2� 1 ��3475
<br /> ather sums,wi�h ix�.te�est, advan�ed und�r paragraph 5�o pr�tect the seeurity of�his Security rnstrument
<br /> or other�vise due under the�erms af�his Security Instrument;and��)�the performance of BorroWer's
<br /> co�Tenants and agreemen�s und�r�his SeGurity Xnstruzn�nt ar�d the S�ca�nd No�e.The full d�bt, including
<br /> amounts described in�a),��a�,a�d�e}aboue,if not due eariier, is due and payrab�e on��ve�nber �,
<br /> 2�96.�or this purpose,Borrower�rre���abl�grants a��d con�e�s to Trustee,in trus�,wi�h pflwer�f sale,
<br /> the f�llowin�des�ribed prflper�y�ocat�d in H��..�Count�,NEBRASKA:
<br /> See�egai desCriptivn as E�h�bi�A a�tach�d here�n and made a parf hereof for aI�rntents and
<br /> purposes
<br /> �vvhich has�he addr�ss of
<br /> ����T��h�'�`R���,17[)�YIP�3A�,�eb�ra�ka���3Z,�"�'rap�rty Addres�"}
<br /> TQGETHER�]V�TH a�l th�irnpro�emen�s now or hereaf�er ere�ted on�h�proper�ty,and aII ea�emei�ts,
<br /> rights,appurtenanc�s,and���ur�s now or her�after a part Qf the pro�erty.A�1 replacements and
<br /> add�tions sha��also be covered by�hks Se�urity�nstrum�nt.All of�he fareg�ing�s referr�d�o in�his
<br /> Se�urit�� Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> B�RR�W�R C�V��VA�I'TS that Borrower is lawful�y sei�ed of�he esta�e hereby convey�d and has th�
<br /> right to gran�and convey the Pr��erty and that the Property�s oni�encumb�red by a Fxrs�Security
<br /> Instrument given by BQrrow�r and dated�he same dat�as this Seeurit�znstrum�n��"F��rs��ecurity
<br /> �nstrum�nt"}. Borr��v�r���arran�s and will defend generally the tit�e to the Proper�a�,a�nst al�clain�as and
<br /> demands,sub�ect tv an��ncumbran�es af r��ord.
<br /> TH�S SE�UR7TY�NSTRUMENT combzn�s uniform co�enan�s for national use and nan-uniform
<br /> co��nants w�th limited variat�ons by j urzsd��tion t�consti���e a uniform securi��r�ns�rumen�co�ering
<br /> rea�property.
<br /> UNIF�RM���ENANTS.Borro«�r and Lender cflvenan�and a�re�as f�llaws:
<br /> 1.Payment af Prin�ipal and Int�re�t.Bflrrawer shall pa�when�.ue the princ�pa�of,and int�rest on,
<br /> �he debt e�idenced by th�S��ond Na�e.
<br /> 2.Pa�m�nt of Prop�rty Charge�.Bor��o�v�r shall�ay aIl pro�erty charges�ons�sting of proper�}�taxes,
<br /> hazard insurance prem�ums,flood in�suran�c prem�ums,graund rents,candominiu�'n fees,pianned unit
<br /> d��elo�ment fees,home�wr�er'�assa�cia��on fees,and any other sp��ia�assessments that may be required
<br /> �a}�1Q�a�or st��te Ia��in a time�y�nanner,and shai�pro�ide��idence c�f paymen��o L�nder,un�es�Lend�r
<br /> pays�er�ain prop�r�y charge�as pravzded far and in ac�Qrdance wit��the Laan Abreement.
<br /> 3.Fire,Flofld and Q�her Hazard Insuran��.Borr�v�er shall insure all impro�ements on�he P.�aper�,
<br /> whe�her naw in e�istence Qr subsequent�y erected,against any hazards,casual�ies,and c�n�in�enc��s,
<br /> zn�lud�n�, bu�n�t lzmited t�,�re and flood;for whi�h Lender requir�s insurance. Such insurance sha��
<br /> be ma�ntain�d i�th�amounts, and f�r the p�riods�hat L�nder r�quires;Lez�der has the discr�tiQn to
<br /> in�rea���r dec��ase�he amoun�t of any insura�ce r�quired a�any time pravid�d�h�amount�s�qual to 4r
<br /> greater than any minimum r�quired by�he Secretary of Housinb and Urban Devel�pment�"Seere�azy"�
<br /> V11'he�.her or�o�Lender imp�ses a flaod insuran�e requirement,BorrQw�r sha�1 at a minimum insur�all
<br /> �mprovemen�s on�he Pr�per��,whe�her n�w in��istence or subsequen����erec�ed,against l�s�by flaods
<br /> to th�e��ent required by�he S ecretary.�f�he Lend�r imposes insuranc�requirements,all insuran�e sl�a��
<br /> l�e carried Wvith compani�s appra���i by Lender,and the insu�rance pol�ci�s ar�d any renewals shall be
<br /> he�d b�Lender and sha11 in�lude loss payabl�clauses �n fa�Qr af,and in a f�rm aeceptab�e�o,Lend�r.
<br /> Pag� �of 13 �LE�M Secvnd Deed�fTrust--?41�
<br />