrants�ha�na d�fault�xi��s und�r
<br />::::;
<br />:..:; th�L��s�s�r any�ppli�able lartdl�rdl�enant lavv.Trust�r a�5��gre�s t�main�ain and r�quire any ten�nt$�
<br /> ��mply►n�ith the t�rrr�s�f�he L�ases and app��cable favv.
<br />����' 13o LEASEH�LDS;�C]NID�iV��NIl3M5;�LAIVNED UfVIT DEIIEL�P�IiIENTSe Trus��r agrees t�c�mply
<br />::::� v�ith the prve��s���5�f a�y I�as�if this Seeurity Instrunnen�is�n a��as�hold.If�he Pr���rt�in�iudes�unit in
<br />::::! � ��or�d�r�air�iurn�ra plar�r��d urroi$d�vel�prn�nt,Trust�ro�vil!p�rf�rm all ofT�u�t�r°�d��ies ur�d�rth�
<br /> �ov�nar���,�y�laws,�r r�gula�i�n�of�h��ond�minium�r pl�nn�d unit
<br />����� d�v�i� m�nte
<br />:�:�; 14. DEFA�LT'. Tru��tor wi�l be in d�fauit if ar� art ob�� �ted❑r�the Se�ur�d��bt fa�ils t�make a r��nt�vhen
<br /> �i� Y � p Yr
<br /> ; due.Trust�r vvi��b�ir�defaul�if a breach��eu�s u�der the ters�s�f�h�s 5��urity Ir�strurr��r�t�r ar�y�th�r
<br />����� dacurn�nt ex��u$�d f�r�he�urp��e of er�at��g,s��uring�r g�arar�tying$h�S��ur�d���ta A g��d faith beli�f
<br /> by��nefi�iary tha���n�fi�iary at any tirne is ins�cu�e►n�ith re5pe����any gaer��n o�er��i�y��al�gated�n th�
<br />�:::�
<br /> S�cur�d[]ebt or�h�t th�praspe�t�f ar�y payrr�ent�r th�val��af the Pr�p��ty is�m�air�d shall als���nstitu�e
<br /> an�e��nt of d�f�ul�C.
<br />::::�
<br /> � 15� RE�EDIES�N DEFAULTv Ir�sorr�e instan��s,f�d�r�l ar�d 5tat�lavv�ill r��uir��en�fi�iary��p��vide
<br />:�::�
<br />-���� Trustor with n�ta�e�f�th�r�ght t��ur��r�th�r natE��s a�d s�a��stab�ish tirr�e sch�dules f�r f�r��l�sure
<br /> act��n5.SL9�J���t��h�5�I161'tl���1��15,if any,�en�fi�iary rnay accel�r����h�Se�ured D�b�and f�r��l�s��his
<br />::::� 5��ur��y Ir�strur�e�t ir��r�ann�r pr���ded by ia�r if Trust�r is in d�fault.
<br /> At th�op�a�n�f�enefi��ary,all�r�ny�ar��f the agr�ed f�e��nd�har��s,accru�d i���res�and princ�pa!
<br /> shal�be��rr��irnrn�d�a�e�y du�and payabl�,�fter gi�ing r���tice if requir�d by faw,up�n th����urren����a
<br />�:::; defau��or ar�yt�m�ther�aft�r.I�additi�n,�en�fi�iary shall be enti�led��al[th�r�rn�dies pr��id�d by lav�,
<br /> th���rr�s�f th�5��ur�d�el�t,thi5 5e�urity Irr�trurr��r�t and any r�l��ed do�urn�nts,�n�l�ading vvith�ut
<br /> Ism��ati�n,the p�vver t�s�ll the Pr�pert�.
<br />�::� .
<br />���� If�h�r�i�a d�faul�,Truste�shall,in a�ddi�i�n��any�th�r perrr�i���d rem�d�,at th�requ��t�f�he
<br />���� Beneficiary,adv�r�ti�e and se�!�he Property a�a►�vh�le�r in��par�t�par�e�s at pu�ii�au��ion to the high�s�
<br />:::� b�dder f�r���h and c�n��y ab��lute tit��fr�e and clear�f���right,�itl��r�d in��re�t�f Tr�sto�a�su�h tirr�e
<br />...,
<br />� a�nd pla�e asT'rus�ee design�tes.Trust�e shaff gi�e n��i�e�f s�l�includ�ng thet�m�,t�rrr��and pla�c��fsale
<br />:::; and�d�scrip�i�n vf the pr�p�rty to b�s�fd�s requ�r�d b��h�appli�abl�lav�r in��f���a�th��irn��f�h�
<br />�:�' p�op�s�d�ale.
<br />:::,
<br />:`� l� �r�s�le�f the Pro �rt �nd$��Che��ct�n�r�o� r�hib�t�d b la�v Tru���e�hall r�a�C n
<br /> f� � Y � Y � �a d d��a�r�r�d��d t�
<br /> �he Pr�p�rty s�ld vvh�eh��r��ey�abso�u��titl���th�purch�5�r,a�d aft��first p�y�n���l fe�s�charg�s arad
<br /> �osts,sha8�pay t���n�fi�iary a11 mon�y�ad�anc�d f�r r�pairs,t��c��,ingur�nce,[��ns,a���5s��nts a�d pri�r
<br />: �n�urr�bran���and in�t�r���th�reor�,and th�princip�l and int�r�st�n th�S��u�����bt,payrng th��ur�lus,i�
<br />:::` any,to T'rust�ro�er��fici�ry rn�y pur�ha��th�Prop�rty.Th�r�ci�a�s��any de�d�f��n��y�r��e shai�b�
<br />���� prirr�a faeie�vid�rs�e of�h�fac�5 s�t f�rth�he�ein.
<br />:::,
<br />:�:� All rernedies�r�di5tin�t,�urn�lative and n�t ex��usi�e,ar�d th��e���i�iary i�enti�led t�a��r�rr��di�s
<br /> pr���ded at lav��r�qu��y,vvh��h�r vr n��e�pressly set f�rthe Th�a�cep�anc�by B�n�ficiary�f any sum in
<br />���� �ayrn er��or�artia l payrn�r�t�n th�S�cu r�d��b�r after th e bal a n��i�d u���i s acc���ra��d�r af�e�fo�e�����r�
<br />:::� pr����ding�ar�fil�d shall no��onstitut�a vvaiv�r�f Een�fieaary'�r�gh�to requir���rnpl���cure�f any
<br />:::;
<br /> �xi�ting defaul�a�y r�vt��c�rci�ing any r�rnedy�r�Trusto�'�def�ui$,E�r��fi���ry d�es nat v��iv���r�ef�ia�y°�
<br /> reght tv later c�nsider the�v�ra�a d�faul�if it c�n�inues�r ha ens .
<br /> pp
<br /> �gain.
<br />�:�� [perge
<br /> _1944 ONolter��Clvw�r Fi�raneial Sero�ices��ankers 5ysteons '� �orm LfS�-REDT-IV�1"I 1�51201�
<br />:�:�
<br />:�:�
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