2� 1 ��3393
<br /> The property is located in ...Ha 11 . ............ .... at . .......... ..
<br /> .................. ... ... ........... ..... ... ................
<br /> �Caunry}
<br /> ..�91?..W..16 th..S�............................. ..Grand,I s 1 and,.................y Nebraska ..6.8 8�3,.........
<br /> (Address} �City} (ZIP Code}
<br /> 'Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, r�yalties, mineral r�ghts, oi� and gas rights, a�� water and
<br /> ripar�an rights, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future �mprov�ments, structures, fixtures, and
<br /> replacements that may nav�, or at any time in the future, be part af the real esta�e d�s�ribed abo�e �a1I referr�d
<br /> to as "Praper�y"}
<br /> 3. MA�IMLTM �BLIGATIUN LIMIT, The totai principal amount secured �y �his Security Instrument a� any
<br /> on� �ime sha�l nat exceed $ 17�.?.0�:.�.�................................... . This limitatian of amaun� does n�t
<br /> includ� interest and other fees and charges �alidly made pursuant tn this 5ecuriCy �nstrum�nt. Also, this
<br /> limitation does nat apply to ad�ances mad� und�r the terms of this Security Instrument ta protec�
<br /> Beneficiary's security and t�perfarm any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument.
<br /> 4. SECURED DEBT ANI3 FLTTURE ADVANCES. The t�rm "Secured Debt" is defined as follaws:
<br /> A.De�t incurred under the terms of a11 prom�ssory nate�s�, c�ntract(s}, guaranty(ies} or other e��dence of
<br /> debt described belaw and all their extensians, renewals, modifications vr su�stitutions. {�ou must
<br /> specr;�cally identif��he debt{s}secured and y�u should inc�ude the�r�ar maturity date of such debt�s).}
<br /> Nate Dated May 13,, 2 D 15 ,In The Amount �f $17 f���.�4
<br /> Accruing At A Vara.able Rate With A Maturity I3ate �f May �5� 2��1
<br /> Said Loan In The Tvame�s} �f Tim W Cl�ud
<br /> And Karen M Cloud
<br /> B. Al� future ad�ances from Beneficiary to Trustar or other future obligations of Trustar to B�n�fi�iary
<br /> under any promiss4ry n��e, Cantract, guaranty, �r �ther e�idence of debt e�ecuted by Trustor in fa��r
<br /> of Beneficiary after this S�curity InStrument whether or no� this Security Instrument is spe�ifically
<br /> referenced. If m�re than one persvn signs this Se�urity �nstrument, each Trustor agre�s that th�s
<br /> SeGuri�y Instrum�nt wi�� secure a11 future ad�ances and future abligations that are gi�en ta or incurred
<br /> by any ane or mor� Trustor, or any vne or more Trustor and others. A11 future ad�ances and other
<br /> future abligations ar� secur�d by this 5ecurity Instrument e�en thaugh a11 or par� may nat yet b�
<br /> advanced. All future advances and oth�r future �b�igations ar� s�cured as if made on the date of thrs
<br /> Security Instrument. Nothing in this Se�uri�y Instrument shall consti�ute a commitment ta make
<br /> additional or future laans or ad�ances in an� amount. Any such commitment must b� agreed to in a
<br /> separate writing.
<br /> �.A11 other obligati�ns Trustor ow�s�o Ben�ficiary, which may 1at�r arise, to th� extent not prohibited by
<br /> �aw, including, but na� �imited to, liabiliti�s far a�erdraf�s relating to any depasit a�count agreem�nt
<br /> b�tween Trustor and Beneficiary.
<br /> D.A1� additional sums ad�anced and �X�]�I75�5 incurr�d by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or
<br /> atherwise protecting th� Prop�rty and its value and any �ther sums advanced and expenses incurred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the t�rms of this Securi�y Instrum�nt.
<br /> In the e�ent that Beneficiary fails to pro�ide any r�quir�d notice of the right of rescission, Beneficiary wai�es
<br /> any suhsequent securi�y int�re�t �n the Trustnr's principai dwelling that is crea�ed by this Security Instrumen�.
<br /> 5. D�ED �F TRUST ��VENANTS. Trust�r agrees that the ca�enants in this sectian are material o��igations
<br /> und�r the Se�ured Debt and this Security Instrument. If Trustnr breaches any c��enant in this sectian,
<br /> Beneficiary may refus� to make additional extensions of credit and reduce the credit �imit. By not ex�rcising
<br /> eith�r remedy on Trustor's breach, Benefi�iary does n��wai�e Bene�ciary's right ta later�onsider the�v�nt a
<br /> br�ach if it happens again.
<br /> Payments. Trustar agre�s that all payments und�r t�e Secured Debt w�11 1�e paicl when due and in accarciance
<br /> �with the terms of the Secured Debt and th�s S�curi�y Instrument.
<br /> Prior Security Interests. With regard ta any ather m�rtgag�, deed of trust, security agreem�nt or ather l�en
<br /> dn�ument that creat�d a priar secur�ty interest nr encumbran�e on the Property, Trustor agrees to make all
<br /> payments when due and ta p�rform or comply with a1I covenants. Trustor also agrees not to allo►�v any
<br /> madificatian ar extensi�n of, nor ta request any fu�ure advances und�r any note or agreement secured by the
<br /> lien da�ument without Benefi�iary's pr�or vvritten appra�al.
<br /> �laims Against Titie. Trust�r wi11 pay all taxes �including any tax assessed to this Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessm�nts, �iens, encumbrances, lease payments, graund rents, utilities, and other charg�s relating ta the
<br /> Property when due. Beneficiary may require Trustnr to pr�vide ta Beneficiary copies of all notice5 that su�h
<br /> amount� are due and the receipts e�idencing Trustor's payment. Trustor will defend title ta the Proper�y
<br /> against any claims that would impair the l�en of th�s Security instrument. Trustor agrees ta assign t❑
<br /> B�neficiary, as re�uested by Beneficiary, any rights, claims �r defenses Trustor may have against parties who
<br /> supply labor or materials tv maintain or impro�e the Praperty.
<br /> Security Instrument-aper�-End-Consumer-NE ❑CP-REDT-NE 71212Q1 1
<br /> VMPD Bank�rs Systems'�" VMP-C4fi5�NEf �11D7).OD
<br /> Wa�ters K��awer FinanciaE 5er�ic�s Q1994,�Q11 Page 2 of fi
<br />