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2� 1 ��3133 <br /> D��D DF TRUST <br /> Lvan Nfl: 7��2�39D9 �Continued} Page 5 <br /> Curren�T�x�s, Fees and Char�es. Upvn reques� by Lend�r. Trustor sh�l� exe�u�e suc� documen�s in add'+tian �❑ <br /> �his qeed ❑�Trus� and take wha�eWer o�her ac�ir�n is requ����d by Lend�r tv per�Fec� and continue Lender's li�n an <br /> the Real Property. Trustor shalf reimbu�-se Lender for aIf ta�ces, as des�ribed beEow, toge�her wEth a!! expenses <br /> incurred in recarding, perfecting or c�ntinu�ng thE� �eed af Trust, includ�ng wi�haut limi�a�ion al� �axes, �ees, <br /> dacumentary stamps. and ather charges fvr recording vr registering�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Taxes. The �ollowing shall cons�i�u�Ce t�xes tv �rhiGh �his sec�ion app�ies: �'1} a sp��i�ic taac upan this type ❑� <br /> Deed vf rrust or up�n all ar any part a��he �ndebtedness ��cured by ��ris Deed of Trust; ��y a specific �ax on <br /> Trustar whiGh Trus�vr�s authori�ed or required t❑ deduct from paymen#s ❑n�he jndebtedness secured by�his�ype <br /> ❑f Deed o�T�us�; �3y a �a�on this type a�F Deed a�Trust chargeable against th� L�nder or�he hQ�der af the No�e; <br /> and ��} a specific ta�c an all o�any pQr#ion ❑�the lndeb�edness or on payments v�prin�ipal and int�rest made by <br /> Trus�vr. <br /> Suhsequen� Taxes. I� �ny tax to which �his se�tion applie� is enac�ed �ubsequen� �v fhe date a� this ❑eed a� <br /> Trus�, �h15 e�ent sh�ll have �he �ame effect �s an Event t��f Default, and Lender m�y exerGise �ny or all o� its <br /> a�aiiable rernedies fvr an EWent af ❑e�ault as �rvWided belaw un�ess Trus�or either {�y pays th� �ax be�Qre it <br /> becomes delinquen�, vr {�} con�e�ts �he�ax as prv�ided aba�e in the Taxes and Li�ns secti�n and deposits wi�h <br /> Lender cash vr a suffi�i�nt Gorporate sur�ty hond or v�her securi�y satis�ac�ory�o Lender. <br /> SE��f�fTY AGR�EMENT; FxNA,NCING STAYEMENTS. The �ollowing pra�isiar�� relating �a this Qeed o�F Trus� as a <br /> securi�y agr��ment are a par�❑#this ❑��d of Trus�: <br /> S�curity Agre�men�. This instrument shall constitute a 5ecurity Ag�eemen� to the exten� any a� �he Pra�erty <br /> cvnstitu�es tix�ures, and Lender shafl ha�e all of the rights ��r a secured party under the Uni�orm �amm�rcial Code <br /> a� amended�rom time tv#ime. <br /> ��cu�ity ln�eres�. Upon request by Lender. Trus�ar shall take whate�er aG�ion is r�qu���ed hy L�nd�r tv per�ec� <br /> and cantinue Lender's security inter�s# in the Personal P�aper�y. In addi�ion �a reGarding this D�ed o�Trust in�he <br /> real prvper�y r�cvrds, Lender may, at any tim� and �vithaut �ur�her auth�rE�ation �rom Trustvr, �ile exe�ut�d <br /> caun�erpar�s, copies ❑r repraduct�ans ❑f this ❑eed af Trus� as a ��nancing sta�emen�. Trustor shall reimburse <br /> Lender for all expense� incurred in Rertec�ing or continuing this security interest. Up�n defau��, Trustar sha�l not <br /> rema�e, se�er ar deta�h �he P��svnal Praper�y fram �he Property. Upon d��auEt, Trustvr shali a���mble any <br /> PersonaF Praperty na� ��ixed �o the Property in a manner and a� a place r�asonably con�enE�nt �Q Trus�or and <br /> Lender and make i� avaiCable ta Lender within �hree �3j days after re�eip� ❑� written demand �ra�m Lender ta �he <br /> extent permi��ed by applicabEe iaw. <br /> Addresses. The mai�ing addresses of Trustar �debtor) and Lender �se�ured partyy from which in�ormatian <br /> ccance�-nin� the s�curi�y int�res� granted by�his Deed af T�ust may be obta�ned �each as required by �he Uniform <br /> �ommer�ial Cade� are a��r�ted an�he�irst page�a���is L�eed a�Yrust. <br /> F�RTHER ASS�URAN�ES; ATT�RNEYw�CV-FACT. The follo�nring pro�isic�ns r�[ating �o �ur'�her assurances and <br /> ��tvrney-in-�aC�are a part o�this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �rom �sme �❑time, upan request v� Lender. Trustvr�rvill ma�e, �xecute and <br /> deliuer, or will cause ta i�e made, ex�Guted or deliWered, t❑ Lender Qr to Lender`s designee, and�vhen reques�ed by <br /> Lender, cause �t❑ b� �iled, recarded, re�il�d, vr rereGvrded, as the case may b�, a� such �imes and in such offiG�s <br /> and plac�s as Lender may deem apprapriate, any and a[E such mvrtgages, deeds af trustf security deeds. securi�y <br /> agreernen'�s. financing statements� cantinuativn s�atemen�s� instrumen�� o� �u�-ther assuran�e, cer�ificates, �nd <br /> vther documents as may, in the sole opinion o�Lender, be necessary❑r desirable sn order to e��ec�uate. complete, <br /> perfe�t, can�inue, vr preser�e t'€� Trustor's abligation� under �he Note, this De�d o� Trust, and �he R�lated <br /> Documents, and {�� �he liens and se�uri�y in�ere�ts created by�his Deed af Trus�on�he Prvperty, whether naw <br /> awned or hereafter acquired by Trus��r. Unl�ss �rvhibit�d by law ar Lender agree� �a �h� �antrary in wri�inc�, <br /> Trustvr shall reimburs� Lender f�r ai! G�s�s and e�cpenses incurred in cvnnec�ivn with�h� matters r���r�-ed t� in�his <br /> paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fac#. ��Trus���fai[s t❑ do any vf�h� �hings referred to �n the preceding paragraph, Lender may d❑ so <br /> for and in the nam� of Trustor and a�Trustor's expense. Fvr su�h purposes, Trus�ttir herehy irre�ocably appa�nts <br /> Lender as Tru�tv�'s at�vrney-in-�act fvr the purpose of making, execu�ing, delive�ing, filin�, reco�ding, and daing all <br /> ather thin�s as may h� necessa�-y or desirable, in Lender's svle Qpininn, �o ac�vmpii�h �he ma��ers �e�ferred tQ in <br /> �he prec�d�ng paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE, ��Trustor pays af[ �h� Indebtedness, incfuding v�ithvut limi�ation aii �utu�e a�vanc�s, when due, <br /> and otherwise performs alE �he abligativns impvsed upon Trustor under this Leed of T�ust. Lende� shall execute and <br /> deliver �a Trust�e a �equ�st �Q�- �uli recon�eyance and shal� execut� and deli�e� �v Trus�or suitable statemen�s v� <br /> �e�mination ot any �inancing ��a�ement vn �ile eWidencing Lender's se�urity interest in th� Rents and �he PersQnal <br /> Prvperty. Any r�can�eyance�e� required by lav►r sh�ll be paid by T�rus�ar, i�r p�rmitted by app�Ecab�e law. <br /> �EFAULT. A�Lender's ap�iont Trustor will be in default under#F�is Deed a�Trust i�any o�th��a!lowing happen: <br /> �raud ar MatertaE Misrepresenta#ion. Trustor cammits �raud or ma#e�-ia� misrepresentation in �annectivn with the <br /> terms a#the Nv�e. <br /> Payment E]e�auE�. Trusxvr�ails t❑ mee��he repaym�nt terms o�the Note�or any au�standir�g bafance. <br />