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2� 1 ��3425 <br /> p�r�itted by lavv, the notice sha�l furt�er inform�orrow�r of the right to reinstate after acceieratian andl <br /> the rig�t��brinb a�ourt ac�ior�to assert the non-existencQ of a default or any oth�r defense of Barrower to <br /> ac�eleration and sale. If�he defaui�is not cured vn or before th� dat��pe�ified�n the not��e,Lender at its <br /> aption may require �mm�drate payment in fu�I af all sums se�ured by this Securi�y� Instrument without <br /> further dem�nd and rnay �nvoke the power af sale and any o�her remedies permit��d by App�icable Law. <br /> Tv the ext�nt permitte� �y law, I.dender sha�l �e entitled to coll��t all Qxp�nses incurred. �n pursu�ng the <br /> r�me���s pr���d�d in this Section,�n�lud�ng,but nat linuted to, rea��nab1Q a�torneys' f�es and�osts of t�tle <br /> ev��ence. <br /> If the powQr of�ale is�nvo�ecl,TrustQe shall record a no�ice of defa�alt in each caunty in which a�.y par�of <br /> th�Pro�erty is lo�at�d and�ha�l rnail�opies�f such not��ce in the ma�ner prescribed by Appli.cabl�Law to <br /> �orrotiver and ta th� athex°�e�sans pres�ribed �y App��cab�e Law. Af�er the time requir�d �y App�icable <br /> I1aw, Trustee sha�l g�ve pu��ic natice Qf sale tn th� pe�sons ar�d in the manner prescribed by A�plica��e <br /> Law. Trustee,withuut deman�on�3orrower,sha��se��the Prop�rty at public auct�on to the�i��est�idder <br /> at th�time and place and u�d�r th.e terms desibr�at�d in the not�ce of sale�n one or mur�parce�s an�in any <br /> arder Trustee d��ermines. Truste� may pastpone sale af a�� or a�y par�e� of th� Property �y pu�Iic <br /> an�ounc�ment at�he t�xr�e a��.pla�e af any pre�ious�y sc�ec�ulQd sa�e.L�nder or its desibnee may p�r�hase <br /> tlh�Pro�erty at any sale, <br /> Upon recei�t of pay�ent of th� pr�ce bic�, Trustee sha�� c�e�i�er to the purchaser Trustee's cl�ed canveyin; <br /> t]he Praperty. The rec�ta�s�n th�Trustee's deed�hal�b�prirna facie e�idene�of�he�ruth of the statemer�ts <br /> �ade thereir�. 'T'ruste� sha�� apply �he prvicee�s of the sal� in the fn�lowinb ord�r: �a} to alI casts ar�d <br /> expernses of e�ercisi�g th� po�ver of sal�, and th� sale,includin� the pa�rx�ent of t�e Truste�'s fees actua�ly <br /> in�urred and reasona�le attorneys' fees a5 perm�tt�d by Applicabl� Law; �b} tQ al� sums secured �y this <br /> Secur�ty In�trument; and�c�any excess�o the pQrson or persons lebally entitled tv it. <br /> Re�onveya�ce.Upan payment of a11 sums secured�y this Securi�y In�trument and termination of B9�rower's right <br /> to o�b�a�n fur�her advan�es u�ader the Contrac�, Lender sha1� r�qu�st Trustee to reconvey the Prop�rty and shall <br /> surrender this 5ecurity Ins�rur�ent and al�con�racts evidencina deb�s�� by thrs Security Ir�strument to�`rustee. <br /> Trustee sha�1 reconvey�he FrQper�y with�ut warranty to the person ar persans Iegal�y enti�led to it. Su�h person ar <br /> persons sha�� pay any recordation costs. Lender may charge su�h persan or persons a fe� far recan�eyin� �h� <br /> Pr�per�y�but on�y�f the fee is paid�o a third pax���such as�he Trustee} f�r ser�ices rendered and�h��harging of <br /> the fee is p�rm�itted under App�icabl�Lavv. <br /> Su�stitute T�usteQ. Lender, at i�s aption, may frorn time to �zme remove Trustee and appoint a su�cessor trustee <br /> to any Trustee appo�nted her�und�r by an ins�rument recorded in �he county xn whi�h this Security Ins�rument is <br /> r�corded.W�thout con�reyance of the Property,the succ�ssor�rustee sha�l succeed to al��h�title,power and du�ies <br /> canferred upon Trustee herein and by App�icable Law. <br /> Request f�r Nvtices.Borrower requests that cop�e�flf the notice of defau�t and sa�e be sent to Borrav�er's address <br /> �vhich is the Property Address. <br /> BY SI�IVIN� BEL�W, B�rrow�r �ccep�s a�d agrees to the terms and cavenants contain�d in a11 pa�es af�his <br /> Security Instrument and in�ny Rider e�e�u�ed by BorroUver and r�-corded with it. Sibned and sea�ed by Borrow�r: <br /> ,.�..p � ��,a.a.,v"��r _...,._ � ��� ,-e �� ��e � � <br /> " �eh�F~ Y� �^ 5 �}� � :�� � <br /> � �����] ty �r„_...,t�. �� � '�������'t°'�.� <br /> �. <br /> ,..,•.:.. E � �Seal} ��•� � �Sea�} <br /> �. u�..� <br /> �remy Q Lewandowski Da�e I� ist�n M i�ewandawsks I]ate <br /> D 20�}4-2D15 Complianc�Systezns,Inc.8CS4--7E51-2415.1�,3.1�98 <br /> Cansuxner Real Est�te-Security Instruznent DL2�36 Page 5 of 7 www.compliancesystetris.Gom <br />
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