2� 1 ��3228
<br /> Transfer of the Property�r a�enef�c�a�In�erest in Borrvwer.If al�or any par�Qf the Praperty flr�.ny interes�
<br /> �n �� i� s��d or �ransferred �or zf a benef�za� �nterest in I3o��rower is so�d or transferred and Barraw�er zs no� a
<br /> natural person� vvithou� Lender's prior writ�en c�ns�n�, Lender ma�, at i�s ap�i�n, requ�re immed�a�e paymen� �n
<br /> full of all sums secur�d by this 5ecurity Instrument. Howe��er, this op�ion sha�� nflt be exerc�sed b�r Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohibited by fed�ra��ativ as of the date of�his Secltrity Instrument.
<br /> �f Lender exer��ses �his �ption, Lender sha�l give BorroWe�- no�ice of acceleratior�. The na�ce �ha�� provide a
<br /> period af nflt �ess �han the minimum number of da�rs es�abli�hed �y Applicable Law from �h� da�e �he no��ce �s
<br /> delivered or ma��ed vvi�hin tivhich BorrQvv�r must pay a�l su�ns secur�d by this �ecuri�y Instrument. �f Borrov��r
<br /> fail� t� pay�hese sum� pri�r tQ the expira�xan �f th�s period, Lend�r may invoke any remedies permi�ted by this
<br /> Se�urit��ns�rumen�v�ri�hou�fiir�he�notice or demand�n Borr+�Wer,
<br /> Borrower'� Right tfl Refnstateo �f Borravver mee�s certain. cond�tzons, B�rrovver sha11 hav� the right to have
<br /> enf�rcem�nt of�his Secur�ty 7nstrument disc�nt�nued at any�:�me prior �o the ear��er of: (a� S days �or such a�her
<br /> periad as App�icable Law may spe�ify for reins�atemen�}bef�re sale of the Prop�rfiy pursuan�t� any pa�vver of sale
<br /> ��n�ained in �his Se�uri�y Ins�rument; or �b} e��ry of a �t�dgmen� enforcing this Security �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> �and��ions are that Borr��v�r: �a� pays Lender alI sums which then wauld be due under this Secur�ty Ins�rument
<br /> and the�ontract as zf no accel�ra�ian had accurred; �b� cures�ny defau�t of any o�her cavenan�s❑r agreements; �c}
<br /> pays aIl expense�incurre�in enforc�ng�h�s Security Ins�rume���,��ncluding,bu�not limited�o,reasonabl�e attorneys'
<br /> fees to�he ex�ent permi�te�by la�r; and �d�takes such act�on as Lender�may reasonably require ta ass�ure tha��he
<br /> Iien of�his Secur�ty Instrum�nt, Lender's righ�s�n the Pr�perty and Borrower's ob��gat�on ta pay the su.ms secured
<br /> by this 5ecur�ty Instrument shal� con��nue unchanged. Up�n re�nst�.�em�nt by Borr�v�rer, �h�s �ecura.ty �ns�ru.ment
<br /> and the o�liga�ions secured hereby shall r�main fu��y effecti�je as if na acceleration had occurred. Ho,wever, �his
<br /> r�ght to reinstate shall n�t app�y in the cas�af ac�e��ratzan un�der the section�i�le�.Tra�sfer of�he Pro�perty or a
<br /> Bene�cial Interest in B�rravver.
<br /> Hazardaus Su�stance�.Borrower sha�l�.o�cause or permit�he presence,use, dispasal, storag�, or re�Pase�f any
<br /> Hazardous Su�stances on or in the Propert�.B�rrovsrer shall n��t do,nor al�ow anyone else t�do,any�hing affect�ng
<br /> th� I'roper�y tha� is in viola��on of any Environmen�a� Law. The preceding �v� sent�nces shall no� a�p�y�o the
<br /> presence,use,ar storage a��he Praper�y��small quanti��es o�'Hazardaus Subs�ances�hat are g�neral�y re�ogni�ed
<br /> ta be appropriate tfl narmal residen�ial use�and to maintenance of�he Praperty.
<br /> B�rrower sha�I pramptly give Lender wri�t�n n��ice af any�ntirest�ga�i�n,claim, demand, lativsuit or flth�r a��ion by
<br /> any governmental ❑r regulatory agency or priva�e par�y znva�v�ng th� Pr�perty and any Hazardaus Subs�ance �r
<br /> Enviranmental Lavv of which Borrovver has ac�:ua� knovvJ[edge. If Borrower Iearr�s, or is natifi�d �y any
<br /> governmen�al ar r�gulator�authority, �hat any removal or oth��r rem�dia�ion af any�-Iazardtius �ubstance affec�ing
<br /> the Property �s necessary, Borr�vver shal� pron�p�ly �ake t��I necessary rem.edial ac�ions �n accardance urith
<br /> Enviranmental La�r.
<br /> As used�n th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substances defn�d as�oxic ar hazardous subs�ances
<br /> �by En�rironmen�al LaW and the fo�lovvin� subs�ances: gasoline, ��rasene, other flammab�e or to�ic petroleum
<br /> produc�s, toxic pes�ic�des an� herbic�des, vola�ile solvents, �ma�eri�.ls contai.x.ung asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oac�ive materials. As used in this paragraph, "Environmen.tal La�v" means federa��avvs and�a,ws af the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�hat relate ta hea�th,safe�y or env�ronmental pro�ec�i.on.
<br /> ,A,.cce�eration; Remed�es. I�ender shall g�ve n�tice �v B�rr�ayver pr�or to a�cexerat�on fo�lvwing ��ar�o�wer's
<br /> breach of any���enant ar agre�nnent ia�this�ecurity Inst��u�rx�ent or the Contrac�under vvhi�h a�cel.erat�on
<br /> i�perm�tted �but no�prior ta ac�e�eratian under the 5ecti�on ��t���Transfer�f the Property or a Benef�cia�
<br /> In�erest in B�rrower, un�ess Applicable Lav� provi.des v�h�ervvis��. The nvtice shal� specify: �a� the default;
<br /> �b) th� act�on required t4 �ur� the defaul�; �c� a da���, nvt �es5 than �he m��imum number of days
<br /> e�tablished by Appli�able La�v from the date the notic��s g�v�n to Barrvw�r,by which the defauit r��ast be
<br /> cured; and �d� that fai�ure to cure the defau�t an or b�f��re th� date specifi�d �n the n�tice ma� result in
<br /> a�cel�rat�on flf the sums 5e�ur�d by �h�s Securi�y Instr�u�nent and sa�e of the 1'roperty. Ta �he exten�
<br /> permitted by law, �he na�ice sha�X fur�her�nf�rm B�rrow+�r af the r�ght�v re�ns�ate after accelerat�an and
<br /> the r�ght to�r�ng a court act�on�o as5ert the�on-exfstence�f a d�faul�or any other defense of Burroyver�o
<br /> a�celeratiQn and saie. If the def�ul�is nvt cured on or bef'vre th� date specified�n the n��ice,Lemd�r at its
<br /> op�io�. may require �mmedia�e paymen� �n fu�l of all su�ns se�ured by �his Secur�ty In�trument w��hQut
<br /> fur�h�r demand and r�nay invok� the p�wer �f sa�e and a��y a�her remed�e� permi�ted b3T Applicab�e Lavv.
<br /> Tv the ex�ent perrrutted by law, Lender shal� be ��titled to co�lect a�l e�penses ��n�urre�d in pu��uing �he
<br /> remedies provided�n this Sec�ion,inciud�ng,but no�limi��d�o, r�asonab�e attorneys' fees and�os�s of t��Ie
<br /> e�vidence.
<br /> If th�power of sale is invoked,Trustee�hall re�ord a notice of default in ea�h county in wh��h any part of
<br /> �he Pr�perty is �ocated and shail ma�I cop�es of such not�c�;�in the manner prescribed by�pplica�rle Law to
<br /> B�rro�vver and �o the �ther p�rsons pre�cr�bed by App�ic��ble Lavv. After the t�me ret�u�red by Applicable
<br /> La�w, Truste� sha�l gzve public r�otice of sale tv �he persons �n�. �n the manner pres�r��ed by �ip�licable
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,v�i�hout demand on Borr�wer, sha�l sQll�he Prop�rty a�pub�f�auction ta the h�gh+�st bic�der
<br /> a��he��me and p�ace and under the terms d�signa�e�in�he noti�e of sa�e in one or more�ar�e�s a�nd in any
<br /> vrder Tru��ee determines. Truste� may pvstpvne sale a�f all ar any parc�� of the Fr�perty by pub��c
<br /> annvuncem�nt at the��me and�Iace of�ny�re�xousiy sch�duled sa�e.L�nder ar�ts des�gne�ma�purchase
<br /> �he Proper�y at any sale.
<br /> Upon rec�ipt of payment of the pr�ce �bid, Trustee Sha�l d��liver tfl the purchaser Trustee's deed +�onveying
<br /> the Pr�perty. 'The re�itals in the Trustee's de�d shall b�pri.rna fa�xe evidence of the truth of�he s�atements
<br /> �2�4�-2a l S Comp�iance Systems,In�.8C54-1955-2�I S.1 T.3.I�98 '
<br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Sec�rity ir�st�ment DL2�35 Page�€oF 5 www.cvm�liancesystems.�am
<br />