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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � Z� � y <br /> � �� � � �Z �7 U] <br /> '`� z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � �� � � �ov � cn <br /> . �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> w� r� <br /> �� � �� rn <br /> o� o° cn � <br /> � � z <br /> 0 <br /> TH�S INSTRUMENT PR�PA:RED BY: AF7SER REC�RD�NG RETURN T�: <br /> Home Federa�Savings&Laan Assoc�a��on af Hvme Federa��a�ings&Loa�� Assacia�ian of <br /> �rand Is�and G rand�s�and <br /> 2�� �oufh Lacust Str�et �Z� S�uth Locus�Stree� <br /> �RAND ISLAND,N�68$fl� GRAND�SL�ANia, NE 6S8U� <br /> tSpace�bove Th�s Line For Recording Data} <br /> L�AN�R�G�NAT�R�DMPANY NAM�: �-Iome F�dera�Sa�ing�S� Loan Asso�xation nf Grand �sland <br /> NMLS C�MPANY IDENT�F�ER: 44G443 <br /> L�AN�R���N�.T�R NAME: Li�a Mayer <br /> NMLS a.R�G�N.A.T�R�DENTIFIER: 4945f 9 <br /> D�E� �� T1�iT�T <br /> (PREAUTI��RIZED [�PEN END} �REDIT -�UTURE AI]VAN��S AR� ��CURL�D <br /> BY THIS I3EED �F TRUST} <br /> TH�S DEED�F TRUST�"Secur�ty�nstrumen�"} �s ma�e an �VIa� �9,ZO�f. T��e grant�rs are TAMMY L RApP <br /> and JERRY L RAPP JR, 'VVIFE AND H.USBAND, vvh�se address �s 9I� E �2TH �T, GRAND ISLAND, <br /> Nebraska f 88a 1 �"B�rrower"�. Borr�wer �s no� ne�essar�ly �he same as �he Person or Persons �ho s��n ���e <br /> H.ome Equ�ty Line�f Credit Agreement, da�ed May 19, 2U�6 �"Con�ra��"}. The�biigat�ons�f Barrovvers v�ho <br /> d�d no� s�gn �he Con�rac� are exp�a�ned fur�her in �he sectian �itied Successors and Ass�gns Bvund; Joint and , <br /> Se�eral Liabi����; Accommodat�on SignQrs, The trustee �s Arend �. Baack, At�orney wl�ose address �s P.�. <br /> �ox 79U, �rand Isiand, Nebraska 6SSQ2 �"Trustee"}. T��e h�nefic�ary �s Hame F�dera� Sawi��gs & Loan <br /> A�sociat�an af Grand ���and, �vh��h is�rgan�2ed and.exis�ing under�he la�s af t��e Uni�ed S�ates of Amer��a and <br /> whose address �s 221 Sou�h L�cus� �treet, Grand I�land, Nebraska fiBSD� �"Lender"�. TAMMY L RAPP and <br /> JERRY L RAPP JR ha�e en�ered �nto a Con�rac� �vi�h L�nder as of May 13, �Q1.G, under �he �erms af vs����ch <br /> Borrov�er may, fr�m �ime to �ime, ab�a�n adva�ces not �o exceed, a� any ��me, a ��YMA�IIV�UM P�.IN��PAL <br /> AM�UNT �E��LUD�NG PR�TECTIVE AU�AN�ES�YY''� �f Thir��-eight Thousand and 4q1��U D��1ars <br /> �U.S. $3S,U�D.U�) �"Cred��Li��ni�"�. Apy par�y �n�eres�ed �n the details relate��o Len�er'�c�n��nu.�ng obl�ga��an�a <br /> mak� advan�es to Borr�v�rer �s ad�ised to consu�t di_rec�Iy wi�h Lender. �f not paid earl ier, �he sums ���ng under <br /> Borrower's�on�ract v�i�h Lender wi�l be due on M.ay �S,�0��. This Secur��y Instrumen�se�ures to Lender: �a}the <br /> repayment of t��e deb�un�er th�C�n�ract,vvit�� in�eres�, �nc�u.�ir�g fu�ure advances,and a��ren�v�als,e��ensinns a��d <br /> modif catian��f fihe �an�rac�; �b}the paymen�af a11 flther sums, with �nterest, advanced�o pra�ec��he s�curz�y of <br /> � Securi�y�ns�rument under the pra��sian�flf�he sec��on titled Pro�ect�on af Lender's R.�gh�s �n�he �'ra�erty; <br /> and�c}���� performance af B�rrovver's c��enan�s and agreements under this Secur�ty�Ins�rument and�he Contract. <br /> Fflr th�s purpose, B�rravver; �n consxd�rat�on of�he deb� and the �rus� herein crea�ed, irr��ocabIy grants �.nd <br /> conveys �a Trus�e�, �n �rus�; ���h pov�er af sale, the foi lowing descr�bed prope�-fiy �acated in �he ��UNTY of <br /> HALL, S�a�e of Nebraska: <br /> Address: 9l�E 12TH ST, �RAND��LAND,Nebraska 6884I. <br /> Lega� Des�r�ptian: L[lT SEVEN �7} BLQ�K F�[�R �4� �N GE�RGE L�A�S SUBDIVIS��N �N <br /> THE�ITY�F�RAND �SLAND,HALL C�UNTY, NE.BRASKA <br /> TQ�ETHER W�T� alI the i.mprovements na�v ar hereafter erec�ed on �he praper�y, and all easemen�s, <br /> appurtenances, and fix�ures naw or ��ereafter a par� of�he propert�. A1� rep�acemen�s and addi�ions shal� also �e <br /> c�vered by �h�s Security ��strumen�. Al� of the foregoing �� referred to �n this Secur��y �nstrumept as �he <br /> ►'Propex�y." <br /> B�:RR��VER C�VENANTS tha� Borrower �s �awfu�ly seised �f�he es�a�e hereby ��n�reyed and has the r��ht�a <br /> grant a�d G�nvey the Proper�y and that �he Pr�per�y is unencumh�red, ex�ep� for encumbrances of recard. <br /> Barr�wer warrants and �vil1 defend generally the ti��e �� �he Property aga�ns� aI� ela�rns and demands, subject �a <br /> any en�umbrances nf recard. <br /> Borrower and Lender ca�enan�and agree as follows: <br /> �2004-2�15 Compliance Systems,In�.8C54-F588-2015.I].3.i 498 <br /> Cvns�amer ReaI Estate-Security Ins�rument DL2q35 Pa�e l of 5 w�.vw.campiiancesystems.corc-i <br />