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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> W �c� � � �z � cn <br /> o z� � � �rn � - <br /> o �� p � �Ov W C�1] <br /> rn� rn � �� � � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> cr� r� <br /> �� � �� rn <br /> o� � � � <br /> � �' z <br /> 0 <br /> VIIHEN FiEC[]RDEI] MA�L T�: <br /> Ex�hange gank <br /> �� -Allen Dri�e gran�h <br /> 't 2D4 Allen Dr <br /> PD Box 5793 <br /> �rand Island. NE 688n� ,,,.,W,.,��.,W,. _,.��„_,,�,_ ,.,._,.,.,�,,._W, F�,R,RE��RDER"S.USE�NLY <br /> vEE�v oF -rRusT <br /> THIS DEED []F TRUST is dated May 27, Z�'16, among HUFF PR[]PERTIES. L.L.�., A Nebraska <br /> Lim�ted Liability Company 4"Trustar"�: Exchang� Bank, whvse address is GI - A�ien Drive <br /> Bran�n, ���4 Allen Dr. P� Box �793. Grand Island, NE �5��� treferred to belo►nr svmetimes <br /> as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"�; and Exchan�e Bank, whase address is P�B 76D. <br /> G�bhon, NE �854� �referred to below as "Trustee"�. <br /> C�NVEYANCE AND GRANT. Fvr �aluable considerativn, Trustor canWeys to Trustee in trus�, 1NITH P�1NER DF SALE. <br /> for �he bene#it vf Lender as Beneficiary, a�i of Trustor's right, tit��, and interest in and to �he �ollowing described rea[ <br /> property, �agether with all existing or subsequentfy ere�t�d ❑r affixed buildings, impro�ements and �ixtures; a�l <br /> easements, rights of way, and appurtenanGes; all water, water rights and ditch rights �includ�ng stock �n utilities with <br /> di�ch or irrigativn rights�; and all other righ�s, royal�ies, and profi�s re�ating to the real proper�y, inc�uding withaut <br /> �imitation a[( minera[s, oil, gas, gea�he�mal and s�milar matters, �the rt Real Praperty"} la�ated in �iall Gounty. <br /> State vf Nebraska: <br /> The VIlesterly Farty Nin� �49� Feet vf Fractional Lat Four 44;, Fra�tional Block Twenty Une <br /> ���}, Fair�iew Park Additian and its cvmplement, to-wit: All of FraCtivna� Lnt Four �4�, <br /> Fract�onal B�ock Six ��;, Walf��h's Add�tian, bath �eing Additions ta the City of �rand <br /> Island, Ha11 Cvunty, Nebraska <br /> The Real Property ar its address is commvnly known as "i�'19 'Vlr 9th St, Grand �sland. NE <br /> �88��. The Real Prvperty tax identification num#�er is 40�'I 3D�4�. <br /> CROSS-G�LLATERALlZAT10N. In addition to the Not�, this Deed of Trus� secures all �bligations, de�ts and liabilities, <br /> plus interest�her�on, of Trustor to Lender, or any one ar more of them, as we[I as all claims by Lender against Trustor <br /> or any one or mare of them, whether now existing �r her�after arisin�, whethe� rela�ed ar unrelat�d to th� purpose vf <br /> the N�te, whether �oluntary or atherwise, whe�her due or not due, direct or indirect, determined flr undetermined, <br /> a�solute or contingent, liquidated or unli�uidated, whether Trustor may be I�able indi��dually �r jointly with ❑thers, <br /> whe�her obligat�d as guaran�or, surety, ac�ommodatian party or otherwise, and whether reco�ery upfln su�h amvun�s <br /> may be or her�after may becom� barred by any statute of limitations, and whe�her�he obliga�ion to repay such amvunts <br /> may b� or herea�ter may become otherwise unenforceable. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addition t❑�he Note, �his Deed vf Trust secures a�l futur� ad�ances made by �ender ta Trust�r <br /> wh�ther �r not �he ad�an�es are made pursuant to a �ommitment. Speci�ically, without fimitatian, this Deed of Trust <br /> secures, in addition to the amounts spec�fied in the Note, al[ future amounts Lende� in i�s d�scre�ion may loan to <br /> Trustar, together wi�h ail in�erest thereon. <br /> Trust�r �resent�y assigns tv Lender �also known as geneficiary in this D��d of Trust� a�l ofi Trustor�5 right, title, and <br /> interest in and to all pres�n� and �uture leas�s of the Property and all Rents from the Property. �n addition, Trus�or <br /> grants to Lender a Unifarm Commer�ial Code security interest in the Persona� Property and Ren�s. <br /> TH�S ❑EE❑ �F TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AN�THE SECURITY iNTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRUPERTY, iS GIVEN TQ SECURE {A� PAY�ENT DF THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND �B� PERFORMANCE QF <br /> ANY AND ALL QBLIGATIC]NS uNDER THE N�TE. THE RELATE❑ D�CUMENTS, AND TH1S DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED QF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERFDRMANCE. Ex�ept as o�herwise pro�id�d in this D�ed of Trus�, Trus�ar shall pay to �ender all <br /> amounts se�ured by th�s Deed �� Trust as they #�ecflme due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner per�orm all of <br /> Trus�or's obligations under�he Note, �his Deed of Trust, and the R�la�ed Documen�s. <br /> P�SSESS[ON AND MAINTENAN�E DF THE PR�PERTY, Trustor agrees tha� Trustor's possession and use ❑f the <br /> Prvperty shal� be gv��rned by the fvll�w�ng pro�isians: <br /> Possessivn and Use. LJntil �he occurrence ❑f an E�ent of Default, Trus�or may ��y remain in possession and <br /> control o�the Proper�y; �2} use, operate or manage�he Proper�y; and �3� cQllec�the Rents from the Proper�y, �� <br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trustar shall maintain ths Proper�y in t�nan�abi� condi�ion and prompt�y perform al! repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to preser�e i�s�a�ue. <br /> �ompl�ance With Environmenta� Laws. Trustor �epresents and warrants to Lender that: �1� ❑uring the period of <br /> Trustor's ❑wnership of the Prvperty, there has �een no use, generation, manufa�ture, storage, �rea�ment, d�spasal, <br /> re�ease ❑r threatened release of any Hazardous Suhs�ance by any person on, under, abaut ar �rom th� Praper�y; <br /> t�� Trustor has n❑ knowledge of, ar reason �o b�lie�e that th�re has been, except as pre�iously disclosed to and <br /> acknowledged by L�nder in wri�ing, {a� any breach or �io�ation vf any En�ironmental Laws, tb� any use, <br /> generation, manufa�ture, storage, treatm�nt, disposal, release or threatened release of any Ha�ardaus 5u�stance <br /> on, under, abou� �r from th� Prop�rty by any prio� owners o� occupants of the Property, or �c� any actual or <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br />