2� 1 ��3239
<br /> �a� A�y su�h agr�ements wi����t��e��#�e�mvunts tha�t Barrower h�s�greed t�pay�ar Mnrt�age
<br /> In�urances ar an��ther terms of the�aan.��ch agreernents wiil n�t increa�e the a�m�t�n�
<br /> Borr�w�r will owe far NXortgage Insurance,and the��v%��n�►t entit�e B�rr��e�to any refund.
<br /> �b� Any such agreements will nvt affe�t the ri�ht��3�rrawer h�s-if any-with respect ta the
<br /> Mvrt��g�I�su�a�cQ under the�I�x�c�e��ers P�rot�#ia�A�t of 1995 ur any vt��r law.Th�es�rights
<br /> may inc�ude the right ta receive�r�a�n d.i�cl�sures,to request�nd ab�ain cancellati�n of the
<br /> M�rtgage I�suxan�e,ta bave the Mortg�ge Insurance terminat�d automaticall�r,andlor ta�eceive
<br /> a refund�f an�Mortgage In�urance premiums that were unearn�d�t the t�me�f such
<br /> �ance��ation or terminativn.
<br /> 1'1. Ass�g n men#of AA isc�!laneo usPro�eeds;FQ rfeitur�,�41�N�is�ella���t�s�oc��eds are he�eby assig�ned to
<br /> and sha�l�be pa�d to Lender,
<br /> If the�'rop�r�y is damaged, such Mi�cellaneous Proceeds shall be applied t�restora�tion or repa�.r af the
<br /> �raperty,�f th�restara��an or r�pai��s ecanomically feasible and Lend.er's se�urity i�n�t les�ened. During
<br /> such re�air a�d restorat�Qn period,L��.��r�h�ll ha�re the right to hold such Miscel�aneous Pr�ce�d�s unt�l
<br /> I.end�r has had an o�ppartun�ty to i�speGt such Property t��nsure th��or�has be�r�comp�eted to Lender's
<br /> sat�sfa�tion,provid�d that such inspecti�n sha��be under�aken promptl�. Lender may pay for the repa�rs a�d
<br /> rest�ration in a sing�e disbursement or in a series of pro�'ess payments as the wvrk is completed. Unless an
<br /> agreement is made in wr�ting or Appt�cable Law req�ues interest ta be paid on such Misc�llaneous Pro�eeds,
<br /> Lend�r sha��not be required to pay Borrower any interest�r earnings on su�h Miscellan�ous Proceeds. If the
<br /> r�st�ration or repair i�not ecanomically feasib�e or Lender's s�curi�r wauld�e lessened,the Mxs�ellaneous
<br /> Pro��e�s shall be ap�li�d to the sums secured by th�s��curity Instrument,whether ar not then due,with the
<br /> e�cess, i�an�,paid to�orrov�er. Su�h�iscellaneous Proceeds sha11 be applied in the order prov��ed for in
<br /> S��t�on 2.
<br /> In the event of a tota�taking,destructian.,or loss in�alue af the Praper�y,the MisGellaneous Proceed�shall
<br /> �e applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�,�vhether�r nat��en due,with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrov��r.
<br /> In�he event af a partial taking,dest�uction,ar loss i�va�ue of the Progerty in which the fair market va�ue of
<br /> the Froperty imm�diat�Iy�efore the partia�ta.kxn,�,C��St�L.1Gti�n,Qr�.QSS 1i�Va�.Ue 15�tjU���Q 4I�I'e�.t�r��1��1��1e
<br /> amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrumen.t immedia�ely befare the partia�tak�ng,destruction,or
<br /> �oss�n�a�t�e,unles�Borro�er and Lender other�vise agree in writing,th�sums secured b�this Security
<br /> Instrun�ent sha��be redu�ed b�the�.m�at�nt of the 1Vlisce��an.e�us Proceeds multipli�d by the followi�g
<br /> fra�tion: �a)the total amount of��ie sums secured immediate��r before�t�e�artial ta.k�ng,dest�tcti��.,o�loss
<br /> in value divided by�b�the fair market value of t�.e Property immediately b�fore the partia�tak�ng,
<br /> destructian,or Ioss in value.Any balance sha11 be pa�d to Borrow�r.
<br /> In the event of a part�al takir�g,destsuc�ion,or loss i�.value af th�e�r�pert�in�h�ch t�.e fau market value of
<br /> the Property immediate�y b�far�th�par�ial taking,destruction�or lass in�alue i�l�ss than�he a�ount of the
<br /> sums se�ured�mmediately before the partial taking,destruction,or 1o�s i�value,unless Banaw�r and
<br /> L�nder otherwise agr��in wri.t�ug,the Misce��aneous Proceeds shall be ap�lied ta the sums secur�d by this
<br /> S�curity Instrument whether�r nat the sums ar�then due.
<br /> If the property is abando��d by��rrvwer,�r�f,af�er natice by Lende��o Barro�er tha�t the�pposi�g Par�y
<br /> [as def�ned�n the next sente�.ce)offers�o make an a�a,rd to settle a claim far damages,�orrawer fa�ls tv
<br /> respond to Lender within 3�days after the date the�ao�i�e is gi��n.,Lender i�authorized to c�llect and apply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or tv the sums s�cured by�h.�s
<br /> NEBFtASKA-Single Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�NIFaRM INSTRUMENT WfTH MERS Fartn 3�d281l44
<br /> ��p� VMPBA{NE}{13�2].��
<br /> Vlfoiters Kiuwer Financial Senrices �age 14 of 17
<br /> qa3 �182398 4 3 371 1417
<br />