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rn <br /> �� m Cn Z <br /> �� � �� � � rn <br /> � w � rn� � �� � <br /> o � �� �� � � �rn � rn <br /> � �� �� �� � � C� p � <br /> � z C z� � <br /> � ' �� �� � Z � �7 CI] <br /> � w �� Z� � � �rZT1 � Z <br /> � i �C �� p � �Ov � CI] <br /> �� �� rn� rn �� � � <br /> 'C � m rn� � � y C� � C <br /> � � <br /> � � �� � � � <br /> C� � r� <br /> � �� � .�.� Z <br /> � o� j�j � � <br /> I�] Z <br /> � <br /> ___W___________�___________________�_______________________Space Abo�e This Line for Recarding InforrnationW�-------------__________��_________W______________W_ <br /> TRUSTE�'S DEED <br /> Th�s instrument,made th�s 9�h day o�May, 2�1 d,between�ric H.Lindqu�st, a mem�er nf t�e <br /> Nebraska State$ar Associatian, Success�r Trust�e, h�ereinafter called "Grantar", pursuant to a pavver <br /> o f sa le contained �n that cer�ain Deed �f Trust r�carded �n Apri� 29, 2�Q8 as Instrument No. <br /> �2��8436Q7 in the Dff�e �f the Register af I�eeds af Ha�l ��unty, Ne�raska, and RE� A�set <br /> Mana�enr��nt�ornpany, L.L.0.,here�nafter cal�ed"�-rantee". <br /> WHEREAS, flr�February 19, 2��6, �rantor, executed a N�t�ce of Defau�t�ursuant to <br /> wh�ch not�ce vvas g�ven ta Jeffrey I-�. R�es�and, �.s�ngle man, Trustor, under that certa.�n Deed <br /> of Trust recardec� on Apr�� �9, ���$ as Instrument Na. ����8�3�Q7 �n the �ff��e of the <br /> R�gister�f Deeds of Hall C�unty,Nebraska, coverxng that c�r�ain prern�ses descr�bed as: <br /> LUT T�E.LVE �12}, BL��I�. TWE�VE ���}, BRETT A��D JQHN�QN'S <br /> ADDITI�N,VILI�A�E�F�QQD RI�ER,HALL��UNTY,NEBRA SKA, <br /> that a breach of an obli�ation f�r which the trust property u�as con��yed had ac�urred,and s�tting for�h <br /> th� nature of such br�a�h and �f h�s elect�on t� sell ar cause to be s��d suc�. praperty t� satisfy �he <br /> ob�igat��n. Said Not�ce �f Default was filed for record �n the �ff ce of the Register of I3eeds of Hali <br /> Caunty,Nebraska,on Februar� 19,2�16,as Instrun�ent No. �Q I.601��6. <br /> A copy af such Nat�ce of Default was ther�after ma�led to a��par�ies entit�ed to n�t�ce <br /> pursuant to sa�d Deed of Trust and�n�onzp��an�e�v�th Neb. Rev. �tat. �76-1��5. <br /> Subsequent thereto, beg�nning on �I�Iarch 23, ��1�, Grant�r caused to be pub�xshed in <br /> The ��ancl Island Indep�ndent, a nevvspaper hav�r�g a general �irculat�an in Ha�� �ounty, <br /> Nebraska, a Notice of Trust�e's Sa�e settxng f�r�h a descr�ptian�f the property to be s��d and <br /> stating that the descr�bed property w�uld be s�ld at pubiic auct�on to the h�,ghest bidder for <br /> �ash�r certif��d�r cashier's check, at at the lower�eve1 �abby�f the Ha.�l County�ourthouse, <br /> �st & Lacust Stre�t, �rand Is�and, Ha�l �ounty, 1�T�b�raska at 1�:�� AM �n May 9, ��16. <br /> Pub�icatxon af such notiee was rnade far f�ve cansecutive weeks an Mar�h 23, 2�15, March <br /> 3�, 2�16, Apr�� 6, 2�1�, Apri� 13, 2�1� and Apri� ��, �Q 1�, the �ast publ�catian being at least <br /> ten�1�}days but n�t m�re than th�r�y(3�}da�s prior to the date�f sale. <br /> A c�py af such notice af the t�me and place�f s�.��was thereaft�r ma��ed to all par��es entitled <br /> ta n�tice pursuant to sa�d Deed of Trust and in c�r�p�ian�e v��th�eh.Re�v. Stat. �76����$. <br /> Pursuant to said Not��e of Tru�te�'s Sa�e, Jahn McDerm�tt, attorney far �rantor, d�d <br /> at the time and��a�e mentioned�n said Notice of Trustee's Sale, offer said proper�y far sa�e at <br /> publ�c au�t��n, and d�d s�l�the same to �-rantee f�r the surn of$S,1��.��, it being the highe�t <br /> �id.der theretar. <br /> N��V,THEREF�RE,�n cansideratian of the pr�m�ses and�f the sum af$5,�DQ.�Q s�b�d and <br /> paid as aforesaid, I, �rantar, do hereby grant and con�ey unto said Grantee, �ts success�rs and ass�gns <br /> fflr��er,a���he estate,right,t�tl�and interest of whic�the said Jeffrey H. R.�esland,a s�ng�e man,and <br /> LLK <br />