2� 1 ��3133
<br /> DE�r3 �F TF�UST
<br /> Loan Nv: '��'I�939�9 ��ont�nued} Page 8
<br /> addr�ss. �o�noti�� purposes, Trus�ar �grees �o keep Lender in��rmcd at aII times o�Trustor's current address. lJnless
<br /> ❑the�w�se prv�ided or required by law, ��there is m�re than on� Trus�or, any no�i�e gi�en by Lender t� any Trustvr is
<br /> deemed�v b�nv�ice gi�en to all Trustors, It wil! be Trus�ar's responsibili�y�o�eli th� o�her�a�the nv�ice from l�ender.
<br /> M15CELLANE�US PR(]VISI�NS. The�ollvwing misce��anevus prv�isions are a part ot�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Am�ndments, Wha'� is written in �his �eed o€Trust and in th� Rela�ed DaGuments is Trus�vr's entire agreement
<br /> wi'�h Lend�r cancerning'�he ma�ters coW�red by�his Deed a�Trust. �o be e�fectiv�, any �hange ❑r amendment ta
<br /> this Deed v�Trust must be in wr��ing and must be signed by whQe�er wifl be bvund or obligated b��he change vr
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Captian Headings. Caption headings in this D�ed ot Ttus� are �or con�enien�e purpases ❑niy and are n�t �o be
<br /> u�ed�v interpr�t ar de�ine the pro�4sions❑f this aeed af Trust.
<br /> Merger. �`here shall be na mer�er of the intere�t vr esta�e cr�ated by�his ❑e�d o�Trust with any v�her interes�vr
<br /> es�a�e in the Prvper�y at any�ime heid �y or far the benefi�Qf Lender in any�a��city, withau��he writ�en c�nsen�
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Gho�cE of Venue. [��here i� a law�u�t. Trus�or ��rees upan L�nder`s request to submit �o th� jurisdic�ian o�the
<br /> Gaur�s ❑f Hal[ Caunty, ��ate❑�Nebraska.
<br /> Nv Vllai►►er by Lender. Trustar understands Lende�-will not gi�e up an� �f Lender's rights under�his ❑eed ot Trust
<br /> V�1��55 Lender daes so in wri'�ing. The �ac�.tha� Lender deiays �r omi�s to exer�ise any righ� wi[l not me�n tha�
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. If Lender dves agree in writin� t� gi�e up one vf Lender's righ�s, that does no�
<br /> m�an Trustor will not ha�e to Gomply wi�h the v�her prv�isians n�this Deed o� Trust. Trustor alsv unders��nds
<br /> �ha� i� Lender do�s consent to a request, �ha� does n�t mean that Trustor wi41 nat ha�� �o ge� Lender"s consen�
<br /> again i�fihe Situation happens again. Trus�or furrher understands tha�just because Lender cansents to one or mare
<br /> of Trus�or's requests, that dves nvt mean Lend�r will b� required �to cvnsent�❑ any ❑f Tru��or's �uture r�quests.
<br /> �"rus�or wai�es pr�sen�ment, demand�or payment, prates�, and notice o�dishQn�r.
<br /> 5e�erabili�y. If a caurt tinds �ha� �ny pra�ision v��his De�d vf Trust is not�aiid ❑r shau�d no'� be enforced, �hat
<br /> �Fac�by i�self rrvi�! not mean tha��Che rest❑��his Deed❑�Trus�will not be ��lid ar en�orced. Therefvre, a court will
<br /> enf�rce the res�o�the pro�isions v��his Deed Qf Trust e�en i�a pro�isi�n a�this �eed o�Trust may be�round to be
<br /> inWa�id ❑r unenfvrceab�e.
<br /> Successars and Assigns. Suhsect to any iimi�ativns stated in this Deed �f Trust an �rans#er of Trustor`s interest,
<br /> this Deed ot Trus� sha�E he binding upon and inure '�o �he b�ne�i� ❑# the par�ies, �heir succes�ars and assigns. Ef
<br /> ownership of th� Prvperty becomes �ested in a person ❑ther than Trustorr Lender. wi�hou� notice ta Trus�or, may
<br /> deal with Trus�or's successors with re�erence to�his D�ed ot Trust and the Indebt�dness �ay way o��orbearance or
<br /> �xtension withou�r�ieasing Tru��a��rvm the obl��a�ions v�this �eed of Tru��or liability under�khe Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is Qf the Essen�e. Tim�i�o�the essence in th�perfvrmance vf this Qeed afi Tru�t.
<br /> Wa��er ot Home�tead Exemp��ion. Trustor h�reby releases and waives aEE righ�s and bene�its ot �he h�mes'�ead
<br /> ex�mp�ivn Ea►nrs o��ne State o�Nebraska as�❑ al! Indebtedness secured by#his ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> ❑EFIN[T'ii�NS. Th�tvllawing words sh�ll ha�e�he�all�wing meanings when used in this De�d v�Trust:
<br /> Qen��iciary. The word "Bene#iciary" msans �i�e Points Bank, and i�s suc�essQr�and assigns.
<br /> BQrrvwer. The ward "Barro��r" means C�RISSA L PERKINS and includes all co-si�ners �nd co-makers signEng
<br /> the Note and aEi their suc�e�svrs and assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "C]�ed ❑f Trus�" mean this Deed vf Trust am�ng Trustar, L�nder, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> inc�udes vui�hvut limi�a�ion all assignment and se�urity interest pro�isivns reia�ing to the Persana! Property and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Envira�nmental Laws. The wards "Envirvnmenta[ Laws" mean any and al[ s�a�e. federai and locaf statutes,
<br /> regula�ions and ordinances relating ta the prv�e��iQn o� human health or the en�ironment, in�luding withvut
<br /> lim�ta�ian the Camprehensi�e Enviranmen�a� R�spanse� C�mpensativn, and Liabi�i�y Act a� 138D, as am�nded, 4�
<br /> �.S.C. Ssction 96�1, et seq. {"GERCLA"}, the Super�und Am�ndmen�s and Reau�:hvrization Ac�o� �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99w499 �"SARA"�,the Hazardvus MaterEa[s Transpor�ation Ac�, 49 L�.S.G. S���inn �8Q�, ��seq., �he R�source
<br /> �vnser�ation and Reco�er� Ac�, 42 U.S.C. Sec�ian 69��, e�seq., �r ❑ther appl�cable state or �ederal la�vs, rules,
<br /> o�re�ulativns ad�pted pursuant th�reto.
<br /> Event v�Detaul�. The words "Even�o�Default" mean any of�he e�ren�s o�defaul�se�farfih in this Deed af 7rust in
<br /> �he e�ents v�d��ault section of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Exis�ing lndebtedness. Th� words "Exist�ng Indebtedness" mean the indeb��dness des�rih�d �n �he Exis�ing Liens
<br /> pravision❑f th�s De�d af Trust.
<br /> Ha�ardous Suhs�anGes. The wvrds "Hazardt�us 5uhstanGes" mean ma�erials that, because v� �heir qu�n�ity,
<br /> concentratian or physi�aE, chemiGal nr in�ectious cnarac�eri�tics, may cause �r p�se a presen'� ar po�entiai ha�ard
<br /> t� human heai�h ❑r the en�iranmen�when impro�aerly used, trea�ed� stored, dispv�ed af, genera'�ed, manufactur�ed,
<br /> transported ❑r v�h�rwise hand[�d. The words "Hazardvus Subs�ances" ar�e used in their uery broadest sense and
<br /> include without limi�atian any and a[i hazardous or toxiG subs�ances, materials or ►�vas�e as d�fined by or listed
<br />