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<br />:�:;
<br /> ?
<br /> 2� 1 ��3394
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<br />���' 16� E�CPEIVSES;I��'V'AIV�ES�fV��11ENANTS;I�TTC]R1NEY5°FEE5;C�3LLE�T`��N��5°T5.Ex��p$
<br /> �h�n prohi�ited by 1avv,Trust�r agr�es t�pay al��f�e�efi��ary's experases�f T�ust�r breaChes any eo��nar�t
<br /> ir�this S��urity Ir�strurn�nt.T�u���r vvil�als�pay�n d�rr�and any am�un�in�urr�d by�e��fi���ry f�r
<br />���! insur�r►g,i�sp��tir�g,pr�s�rving�r�th�rv�ris�pr�tec�ing the Pr�p��t�ar���er��fi�iary's��curi�y int�res�.
<br />:::;
<br />:::i Th�S��3���1�5�5 IIIIII!bear ir���res�from the dat��f th�p�ym�r�t un�i�pa�d in full at th�h�gh�st�n����st rat�in
<br />-:::i
<br />..� eff�ct�s pr��ided in th�t�rms of th�Secured�ebta TruS��r�grees t�pay��!����ts and��cp�n���ii��urr�d by
<br /> �enefi��a�y�n eallect�ng,��af�rcing a�pr�te�tirrg��n�fi�iary'�rights and r�nnedi�s und�r this SeCur'sty
<br /> Inst�ur�ner�t.Tnis am�unt r�ray includ�,�u�i5 r�o��irr�ited��,att�rr��ys'f���,c�urt c�sts,and�th�r I�g��
<br />:::; � �xp�n�es.Thi�S��urity Instrurri�nt shali remai�i��ffe�t ur��il r�l�ased.Tru�t�r agr��s$�pa�far a�y
<br />" r�e�rdati�n�os�s�f sueh��l�as�.
<br />:.:,
<br />_�:��
<br />����� �7e EN11iR�NMElVT'AL LA1�5 A►IVD HA�A��[]LJS S�J�STAN�ES.As us�d ir�thi�s��tian,��}
<br />:.:� ..
<br /> En�i��r�r�r�er�ta�Lavv mear�s,vv�th�ut limitat��r�,th�Connprehe�siW�Er�Wir��rrr��ntal Re�p�nse,Cvrrap�ns�t��r�
<br /> � �nd Lia�iiity Act��ER�LA,4��J.S.�.96�1 et seq.},and al��th�r f�deral,s�ate arrd l���I Bavvs,regu��ti�r�s,
<br />:=::�
<br /> �rdina�ce�,�aurt�rd�r�,att�rr��y ge�er��opini�r���r ir�terpr�ti��l�tters c�r���rning�h�publi�h�a�th;safety►
<br />����' vvelfare,�n�ironm��t��a ha�a�dous sub�t���e;and ���H��ardc�us 5ub�tar�ce r��an5 ar�y t�x��,radioac�i�e o�
<br />...�
<br /> ha�ardou�mat�rial,vvast�,p�l��a�ar�t�r��ntar�ir��nt vvhich has�har�c�eri5tic5 v�h��h r�nder the s��st�n�e
<br />����' danger�us�r pv��ntial�y dan��r�us ta th�pub�ic h�alth��afety,�nrel�ar��r�n�i��nr�n�rat.Th�t�rrr��n�ludes,
<br />=����' vvi�h�u���rr�itati�n,any subst�n��s d�fira�d as°'ha�ard�u5 r�at�rial,,�"���ei�subs�ar�c�s,"�'ha�ard��s�a�te`��r
<br />:::::�
<br />_�:�.� °'ha�ard�us subs�ar���°'under any En�ir�r�m�nt�l Lavvo
<br />:=:=:�
<br /> Trust�r�epr�ser��s,e�v�r�an$s and agr��s tha��
<br />-::::� A. Ex�ept a�pr�e��aus�y discl�sed arad�ckn�v�rledged in�riting t���r�efi�ia�y,��Ha�ard�us Su�Sta�r��is
<br />:=:::�
<br />������ ���nri�f b�I�cated,stor�d�r r�leas�d�n�r i��h�Prop��ty.Thi�r�s��i�ti��d�es n�t apply t�srnal�
<br />::::i quant��i�5 of H��ard�us 5u�s��nces th�t ar�g�n�ral�y r���gr����d to b�appr�priat�f�r the r��rr�a�us�
<br /> �nd rnain��na��e �f��e Pr�pert�. �
<br />::::� �. Exc�pt as p�eviously dis�l�s�d�nd ackn��vledg�d in�uriting t���r�efi���rg�,Trust�r ar�d e��r*y�enant
<br />::::� hav� b��n, ar�, �nd sh�ll r�rrlain in�'ull c�rr�pliance v�r�tl� a���ppllcab�e E�vir�n�nenta�La�.
<br />:�::�
<br />=::::� C. Tr�St�r shali i�r�ed�ateiy n�tify�e�efi�iary if a re��ase�r threaten�d��I�a�e of a Ha�ard�us 5ubstar�ce
<br />::�::� ��Cu�s�r�,under�r ab�ut th�P��p�rty��th�r�is�vi�lati�n�f ar�y E�e�ir�nrr�ental La�v��nc�rn�ng�h�
<br /> Pr�p�r�y.In such ar���er�$,T�ustv�shall tak�all n���ssary rerri�dial a�ti�n in acc�rd��ce vv�1:h any
<br /> Env�ronmental Lavv.
<br /> Do Trust�r sh�fl irnm�diately r����fy��nef�iary�r�r�vri�ing a��o�r�as Trus���h�s r�as����b�li�r��th�r��s
<br /> any pe�d€r�g�r threa��r��d�n�r�5tiga�i�rr,�lairn,�r pr�c��d�ng rela$ir�g t�the r�l�ase�r thr�at�r��d
<br />:=:::;
<br /> rele�s� �f a�y�i��ard�us 5ubs�an�e or�he v��1�t�on ❑f a�y Envir�nment�l La�.
<br />...,
<br />:-�::; ��a CC�N�EI"�INATE�lV.Trustnr vvill gi����neficiary pr�rr�pt n�$ic�of ar�y p�ndir�g or thr�atera�d a�t�can,by
<br />:::::i pr���$e�r publie er�titi��$�pur�h�s��r�ak���y�r all�f th�Property thr�ugh e�nderr�r�ati�n,�min�nt
<br /> d�main,or any��h�r mean5.Trust�r au�h��i����en�ficiary��i��ter��r���r�`fru5t�r°s name in a�y�f th�
<br />������ ab��e d�s��i��d act��r�s�r claims.Trus��r assig�s t���n�f�iary�h�pr�c�eds�f�ny a�ard vr�lalr�f�r
<br /> d�mag�s c�nn����d►�ith a c��demna�eon Qr�th�r�aking�f a11�r any part�f the Pr�p�r�y.Su�h p��C�edS
<br />:::::; shall b��onsider��l payrrients and vv��l�e ap�li�d as�rv�ided�r�this Sect�ri�y Ir����ur�er�t.This a��agnm�n��f
<br /> pr����ds�s subj�ct���h����rns of any pri�r r��r�gage,de�d�f trust,s��urity agr�er��rat�r vth�r li�n
<br />�=���� d��urr�ent o
<br />::::;
<br />=::::, ��. INSURAlV�E�1'rusto�shal�ke�p Pr�perty insu��d agains�[oss by fir��fl��d,th��k a�d oth�r ha�ard�and
<br /> risks r�asonably a�5oci�t�d vvith the Pr�perty due t�its typ�ar�d���ati�r�.This ira5urance shall be r�a�nta�n��
<br />=�=��� � i�th�ar��unts and f�r the p�ri�ds that Eer��fie�ary require�.l�lha����refi�iary r�quir�5 pur5uan�t��he
<br />:::::� pr���ding t�o sera��r��e5��n�h�r�g�dur�ng�h�$�rm of�h�5���r�d��bt.Th��r�suranc��ar�ier pr��id�ng�h�
<br />���a insur�n�e sh�ll�e ch�s�n by Trus�vr�ubj���to�enefl�iary's appr��a�,�hieh sha�f r��t be ur�r�asvr�ab[y
<br />-:::; vvithh��d.!f Trus�c�r fails t�r�nair�tain th�c�r�erage described abo��,Ee�ef��iary rr��y,at B�n�fc�ar�'s option,
<br />:::::; �btain���erage t�p�ot���E�ne�ici�ry's righ$s in th�Pr�p�r�y aC���d�ng t�the�e�rr�s�f th�5 5��uri�y
<br />:::::; Ir��trument.
<br />.....,
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<br />:::::�
<br /> (pag�5 v�7�
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<br />=:=::; _1��41JIlolte�s Kluvv�r Fonan�ial Sere�i�es-Eank�rs 5ystems � F�rm 1�5�-F�E477'-I!!IE"E"E i'I 61�0�2 -
<br />:�:�:�
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