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<br />:::::i �d ��NIIEYAIV�Ea F�r g��d and valuable C�nsid�ra$ivn,�he r�c�dp�and suffi�iency�f vvhi�h is .�
<br />:�:�:j �cknovvledg�d,ar�d tt�secur�the S��ured�]�b��d��ined b�iow}and Trust�r's perfr�rr��r���ur�der�his S��urity
<br />������ ln��rurne�$,Trus�or i�r�vocably gran�s,�onv�y�and selis t�Trus��e,irr�rust f�r th�b�n�fi�v���r�e�i�iary,
<br />:.:.:,
<br />:::�:� �vith ovv�r�f sa1� the foll�vvin d��cr�bed r� ert :
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<br />=::::� Tvge�h�r�ith a��r�gh$s,�as�rr��nt�,appurt�nan��s,r�yalties�r�nin�r�i rights,a�l and ga�rights,al�on�at�r and
<br />....�
<br />:.:.�
<br />�����' riparian r�ghts,dit�h��,arad vvat�r sto�k�nd all existing and futur�impr�v�rnents,s�ru�tures,f�xtures,�nd
<br />:::::;
<br /> rep�a�er�ent�th��r�nay r�ovu�,�r a�any tir��in th�future,be�art�f th�r�a�����t�d��eri�ed ab�o���ai�r�ferred
<br /> � �o as"Pr���rty���.
<br />:::::�
<br />:::::�
<br /> 3. MA�t�IfU���LI�ATI�N LI��T�Th���tal�arir�cipa�arr��unt s��ur�d by this S�curity Instrurn��t at�r�y
<br />����� on�t�r�ae shall n�t e����d� ..��$,447.�.�...........e....e....,....e.o e T'�i�s lgrnitation�f�rr�aun�does nvt inc�ud�
<br /> in��rest and ot��r f�es and�har�e��a.l.i�ly�nad�pur�uant to thi�Security Instrument. A�sa, �his��r�i��ti�n d��s
<br /> n�t apply t�adv�nc�s rr�ade ur�d�r���e terrns vf thi�S�curity rnstrurn�nt t�pr�te�t��nef���ary's security and�❑
<br />.:.::;
<br /> perform any❑f the���r��an�s��n��ined�n thi��e�urity Instrum�r�t.
<br />:::::;
<br />:::::; 40 5E��1REl7 I3E�T AN�FUTUIRE A�1lAfV�ESo Th���rrn"S�eur�d D�bt"�s d�f�n�d a�f�llo�vso
<br />���� A.f�ebt ir��urr�d und�r th�te�m��f a!�pr�nnis��ry n����s�,��ntract�s},gu�r�r��y(i�s��r�th�r�vid�r����f
<br />::.,
<br />�����' debt d���ribed belv�r ag�d a�1�herr ea�fensi�r��, r�nev�a�s, m�d�ficati��s or sub�ti�ut��r�s. �hen
<br /> r�f�rer��drag�h�d�b�s be1�w r�rs.�u99�sted�h��y���n�lr�d�i��r�s s��h�.s b�rr�wers'r��rr�es,r����
<br />=����' �rr��r�rrts,in�er�s�ra�es,m��c�rr�y dates,���.�
<br />:::::;
<br />=����i ��r�r�v�er�s}: `TYLER HAIVS�IV ar�d JE�S��A HAIV��N
<br />::::; PrincipalliV��xirr�urri Lin�Arra�unt: �78,447.��
<br />::::� iVl�#urity Da#�: D512�1��36 �
<br /> N�#� []a��: �����1�0�6
<br /> ' �. All future advances fror�n�er��fi�ia�y�a Trus��r�r�th�r futur�obligati�r���f TruSto�°t���n�f�iary
<br />:::::� .
<br />=::::� under an�prorr�i���r��aa�e,contract,guaranty,vr�ther e�id�n�e vf deb$ex��ut�d byTrust�r in fa��r
<br /> �f�en�f�c�ary af�er th�s Security�r�s�rurnent�vh��h��or n�t thi�S��urity in�trur�ent is s���ifi�ally
<br />::::� r�f�rent�d.If rn�r�than�ne person s�gns this S�curi�y Instrur�ner��,�ach Trust�r agr�es that thi�
<br />:=:::�
<br />:::::; Securi�y fr�strum�nt vuill s�cur�alf future advances ar�d fu�u�e ab�igation�that���g���n t��r incurr�d
<br />=_�::� by ar�y�ne�r m�re Trustor��r ar�y�n�or r�ore T'r�5t�r arad��h�rs.AI!futur�advar��e��nd ather
<br />:=:::�
<br /> futur�o�ligati�ns a��s��ur�d by this S��urity Ins�C�urnent e��n th�ugh all ar part r�a�n��C y�t be
<br />::::� advancede Aff future�dvar���s and��her futu���bligati€�n5 ar�s�Cur�d a�s if mad��n th�dat��f this
<br />:�:�� Securi�y�nstrum�n�.IV�thing in this 5e�uri�y lnstrur�en��hali�ons��tute���rr�rnitrn�nt t�m�k�
<br />::::; add��ior�al�r future����s�r ad��nee5 in any arr��unto Ar�y�u�h earr�rr�itr��nt r�ust be�g�eed t�in�
<br /> � separat�vvri�ing.
<br />::::�
<br />����' �o A!I�bligat��n�Trus�o���v�s t���r�eficiary,virhich r�ay I�ter�ri��,$�th���t�r��r�ot pr�h�b�t�d by lavv,
<br />::::; in�ludir�g,b�t not lirr�sted t�,�iab���ti�s f�r ov�rdrafts re�atin t�ar� d� osit a���un�� re�rnent
<br /> 9 Y B� �
<br /> b�t►n�e�r�Trus�or and�er��ficiary.
<br /> [7. AI�additi�nal sur�s ad�ar���d�nd��pense��ncurr�d by Eeneficiaryf�r insuring, preserving�r
<br />����� o�h���is�pr�t��ting�h�Property ar�d��s v�lue and any��h�r surns ad�an��d ar�d exp�n5��in�urred by
<br />:::� ��n�f�ci�ry und�r�h�terrns�f thi�S��urit�lns�rur�en�.
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