2� 1 ��3227
<br /> Transfer of the Prop�r��vr a �eneficia�Intere�t�n �orr�va��r. ��a�l�r amy part����h�Proper�y or any in�erest
<br /> in it is sold or �ransferr�d �or �f a �benef�cial �nteres� i�. B�rr��ver is sold or �ransfer-r�d and B�rr��rer is no� a
<br /> natural pers�n} �Nith�ut ]�,ender's �rior v�ritten ��nsen�, L�nde�may�, at �ts �ption, re�:�uire immed�ate payment �n
<br /> full �f a�� sums secured by �his Security �nstrument. �o�vever, th�s �p��an shall n��� be e�er�ised by Lender if
<br /> exer�ise is prohil��ted by federal law as�f�he date of th�s ��cur�ty�nstrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this apt�on, Lender shall giWe B�rr��rer �o�ic�� af�.�cn�eration. The r�o��ce shall pro��de a
<br /> peri�d of��at �e�s �han �:he m�nimu�n nu�n�er of days es�abl�s��.e� b:y Appl�cable Law from the date the notice is
<br /> del��ered c�r maileci within which Borrovver xnu�t �ay al� sums se��x�ed by �his Secu��ity �nstrurr�ent. �f Barr�v�rer
<br /> fa�is to pay thes� sums �riar �o �he exp�ratio� of th�s peri�d, Lender may in�r�ke an�r remedi�s permitt�d b�this
<br /> Securi�y�nstrumen��vit��out fur�her notice�r demand�n B�orrovver.
<br /> Borr�wer�s l�ight �o Ia.einstate. �f Borrflwer ��.eets �er�a�n cond���ons, B�rr�v��� ��hal� ha�e �he righ� ta ha�e
<br /> enf�rceme���f th�s Secu�ri�ty �ns�rumen� discont�nued at any tir�le pri�r�o th�e ear���r af- �a} 5 days (�r su�h �ther
<br /> periad as Appl�cab�e La�v ma�spec�fy for re�nstatement�b�fore sal��f the P'rflperty pursuant�a any pawer af sale
<br /> con�ained �n �his Se�Ur��.y �nstrument; �r �b} �ntry of � �udgment enfor�ing th�s ��curi�y �nstrument. Those
<br /> c�nd�tions are tr�a� Barrawer: �a} pays Lender �1I'sums v��ich �hen �auld be due under th�s Securit� �ns�rumen�
<br /> and�he��ntrac�as if no acce�era��on had occ�rr�d;�b�c ur�s any de�'ault af any a�her c�a�enants or agreements;�c�
<br /> pays a�1 expense�� incurred in enforc�ng this Secur�t��nstr��nen�, inclu��ng,but n���im�i�ed�o,reasonabie a�torneys'
<br /> fees�o the exten�permitl:ed b��av�; and�d}�akes such a���on as L��ader may reas�na����require�o assure�ha�th�
<br /> ��en of this Secu���ty Y�strument, Lender's righ�s �n the �roperty and:l3�rr�we�8s�bl�ga�:��n to pay the sums secured
<br /> by �his Security �nstrumPnt shaZ� cantinue unchanged. U�on r�ins�a��mem� �y B�rrov��er, t�is Securi�y Ins�rument
<br /> �nd t�e �bliga�ic�ns s�cured hereb� shali remain fu�ly effEctive as �f`no a�ce�era��on��ad occurred. Howe�er, this
<br /> r�gh�ta rei�nstate sha�l no�apply in�he case af a.cce�era�ior�under�he section���1ed Tr��nsfer of tlhe Property or a
<br /> B�nef�cial Inter�s��n��r�ower.
<br /> ]�Ia�ardous Sub;�tan��s. Borr�wer sha�l no�cause or p�rr���t t��e pre.�ence,u�e, d�spos��.l, st�rage, or release af any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in�he Praper�y.B�rr�wer shal�n��d�,nor allo�r ar�yone��Is��o do,any�h�ng affectir�g
<br /> �he Proper�y tha�� �s in v7iflla��on of any Environ�nental L��r. The p�•eceding �wo sent��rices shall not apply ��a the
<br /> presence,i�se,or s�orage on���Propert�of sr��.11 quanti�i�s nf�[a2ardous Sulastances tha�are genera�ly recagnized
<br /> �fl be appropr�at�t�n�rmal resident�a�uses and�o maintenance of th�proper�y.
<br /> Borrov�er shall promp��y gr�e Lender wr�tten no�ice of any inves�iga�:i�n, c�aim�, demand,la�rsuit�r ather action by
<br /> any go�ernmen�{�1 or regula�orry agency nr pri�ate party i��ol�ing the properfiy and ��ny Ha�ardous Substance or
<br /> En�ironmen�aX �.�aw of which Borr��ver has ac�ual kr�nvvledge. �f B�rr�v�er �ea;rns, �r is notified by any
<br /> go�ernmern�a�flr regula�a�ry au�h�rit�,�hat an�remfl�a�or�ther rem�dia�ion�f an�Ha�zard�us Substance affec��ng
<br /> the Property is necessa�ry, B�rro�er sha�l pramptly ta�� all necessary r�emed�al ����ians �n accordance w��h
<br /> Eriv�r�nmenta�L�a�v.
<br /> As used in�his p�aragrapl�, f'Ha�ardous Substan��s" are th�se subs�ances de�ned a��to�x�c or hazardous substances
<br /> by En�iro��ment:�l Lavv �and the ffl��owing substar�ces: gasalYne, kE��-osene, o�her fla;m�nab�e or taxic petr��eurn
<br /> pr�duc�s, �o�.�c �3es�ic�des and herbic�des, �ol���le sal�ven�s, ma�erials con�aining asbestas or fo�maldehyde, and
<br /> radi�activ�mate��-�a1s. As used�n�:his paragraph, "En��ron�-�ent�.l La��"mean�federal �I��s and laws of the state�f
<br /> Nebraska t:ha�rel.ate�o heai�h,safety�r en��r�n�r�en�al pro�ec��on.
<br /> A�c��eration; R.e��d�e�. Lender sha�l g��e r�a��ce to �arr�v�e� �pri�r tv acce�era��on fo��owing Borrawer's
<br /> �reach of�ny caWe�an�or agreem�nt in th���ecur��y ���s�rum�nt�r�����r��rac�:under which acceleration
<br /> is perm�tt�d ��u�t no� ��•iar�� acc�ierat�on un�Ie�the s�c�i�r� �it�nd T�-a�n�fer of����l�r�perty vr a Benef�ciai
<br /> I�����es� in �ar���w�r, u�l�ss Appiicab�e La� p�-ov�des ��her�vv�s��. '�i�`h� not�ce sh��ll spe��fy: �a� the default;
<br /> �b� �he ac�ion �•equ�r�� to Cure �h� def�ul�; (c� a date, not �ess th��� the m�inir�um number of days
<br /> estabi��hec� by��pp��ca��e Law from the date the��t�c�is gi�e� ���orrower, hy vvhich the d�fauit mu�t be
<br /> cur�d; and (d} ��hat fai��ure to e�re the defaul� �n or befor� �h�: dat� sp�cifi�d ��n the notice may resu�t in
<br /> ac����ra�ian of �he su�ns secured by �his S�curity In��ru�m�nt and sale of the �ro�er�y. To the extent
<br /> �ermi��ed b� 1���, the natice shall further �n�orm �arr�v�e�-flf th� r�ght tv rein��:a#e aft�r acce�.eratian and
<br /> the righ�t�o bring a�ou�rt��t�on to ass�r�the��on�-exist��ce�f a t��fau���r any�t���r defens�of�3orrower to
<br /> ac��l�ration anc� sal�. I��'�he defau�� is n�ot cur°ed �n or bef�re th�da�e s�p�cified i�a �h� no��ce, Lender at its
<br /> opti�n rr�ay r��uir� imme�i��e payr��nt �n f��i of a�l sunr�� sec��red. by this Sec�uri�� In�trum�nt without
<br /> fur�her demand an� m;�y in�oke the power of sale an� any a�her rem��.�es pernr��ttec� by Applicab�e �..aw.
<br /> To �he exter�� ��rm�tte� by lavv, Lender s�a�l b� enti��ed �o co�l��ct �1� expenses ��curr�d �n pursu�ng �he
<br /> r�rr��dies pro�i�:ed i� �h��s Sec�ion, includir��, i�ut not�i��ted t�, �r�as�na��e att�r���ys' f�e�and �osts of�it�e
<br /> e��d�n��.
<br /> If�he por�e� of��a�e �s i��Woked,Trustee sha�� rec�rd a ��tice of���fau�� �m e��h cc�unty �n�vhich any par� of
<br /> �he Pr��e�•ty �s lloc�ted �and sha�� ma�l copies��5uch n����e�r� �h+� manner�reser�b�d b�,A,pplicab�e Law to
<br /> Sorr�rver and �� �he o#�����- person5 prescrib�d by ��p�i�able L�w. Af��r the t�n�� required �y Applicab�e
<br /> Law, 'I'ru��ee s��al� g�W� pubi�c n���c� of sal� �o the p�rs��s an�� �n the manner pre�cribed by Appl��ab�e
<br /> Law. Trust�e,�ri�h�ut�emand on Borrov�er,sha�l sel� �he Pr�pE��-�y at �ublic au����on to the h�ghest bidder
<br /> a��he tam�and �p�ace and under�he terms des�gr��ted i����e n��ic��of sal��n on�o�r mor�parcel�and in any
<br /> order Trus��e ��etermim�s. '�`rustee m�.y p���pone sal� of a�l +ar any parcQ� o�f �he �'r�perty by public
<br /> an��u�cer�e�����t�he�i�n�and p�ace nf�ny pr°e�ious�y��hedu�ed sal�. Le�der or�t� d�signee m�y purchase
<br /> the�'r�p�r�y�t.any sal�.
<br /> iTpon r�ce�p� �f p�yrne��� vf th� price bid, T�-u��e� sh��� de�i�er to the pn�r�ha�er Trus��e's deed cvn�eying
<br /> the Proper#�. T�ze rec�ta�s �n the Trustee's de�d shaI� he pr�ma f����evit��n�e of�����-u�h of th�sta�ements
<br /> �2004-�a15 Car��piiance S}�s€erns,Inc,8[�54-F588-2Q15.11,3.1Q98
<br /> Consumer Rea�Esgate-Sec�irity Instrunae�rt L�L2a35 Pa�e�af 5 www.cQmpliancesystems,com
<br />