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2� 1 ��3485 <br /> I]EED �F �TRU�T <br /> Laan No: �I]'I 2957�� ���ntlrlued� I'age 4 <br /> the Property sha�l he used firsfi t❑ pay any amoun�owing �ka Lender under this Deed of Trust, then to pay a�Crued <br /> �n�erest, and the remaind�r, �f any, shall be applied t� the prin�ipal balan�� of the lndebtedness. if Lender hofds <br /> any prviceeds a�ter payment in fiuli of the Indebt�dness, such praceeds shall be paid ta Trust�r as Trustor`s <br /> in�eres�s may appear. <br /> Trustor's Rep�r�on insurance. Upon requ�s�t of Lend�r, hnwever not mare than once a year, Trustor shafl furni�h <br /> to Lender a report �n �ach existing pnlicy ❑f insurance shawing: {�y the name af the insurer; �2y the risks <br /> insured; �3} the amount af the palicy; �4} the prflp�rty insured, th� �hen current replacemen� �a�ue o� such <br /> praper�y, and th� manner o�de�ermining that �alue; and �5y the expiration date af the policy. Trus�or shall, upon <br /> reques�❑f Lender, have an independsn�appraiser sa�isfac�ory to Lender de��rrriin� the �ash value repiacement cos� <br /> ❑�the Praperty. <br /> LENaER'S EKPE�VC]ITUR�S. If any activn or proceeding is �omm�nced that would ma��rially affect Lender's intert�s� in <br /> the Prnperty or if Trustar faiFs �o camply wi�h any prQvisi�n of this aeed of Trust or any Related ❑o�uments, including <br /> hu�t nat limited �a Trustor's faiiure to discharge ❑r pay when due any amoun�s Trust�r is required �o discharge a�- pay <br /> under�his Deed Qf Trust�r any Rel�ted Dacumer�ts, Lender �n Trustor's behal�may {but shal� not be obliga�ed toy take <br /> any ac�ian �hat Lend�r deems appropria�e, including hut not limited tn discharging ar paying ail taxes, liens, security <br /> interests, encum�ran�es and a�her c�aims, afi any�ime levied or p�aced fln the pr�perty and paying all Costs f�r insur�ng, <br /> maintainEng �nd preserving the Property. All such expendi�ur�s incurred ❑r paid �y Lender for such purposes vuill then <br /> bear interest at th� rate charged under the Note fr�m �he date incurred ar paid by Lender ta the date of repayment by <br /> Trustor. Ai! such expenses will b�c�me a part ❑f the Irtdebtedn�ss �nd, a� �.ender's optian, will �Ay be payab�e vn <br /> demand; {gy b� added �❑ the bal�n�e ❑f the Nate and be apportioned aman� and �e payable wi�h any installment <br /> payments to be�ame due during �ither �1� the term af any appli�able insuranc� paiicy; ar ��7 th� r�ma�nin� term af <br /> the No�e; �r {C} be treated as a �al�oon paym�n� whi�h will be due and payable at the Nnte's maturity, The Deed afi <br /> Trust alsa will secure paym�nt af these amaun�s. Such right shali be in addit�an t� al! other rights and rem�dies t❑ <br /> which Lend�r may be entitled upon ❑efault. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE�F T1TL�. The fallowing pra�isions relating tn awnership ai`�he Pra�erty are a par�❑f thi� De�d <br /> of Trusfi; <br /> Tifil�. Trustar warrants tha�: {ay Trus�or hvlds g�ad and marketable title af record t� the Property in fee simple, <br /> free and clear a�F al! liens and encumbrances �ther than those se� far�h in the Real Praper�y desc�-ip�i�n �r in any <br /> title insurance policy, titl� repor�, ar fina! title apini�n issued in fiavor af, and accept�d by, L�nder in connectinn <br /> with�this Deed of Trust, and �b� Trustor has the fu�l right, pvwer, and authority t❑ execute and deliWer this Deed af <br /> Trust fa L�nder. <br /> D���nse �f Title. �ubjec� �o �he �xc�ptian in the paragraph ab�ve, Trustar warrants and will ��re�er defend the <br /> title �b the Prop�rty agains�th� lawful claims af all psrsans. In the event any a�tion or praceeding is cammenced <br /> that qu�stions Yrus�or's title or#he interest❑�Trus�ee or Lender under this De�d of Trust, Trust�� shall de�end�he <br /> �c�ion at Trustar's expense. Trustor rr�ay be the naminal party in such prac�eding, bu� Lend�r shail �e �ntitled t� <br /> participate in �he proc��ding and to be represented in �he praceeding by counsel a�F Lender's tiwn choi�e, and <br /> 7�rustor ��II deli��r, or caus�to be deli�ered, to Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may request fram time tv time <br /> to permi�such par�icip��ion. <br /> Compliance With Laws. Trus�ar warrants �hat the Property and Trustor's use o� the Prop�rty campli�s vui�tht all . <br /> existing applicable iaws, ordinances, and regulations �f goWernmental author�ties. <br /> Survi�al vf Represen#ativns and Warranti�s. All representa�ions, warranties, and agreemen�s m�de by Trust�r in <br /> this Deed of Trust shall surWive the ex�cu�ian artd deli�ery af this ❑eed ❑f Trust, shalj b� cantinuin� in nature, and <br /> shafl remain in full f�rce and effect until such time as Trus��r's Indeb�edness shall be paid in full, <br /> ��NDEMNATIC]N. The fa�lowing praW�sions relating t� c�ndemnation proceedings are a part vf this Deed ❑�Trust: <br /> Pr�ceedings. If any praceeding in condemnativn is fi�ed, Trustor shail promp��y natify L�nder in wri�ing, and <br /> Trustor shall pramptly �ake su�h steps as may be nec�ssary t❑ defend the acti�n and ohtain the award. Trustor <br /> may be the n�minal party in such prace�ding, �ut Lend�r shall b�ent�tied to participa�e irt the praceeding and �to be <br /> represented in the pro�ee�ling �y counsei �f its awn choi�e, and Trustvr will deli�er ar �ause ta be d�livered �o <br /> Lender such ins�ruments and dacumen�atian as may he requested by Lender fram t�me �o tim� ta p�rmit such <br /> participa�iQn, <br /> Applicafiian of N�t Prac�eds. I�al� ❑r any part of the Proper�y is �and�mn�d by eminent damaEn proceedings ar by <br /> any proceeding �r purchase 'rn �i�u�f condemnatian, Lender may at its ele�tian require that all �r any por�ian of the <br /> net proceeds vf �h� award be applied to �he Ind�btedness ❑r the repair or restoration of �he Prap�rty. The net <br /> pr�ce�ds of the award shali rr�ean th� avuard after payment o�F all reasona�le cos�s, �xpenses, and attorneys' fses <br /> incurred hy Trustee ar L�nder�n conne�tion with�he condemna�ion. <br /> �MP�SIT�ON �JF TAxES. FEES AiVa CHARGES BY GdVERNMENTAL AUTH�RlTIES. Th� �ollowin� praWisi�ns rela�ing <br /> to g��ernmental taxes, fees and charges are a part o#this Deed of Trust: <br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upan request by Lend�r, Trus��r sha(I execu�e such documents in addition to <br /> �his Qeed of Trust and take whate�er other acti�n is requested by Lender to perfec�t and cantinue Len�er's lien �n <br /> the Real Propert�. Trustar sha�� reimburse Lender �vr all taxes, as described �eEaw, tQge�her with all expenses <br /> incurred in re�ording, perfecting ar �ontinuing this Deed af Trust, inciuding withaut lim�tation all taxes, fees, <br />