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<br /> Re�to: Bruc e I. S m.ith
<br /> P.�. Bax 79�
<br /> Grand Is�and,NE �SS�2-�79�
<br /> In consideratxon of the payment of obiigatxans under a I3eed of Trust dated May 2S, 2��9
<br /> and recorded May 29, 2�09 as Instrument Na. ��09�42�1 in the �ffice of the Hal� County
<br /> Register of Deeds, by and between J�HN METTENBRINK and PATRI�IA METTENBRINI�,
<br /> husband and wife; �`rARY R. METTENBRINK also known as GARY METTENBRINK and�
<br /> I�IM METTENBRINK, husband and wife; LYNN�. METTENBRINK a�.so known as LYNN
<br /> �ILLIAM METTENBRINK, also known as LYNN METTENBRINK, a single p�rson and �
<br /> CAR�L A. HEII]E alsa knawn as �AR�L METTENBRINI�Y�RI�, a single as Trustor, and
<br /> upon th�request far recanveyance of the Benef�ciary, BRUCE I. �MITH, Attorney-at�Law,
<br /> Trustee, hereby releases said Deed of Trust on t,he following described real esta.te:
<br /> Lot Twa ��},North Fark S econd Subdiv�sian, Ha11 County,Nebrasl�a �
<br /> AND
<br /> The Southeast�uarter�SE 114}�of Sect�on Three �3�, Township Eleven(11}North,
<br /> Range Ten (1�� West of the Gth P.M., Hail County,Nebraska EK�EPTIN�Lots .
<br /> �ne �1� and two �2�,North Fark �econd Subdivxsion, Ha11 County,Nebraska
<br /> E��EPTIN�A tract af Iand comprising a part of the South Haif�S 112� of Sec-
<br /> tion Three (3}, Tov�mship Eleven(11}North, Range Ten�10) West of the 6th
<br /> P.M., in Hall �ntu�.ty,Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Begin-
<br /> ni�g at the nar�heast corner of the S outheast�uarter�SE 114� of sa�d Sect�on
<br /> Three �3�; thence running westerly along th�north�ine of the �outheast Quarter
<br /> �SE 114� of said Section Three �3�, �n an As�umed Bearing of S $9°29'12" W, a
<br /> dYstance of Two Th�usand Six Hundred Thirty��ne and Thirty Hundredths
<br /> ' ��631.3�� feet, to the Northeast corner of the Southwest�ua.r�er�SW 114� af said
<br /> Section Three �3�; thence continuing S $9°29�1�" �]LT, a distance of Seven Hundxed
<br /> Twenty Eight and Nxnety Sever�Hundredths �7�$.97� f�et; thence running S
<br /> -�4°31'16" E, a distance of Twenty F�ve ��5.00� feet, to a point or�a curve; thence
<br /> runr�ing sautheaster�y a1�ng the arc of a curve ta the right whose radius xs �ne
<br /> Thousar�d Four Hundred Twenty F�ur�1�24.��� feet,the I�ng chord af which
<br /> bears S 47°�1'34�' E, a�ong chord dYstance �f Eight Hundred Fift and Seven
<br /> Y tY
<br /> Hu.ndredths ��5�.7�� feet; thence running N 89°2$'44" E, a distance af�ne Hun-
<br /> dred Eighteen and F�r�y Nine Hundredths �118.49� feet, ta a oint on a curve;
<br /> p
<br /> thence�-urv.ung nor�.heasterly along the axc of a curve to the right whase radius is
<br /> �ne Thousand Five Hundred Se�enty Two and F�fty Hundredths �1572.5�� feet,
<br /> the Yong chord of which bears N 46°�3'S�" E, a lang chord distance af E� ht Hun-
<br /> . �
<br /> dred Fifty �ne and Eighiy Five Hundxedths �$51.S 5} feet; thence running N
<br /> 89°29�12" E, a distance of Two Thousand Sxx ����6.��� feet,ta a point an the east
<br /> Zine of the Southeast�uarter�SE 114� of said Section Three �3�; thence runnxng N
<br /> O 1°�3'17" W, on the east�ine of the �outheast Quarter�SE 114} of said Section
<br /> Three �3�, a distance �f Twenty Frve ��5.0�� feet, to the point of beginr�ing.
<br />