2� 1 ��32�7
<br /> �a� A�n.y�u�h agre�me�ts wi��n�t affect the amounts that B�rrower has agreed tv pay fv�Martgage
<br /> Insuran�e,or any other terms of the L�oan,Such a�reements vvi�l not increase�he amount
<br /> Bt�rrower�v�ilx vwe f�r I�vrtgage Insurance,and they will not entitie Borr�wer to any refund,
<br /> �b� Any such agreements will nat affect the rights$orrower has-if any-with respect�a the
<br /> Martgage Insurance under the Hameowners Frv�e��ion Act o�199�or a�.y�ther�aw.The�e r��hts
<br /> may�nclu+de the ri�ht t�receive certain�disclasures,ta requ�st and obtaix�cancellation.vf the
<br /> M�rt�age Insurance,t�have the Mortgage Insuran�e terminated autam.at�ca��y,andlor ta r��eive
<br /> �refund of any M�rtgage in�t�rance premiums that were�unearned at the time vf such
<br /> canCellatian or terminatxon.
<br /> 'I 1. Assignm�ntof�IIl�scelianeousProce�ds;Forfeiture.l��1 Miscellaneous Proc�eds are hereby assigned to
<br /> and sha11 be paid to Lender.
<br /> If the Prap�rty is damaged, such Miscet�aneous PrQceeds sha11 be app��ed�o restora�ion or repair of the
<br /> propertyg if��.e res�oration or repair is econamically feas�b�e and Lender's security is not lessened, During
<br /> such repair and restoration period,Lender shall�ave the right to ho�d such Mi�cellaneous Praceeds until
<br /> Lender has had an apportunity to in�peGt such Property to ensure the work has been cornpleted to Lender's
<br /> sat�sfaction,provided that such inspection sha11 be undertaken prompt�y. Lender may pay for the repairs and
<br /> restoration in a s�ng�e disbursement ar in a s�ries of pragress payments as the work�s completed. Un�ess an
<br /> agreement is made in writing or App��cable Law requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds,
<br /> L�nder shall not�e required to pay Barro�rer any interest or earnings on such Misceilaneous Proceeds. If the
<br /> rest�ration or repair is not economica�ly fe�sible or Lender'�se�urity�vould be �essened,the Miscellaneous
<br /> Proceeds shall be app�ied t�the sums secured by this Security Instrun�ent,whether or not then due,with the
<br /> excess,�f any,paid to B�r�a�v�r. �uch Miscellaneous Pro���e�ts s�a11 be applied in the order pro��ded far�n
<br /> Section Z.
<br /> In the event of a tota.l taking,destruction.,ar loss in value o�`the Propert�,the Miscellaneous Proceeds sha.11
<br /> be app�ied to�he sums secured by this Secu�rity Instrum�nt,�hether or nat then due,with the ex��ss, �f any,
<br /> paid to B�rrower.
<br /> In the event of a par�ia�taking,destruction,or�oss�n�alue of the Froperty in which�he fair market value of
<br /> �he Property imrriediately before�he partial taki�g9��iS�l Li�L10n9 or Ioss in value is equal to or greater than the
<br /> amoun�of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately b�fore the partia�taking,destruction,ar
<br /> Ioss in value,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agre��n wri�ing,the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument sha�I be reduced by the amoun�of th�IVliscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> fract�on: (a)the total amoun�of the sums�ecured immediate�y before the partial tak�ng,destructiori,nr toss
<br /> in value divided by�b)th�fair�market�a�ue of the Property irnmediatety before the partial ta.king,
<br /> destruction, or los�i�n value,Any ba�ance sha11 be paid to Borrawer.
<br /> In the e�ent of a partial ta.�ing, destruction,or loss in�atue of the Property in which the fair market vatue af
<br /> the Property immediately before the partia�taking,destruction,or loss in�atue is less than the amount�f the
<br /> sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction,ar loss in value,un�ess Borrower and
<br /> Lender o�herwise agree in writing,the�Iiscellaneous Proceed�shall be applied to the sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned b�Borro�ver,or if,after notice by Lend�r to Borro�er�hat�he�pposing Part�r
<br /> ��.s defin�d in th�next sentencej offers ta make an award to settle a Giaim for damages,Borr�wer fails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 3�days after the date t�ie notice is given,Lender is auth�rized to collect and apply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restora�ion or repai.r of the Proper�y ar to the sums secured by th�s
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTRUMENT VIIITH MERS Farm 3428 1141
<br /> Vliol e�Kluwer�inancial Servi�es VMPfiA(Page1�fl af�4
<br /> q�3355355144 �233 351 1Q17
<br />