2� 1 ��32�7
<br /> �1. HazardousSubstanGes.As used in thi� S�cti�n�I: (a} "Ha�ardou.s,Su�.s�ta�ce.s"are thos�substances
<br /> defined as taxic ar hazardous substances,pa�lu�ants,ar wastes by Environmental Lativ and�he follo�uing
<br /> substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or�oxic petroleum products,toxic pesticides a�d herbicides,
<br /> �o�atile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldeh�de, and radioac�i�e materials; (b�
<br /> "Er��i�or�rnental Law"means federa��aws and laws of the jurisdiction where the I�roperty is loeated that
<br /> relate�o health, saf�ty or environmenta.l protection; �c) "�nvirarcr�aer�tal Crear�up"includes any res�on�e
<br /> action, remediai action, �r removal action, as defined in Environmental Law; and�d}an "Er�viro�n�entcx�
<br /> �'o�ditia►�"means a�onditian that can cause, contr�bute to, ar otherwise trigger an Env�.r�nmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower sha11 not cause ar permit the prese�ce,use,disposal, starage,ar release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten ta relea.se any Hazardous Substances,on flr in the Property. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br /> nor a�low anyane else to do,anything affecting the Praperty(a}that is in violation of any En�ironmental
<br /> Law, �b}which crea�es an Environmenta.l Condition,or(c}which,due to th�presence,us�,or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance,creates a candit�on�hat adverse�y affects the value af the Proper�y. The preceding�o
<br /> sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on t�e Proper�y of sma11 quantities of Hazardous
<br /> Substances that are genera���recogn�2ed to be appropriate�o normal resident��.1 us�s and to maintenance of
<br /> the Pr�perty(including,bu�nflt�imited to,ha�ardous�ubstances in consun�er products},
<br /> Borro�er shal�promptl�give Lender�vritten natic�of�a)any investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or o�her
<br /> action b�any governmental or re�ulatory agency or pri�ate party in�o���ng the Propert�and any Hazardous
<br /> Substa.nce or Environmental Law�f vvhich��rrower has actual knowledge, (b}any Environmenta.l
<br /> Condition, including but n.ot�imited to,any spilling, Ieaking,dis�harge,release or threat of release of any
<br /> Ha2ardous Substance,and�c)any condition caused by the presence,use or release of a Haza.rdous�ubstanc�
<br /> which adversely affects the value of the Pra�ert�. �f Borrotiver learns,or is notified by any ga�ernmen�al ar
<br /> regulato�-�r au�hority,or any private par�,that any removal or other remediation of an�Hazardaus Substance
<br /> affecting the Froperty is necessary,Borrawer shall prvmpt�y take a11 necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordance with Environmenta�La�v,Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an
<br /> En�ri.ronmenta.l�leanup,
<br /> Non-Uniform�o��nants.F3orrower and Lender covenant and a�ree as fo��ows:
<br /> ��. Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shall give notice tn B�rrower prior to a��eleration fvllowing
<br /> Borrvwer's breach of any co�enant ar agreement in this Security Instrument�but n�t prior to
<br /> acceleration under��ction 18 un�e�s Applicable La�vv pravides otherwise}.The notice shal�specify: �a}
<br /> the�efault; �b}the aGtian required to cur�the default; �c}a date,not less than 3Q days from�he date
<br /> the nvtice is gi�en t�B�rrower,by whic�the default must be cured; and�d}that failure to cure the
<br /> default�n or before the date specified in the n�tice may resu�t in ac�eleration of the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sal��f the Praperty.The notice shall further inform Borrower of the
<br /> r�ght to reinstate after ac�eleratian and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a
<br /> default or any other defense of Borr�wer t�acce�eration and sale.If the default�s nv#�ur�d on vr
<br /> befare the d�te specifed in the notice,Lender at its optian ma�require�rnmediate paym�nt in full�f
<br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale
<br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable LavY,Lender shall be entit�ed ta c�llect aI�expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Sectian 22,including,but no��im��ed to,rea�onab�e
<br /> attorneys'fee�and cQsts of title evidence.
<br /> q�3355355144 4�33 351 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LlNIFQRM INSTRUMENT WiTH MERS Form 3428 11�1
<br /> VMR C� VMPfiA(NE}[1342}.44
<br /> Walters Kluwer Fi�anci�l Services Rage 14 of 17
<br />