2� 1 ��32�7
<br /> The Funds sha�1 be�e�d in an institution whose d�posi�s are�nsured by a federa�agency, instrumenta�i�,or
<br /> entity��n�Iuc��ng L�nder, �f L��.der�s an institution�rhose depos�ts are so insured}or in any Federal Hame
<br /> Laan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time specified under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�l no�charge Barrower for holding and app�yin�th�Funds,annual�y analyzing the
<br /> escfow account,or verif�ring the Escro�v items,untess Lender pays Borro�ver interes�on the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agzeement is�nat�e in wr���ng ar
<br /> App��cable Lativ requires�nterest to be pard on the Funds,Lender s�alt nat be required to pay B�rro�er any
<br /> interest or earnings on�he Funds. �orro�ver and L�nder can agree in wr�ting,hawe�er,that interest sha11 be
<br /> paid�n�he Funds. Lender sh�l�g�ve tQ B�rro�er,witho�.t cha�g�,an annual accounting af the F�nds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> �f�here is a surplus of Funds held in escro�v,as defined under RESFA,Lend�r sha11 a�count to Borrower for
<br /> th�excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds�e1d in�scraw, as defined under
<br /> RT�SPA,Lender sha11 notify Barrower as r�quix�d by RESPA,and�onower shall pay to Lender th�am�unt
<br /> nec�ssary to make up�he shortage in accordance v�i�h R�SPA,�ut in na mare than I2 manthly payments. If
<br /> there�s a defciency of Funds he�d in escrow,as def ned under RESPA,Lender sha11 notify Barrov�er as
<br /> required by RESPA,and Borrower shal�pay to Lender the amount necessary�a make up the defi�iency in
<br /> accorda�ce�vith R.E S�A,but in nQ mare than 1�mo�.��.�y payments.
<br /> Upon pa�rnen�in f�l�af al�sun�s�ecured by this Sec�rity I�.s�rument,Lender sh���promp��y refund tv
<br /> Borraw�r any Funds held by I�ender.
<br /> 4. �harges;Liens.Borro�ver sha11�ay aI�taxes, ass�ssments,charges� #i�aes, and imposi�ions attr�butal�l�tQ
<br /> the Property which can attain priority ov�r this Securi�y Inst�rument, leaseho�d paym�nts or ground rents on
<br /> the proper�, if any, and�ommunity Association Dues,FeesA and Assessments, if any. To the ex�ent tha�
<br /> the�e items are Escr��v Items,�orrower sha��pay them in the m�ann.�r pro�id�d i�Section 3,
<br /> ��rrower sha11 p�romptly dis�harge an�r�i��v��i�h�ias priQrity over this Security Instrument unless
<br /> �orrower: �a)agrees�n�vriting�o the payment of the obligatian secured by�he lien in a manner accepta.ble
<br /> to Lender,but only so long as$orro�er is performing sueh agreement; (b)contests the lien in good faith by,
<br /> ar defends against enfarc�ment of the lien in,�ega�proceedings which in Lender`s�pinion operate to prevent
<br /> the enforcement of the lien�hiZe those proceedings are pending,�ut only until su�h proceedings are
<br /> �oncluded;or(c�secures from th�holder af the��en an agreement sat�sfac�ory to Lender sub�rdinating the
<br /> �ien.to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that a�.y par�of the Property is subje�t to a lien which
<br /> can atta.in priority over thi�Securit}�Ins�r�ment,L�il���ITI�.��1V�BflITQV���a�1pt1C�1L��11�1�11�.g'��'1��.�.el.l.
<br /> Within 1�days of the date on which that no�ice is g�ven,Borrower sha�l sat�sfy the lien or take one or more
<br /> of th�actions set forth abo�e �n�his Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require�orrawer to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax verifi�at�an andlor reporti�g
<br /> ��rvice used by Lender in c�nnection��th t�ais�Qan.
<br /> 5. P ro perty�ns u ran ce.Borrawer shall keep the improvements naw existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Pro�erty insured�.gai�st loss by f�e,hazards included�i�thin the term"exte�ded coverage,"and any other
<br /> ha2ards including,but not�imited to, earthquakes and floads, for which Lender requires insurance. This
<br /> insurance sha��be maintained in the am�unts(inc�uding deductible�evets}and for the periads�hat Lender
<br /> rec�uires.�hat Lender requires pursua�xt to the prece�.ing sentences�an change during the term of the Loan.
<br /> 7'he insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprove Borr�w�r's choice,�uhich right shall not be exercised unreasonab�y. Lend�r may requue
<br /> �orrower to pay, in connection w�th this Loan, either; (a�a�ne�time charge for�.00d zone determination,
<br /> �ertif�cat�on and track�ng services;or�b�a�ne-time�harge for flood zone determinatifln and cer�tifica�t�on
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFneddie Mac UNIFQFiM INSTRLIMENT WITH MERS Farm 3428 1101
<br /> VMP t7 VMPfiA(NE}(134Z}.4�
<br /> Vllo�ters Kl�we�Fynancyal 5en+ices Page 6 ot�7
<br /> qQ3355355144 �z33 351 4617
<br />