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<br /> Home Federal Sav�ngs&L�an Assaciat�vn af Hvme Federax Sa�ings& Lvan As��c�at�on of
<br /> Grand Is�and Grand Island
<br /> Z21 �au�h Locust Street �2� South Locust Street
<br /> �Space Abo�e This Line For Record�ng Data}
<br /> L�AN�R�G�NA�'�R�QMPANY NAME: I�vrne Federa�Sa��ngs S�Loan Assac�at�on of Grand Island
<br /> NMLS�[]MPANY�DENTIFIER: 446443
<br /> L�AN f]R���NAT�R NAME: L�sa Nlay�r
<br /> NMLS�RI��NAT�R.�DENT�FIER: 494�G9
<br /> D�EI� �� '�'1�T.TST
<br /> BY TI-�I� I�EED �F TRUST)
<br /> TH�S DEEI]�F TRUST�"Secur�ty�ns�rum�n�"� �s made on May ZU,��16. The grantar�s JADE D BA LLAR�
<br /> �
<br /> S�N�LE PERS�N, �hose address Ys 2116 W K�ENIG, �RAND ISLA4ND, Nebraska �SSU3-5337
<br /> �"Borrovver"�. Borrower zs no�necessar�iy�he same as�he Person or Persons vvho si n�he H�m� � ui� Lin�
<br /> � y y af
<br /> �red�� Agreement, dated �VIa� 2U, 2�15 �"�ontrac�"}. The o��igat�ons o� �3orrov�ers v���o d�d no� s� n �he
<br /> �
<br /> �on�ra�t ar� e�pla�ned fur�her�n�he s�ct�on titled Succe�sars and AsS�gns Bnund; Jo�nt and Se�era� �iabi�i� •
<br /> Y�
<br /> Accommvda�ian S�gners. The tirustee is Arend R. Baacl�, At�orney �vhose address �s P.�. Box 79�, Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska fS8�2 �"Trus�ee"}. The benefciar� is �ome FedQral Sav�ngs & Loan Assoc�a�ion af�rand
<br /> Is�and, wh��h �s organ�zed and ex�st�ng under the lavvs af the Uni�ed States af A�ner�ca and whose addre�s �s 2�1
<br /> SQu�h Locust ��ree�, �rand Is�and, Nebraska 688U� �T'Lender"). JADE D BALLARD has en��red �nto a
<br /> Con�ract �vi�h Lender as of�ay ZU, �Q16, under �he ter�ms af�hich Borrower may, f.rom �ime �o ��me, ab�ain
<br /> advan�es nat �a excee�, at any ��me, a �Y�MA�IML�M PR�NC.�PAL AN�UUNT (�XCLUD�N�
<br /> P1��TE�T�VE ADVANCES�Y�x of '�'wenty Th�usand and UOI1�U Dal�ars �U.S. $2�,U��.p�� �"�redi�
<br /> L�m�t"). ,Any party�p�eres�ed�n�he deta��s rela�e�.to Lender's c�nt�nu�ng ob��ga�ion t�make advances��Borrav�er
<br /> is ad��sed to cansu�� d�rect�y v���h Lender. �f not pazd earl�er, �he sums o��ng un�.er Borr�wer's �flntract �w��h.
<br /> Lender wil� be due on May �5, Z�2I. This Secur�ty �ns�rumen� secures �a Lender: �a� �he repayment of�he deb�
<br /> under�he Co��rac�, vv�th �n�eres�, �nc�ud�ng fu�u.re ad�ances, and aI�renewals, ex�ens�ans and m�d�f�cations of the
<br /> �on�ract; �b� �he paymen� of a�� ��her sums, w�th interest, �dvanced to protect �he security af �h�s Securit�
<br /> �nstrumen�under�he pra��s�ons of the sect�on t�tled pratect�on of Lender's R�ghts,in the Pra�erty; and�c) �he
<br /> performance �f. Barro�er'� covenan�� and agreements under �h�s Security �ns�rumen� and the ��n�ract. For this
<br /> purp�se, Barrov�er, in considera�ion �f the d�b� and the trus� here�n. crea�ed, zrre�oGa�bIy gran�s and con�eys ta
<br /> Trus�ee, in�rus�,v���h p�vver of sa�e,�h�����o�a.ng des�r�bed property��ca�ed in the��UNTY of HALL, S�ate of
<br /> Nebraska:
<br /> Address: Z I 16'�"V K�ENIG,�RAND ISLAND,Nebraska G88U3-5337
<br /> Legal ]Jescr�p�ian: LC�T E�G��' t8� �L�CK SEVEN �7) IIv VY��DBINE ADD�T��N IN THE CITY
<br /> T��ETHER W�T� aI� �he impro��men�� now ar hereafter ere�ted on the prQper�y, and a�� easements,
<br /> appurtenances, and fx�ures nov�r or hereafter a part af the propert�. AII rep�acements and addit��ns shaI� a�so be
<br /> co�ered �y th�s Securi�y �ns�rument. AI� of �he foregoing is referred �a in this Security �nstrument as �he
<br /> "Praper�y."
<br /> B�RR�V�ER C�VENANTS tha� Borro�er �s �a�fu�ly seised af�he es�a�e hereby canve�ed and has�he r�ght��
<br /> gran� and con�vey t��e Pr�perry and that the Pr�perty �s unencurnbered, excep� far encumbrances of record.
<br /> Barrower vvarran�s and vvx�i defend genera��y �he ��t�e �a t��e Pr�p�rty agains� al� c�aims and demands, subjecti �o
<br /> any encumbrances af record.
<br /> Barra�er and Lender ca�enant and agree as fa�lo�s:
<br /> � Q 2Qd4-2�15 Cvmpliance Sysferns,Jn�.8C54-I3F2-2�15.t�.3.1098
<br /> Cvr�sumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrurrrent DL203f �age 1 af 5 ww�w.c�mpliancesystems.cam
<br /> :
<br />