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<br /> Home Federal Sav�ings&Loan Ass�c�ation af Hnme Federal Sav�ngs&Lo�.n Ass��iation of
<br /> Grand Is�and Grand Island
<br /> 221 South Locust Str�et �21 S�uth Lacust Street
<br /> . �5pace Abv�e Th�s L�ne Fvr Rec�rding Data)
<br /> L�AN ORI��NATC]R CDMPANY NAME:Horne Federal Savings&Loan Assv��at��n of Grand Island
<br /> NMLS ��MP,ANY IDENT�F�ER: 446443
<br /> L�AN 4F��INAT�R NAME: Chris I�aSkie
<br /> NMLS �RIG`rINAT�l��DENT�FIER:494f 6S
<br /> I)EED []F TRZTST
<br /> BY T�-IIS I3E�D []F TRUST}
<br /> TH�S DEED flF TRUST �"Se�urity Ins�rumen�"�is made on May 1S, 2a16. The grantors are J�HN R HANSEN
<br /> and KAREN S HA.NSEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, v�rhose address �s 4417 �UAIL LANE, G I, Nebraska
<br /> 6S8D1-$515 {"Barr�werT'�. Borravver �s n�t nec�ssar�ly the same as the Person or Pers�ns tivha s�gn �he Home
<br /> Equity L�ne of�redit Agreement,dated May 1S,2D16 �"�ontra��"}. The ablzga��ons of Borrotivers vvho d�d n��
<br /> szgn the �on�rac� are exp�ained fur�her ir� the sectian ��tXed Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and S�v�ral
<br /> Lia��lity; A�commadation Sxgners. The trus�ee is Arend R. $aack, Attorn�y vvhose address i� P.t). Box 79U,
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska 688�2 �"Trus�ee"}. The ben�f ciary zs Home Federa� 5avings & Loan Ass��iatian of
<br /> G-rand Isiand,�vhich�s arganized and exis�ing under the laws�f the Unzted States of A.meriGa and whose address
<br /> is 2�1 S�u�h Locus� Street, Grand Is�and, Nebraska 6��41 �"Lender"}. J�HN R HANSEN and KAREN S
<br /> HANSEN have entered�n�a a Contrac�w�th Lender as�f May 18,2�16,under�h��erms af vvhich$orrower may,
<br /> from time t� �ime, ob�ain advances �.�t �o exceed, at any �ime, a ***MAXI�VIUM PRINCIPAL AM�UNT
<br /> �EXCLUDING PR�TECTIVE AD�AN�ES}�** of�ne Hundred F�fty Thousand�nd�411��I)o��ars �U.S.
<br /> �15�,OUO.DU}�"�red��L�rnit"}.Any parCy in�eres�ed zn�h�details rela�ed�a Lender's continuzng ob�iga�ion to make
<br /> advances ta Borrav�er �s adv�sed �fl cansu�� dzrectly vv�ith. Lender. If not paid ear��er, �he sums ovving under
<br /> Sflrra,wer's Can�rac�vvi�h Lender wil�be due an June 15,20�1. Thzs Security�nstrumen�secures to Lender: �a}�he
<br /> repayment of�he deb�under the�antract,with interes�,including future ad�ances,and a��ren�vt�als,ex�ensiar�s and
<br /> modif cat�ons of the Con�rac�; (�} �he payment of aIi a�her surns,with interes�, advanced�o pratec�.the securzty�f
<br /> thxs Securi�y�nstrumen�under�he proviszons�f�he se�tian�i�led Protecti�n of Lender's Rights in the Proper�y;
<br /> and�c}th�performanc� �f I3arrower's cavenan�s and agreemen�s u�zder�his 5ecurtty Ins�rument and�he C�ntract.
<br /> For this purpase, Barro�wer, in �ons�dera�i�n of�he debt and the trus� herein created, irrevocably gran�s and
<br /> conveys tv Trusti�e, in trust, with povver flf sa��, �he f�llowzng described property �ocat�d �n �he C�UNTY of
<br /> I�AI..1L, S�a�e of N'ebraska:
<br /> Address: 4417 Q�JAIL LANE, G I,Nebraska 68841-5515
<br /> Legai Descrzption: L�T T'L�ENTY-TW� �Z2), EAGLE LAI�ES �STATES SUBDIVISI�N, HALI1
<br /> T�GETHER VL�ITH aI1 the impravements n�w or hereafter erec�ed on the property, and alI easemen��,
<br /> appurtenances, and f�xtures now or hereaf�er a par� ❑f�h.e proper�y. AII rep�acemen�s and addzt�vns sha�� alsa be
<br /> covered by thzs 5ecurity Instrumen�. A�� of the foreg�ing zs referred to in �.��s Secur�ty Ins�rument as �he
<br /> '►Proper�y."
<br /> B�RR4�ER CUVENANTS tha�Barrower is �av�fu�Iy seised of�he esta�� hereby coriveyed and has the righ�to
<br /> gra�� and convey the Prflperty and tha� the Proper� is unencumbered, excep� for encumbran�es of rec�rd.
<br /> Barrower warran�s and w��� defend genera��y �he t���e to �he Pr�per�y against a�� cla�ms and demands, subj�ct to
<br /> any encuml�rances af re�ord.
<br /> S orro�er and Lender covenant and agree as f�llows:
<br /> Q 24D4-2D 15 Com�liance Systems,Inc.SC54-i 955-2��5.t 1,3.I�98
<br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Securzty Instr�ment DL2�3b Page 1 af S www.compliancesystems.cam
<br />