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<br /> Hazardaus Suhs�ance�. The �nrords '"Hazar�aus Substances" mean ma#eria�s that, ��cause of th�ir quantity,
<br /> cancen#rat�an ar physical, ch�mical or in�ectious charac�eristics, rr�ay caus� or pvse a present or patential hazard
<br /> �o human heal�h or the environmen�when improperly used, tr�ated, sta�ed, dispased of, generated, manufac�ured,
<br /> transpor�ed or atherwise hand�ed. The w�rds "Hazardous Substances" are used in their very broadest sense and
<br /> include w�thout limi#ativn any and a�[ hazardous or toxic substanc�s, mater�af� or waste as defined by ar listed
<br /> under�he Envir�nmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Subs#ances"also includes,withou�limi#ativn, petroleum and
<br /> pe�roleum by-pr�ducts or any fraction fhe�eof and ashestos,
<br /> Imprvvements. The w�rd "lmprovements" means al1 �xis�ing and futur� imprvvemen�s, bui�dings, struc�ures,
<br /> mo�ile hvmes affixed on the Real Property, €a�ili�ies,`additions, repla�ements and ather constructEon an �he Real �
<br /> P rope�y.
<br /> lnd�btedr�ess. Th� ward "Indebtedness" means al� �rincipal, �nter�es�, and vther amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Credit Agreement �r Rela�ed Do�um�n�s, tage�her w�th aIl renewals v�, extensions nf,
<br /> madifications of, cansolidations �f and su�stitutions fvr the Credit Agreement o�- Refated Documents and any
<br /> am�un�s �xpended a� advanced by Lender to discharge Trustor's obligatians a� ex�enses �ncurred by Trus�ee ar
<br /> Lende�- ta enf�rce T�ustor's obligations under this Deed o� Trust, tagether vuith int�rest on such amaun�s as
<br /> p�ovid�d in th is ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> L���er. The word "L�nder" means Firs� Na�ion�l Bank of �maha, i�s successors and assigns. The �nror�s
<br /> "successors or assigns"mean any pe�son or c�mpany tha#acquires any interest in the�redit Agreement.
<br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal Property" mean a�l equipmen�r �IX�L1�"B5a and o#her ar�i�les of �ersona�
<br /> p�-operty naw �r hereafter owned by Trus�ar, and now nr hereaf�er attached or a��ixed to the Rea� Property;
<br /> tagether with a�l acCessions, par�s, and additions to, all r�p�acements Qf, and al� subst�#u�ions fior, any of �uch
<br /> property; and �ogether with all proceeds �inciuding wi�hout limEtation al� insurance proceeds and re�unds o�
<br /> p�emiums}f�om any sale o�r ather dispositivn o�the Property,
<br /> Prvperty. The word "Property"means collectivel�the Real Property and the Persanal Property.
<br /> Real Rraperty. The words "Real Proper�y"mean�h� real proper�y, interests and rights, a�fu�-#her des�ribed in #hEs
<br /> C3eed of Trust.
<br /> Relafed Do�umen�s. The wo�ds "Related Dacumenfs" mean a�l promissor� notes, credit agr�emen#s, laan
<br /> ag�-eements, en��ronmenta� agreemen�s, guaranties, `security agreements, ma�tgages, deeds af trust, security
<br /> deeds, colfateral mar��ages, and af! ather instrumen�s, agreemen�s and da�uments, whether now or herea��er
<br /> existing, executed in c�nnection w�fh the Indebtedness.
<br /> Ren�s. The word "Rents" means al� pres�n� and fu�ure rents, revenues, income, issues, roya��ies, profi�ts, and
<br /> other��nefits deri�ed from the Praperty.
<br /> Trustee. Th�ward "Trustee" means Firsf Natiorta� Bank a��maha,whose add�ess is �6�� Dnd�e Stree�, �maha,
<br /> NE �8�97 and any substi�ute or successor�rus#ees.
<br /> T�ustor, The wo�d "Trustor"means Janis K Garre�t.
<br /> AGREES T� IT5 T�RM�.
<br /> TRU5T�R:
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<br /> C�UNTY aF � �
<br /> �n this day before me, the undersi�ned Nota�y Pubfic, personaliy app�ared JanE� �C Garrett, a sing�e persnn, to me
<br /> known tv be�he individua�desG��bed in and wha executed�he 17�d�f Trust, and acknowledged�hat he or she s�gned
<br /> �he Deed af Trust as his ar her free and voluntary a�f and deed,for�he uses and purposes therein ment�oned.
<br /> Given under my hand arad o�ficial s�al th�s ��'` day af , ���� �❑ �'� .
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