2� 1 ��3112
<br /> Transfer af the Froperty or a Benef�c�a�I���e�est�x� B��rower.If al�ar any par�o:f the Praperty or any interest
<br /> in it is sald or transferre� ��r �f a t��ne�c�a.� in�erest in B�rravtrer �s s��d or �ransf��rred and Borrower is n4� a
<br /> natura� person} with�ut Lender's pr�or writ�e�n consen�, Lend�r may, a�t i�s op�ion, require immedia�e paym�nt in
<br /> fu�l af a�� su.ms secured by th�s Security Ins�ru.ment. However, this op���r� shall no� be exerc�sed by Len�.�r �f
<br /> �xerc�se zs prahzbited by federal laW as of the c�ate af�his Security rns�ruxn�nt.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �h�s opt��n, Lender �ha:�� gz�� Barro�vver nfl�ice of acceleration. The no�ice shall pravide a
<br /> periad Qf n�t less than�he minimum numbe:r �f days establ�shed by Applicable La�� from the da�e the notice is
<br /> c�e�ivered or mail�d tivi�iin which Borrov►rer mus� pay a1� su�s secured by th�s 5ecurity Ins�rumen�. �f Bor�o�xrer
<br /> fai�s �o pay�hese sums prior to the expiratxon af this per�od, Lend�r may invak� an��r remedies perrnit�e�by �h�s
<br /> 5ecur�ty�ns�rum.ent vv�thaut fu�ther no��ce or demand an Borrotiver.
<br /> Borrov�er's Right �to Re�nstate. �f Bor�ou��er meets certain �and����ns, Borrawer ��ha�l hav� the righ� �a have
<br /> enfarcemen�of this Secur�ty Ins�rument disc��nt.inue� at any t�me pri�r ta �he earlier of•. �a} S da�s ��r such o�her
<br /> period as Appl�cable Law may specify for re�.ns�a�ement}��for�sal��f the Proper�y��u.rsuan�t� any po�ver�f sale
<br /> con�a�ned in �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument; or ��b} en�ry af a judgment enforcing �his Secur�ty rnstrumen�. �"hose
<br /> condi��ons are tha� Barrower: �a} pays Lend��r a�� sums wh.ich �hen vvou�d be due un.der�his Secu.ri�y �nstrumen�
<br /> and the Can�rac�as�f no accelera�ion had occurred;�b�cures any default of�.ny other�avenants or agre�rnen�s; �c}
<br /> pa�s aIl expenses incwrred�n enfarcing this Security Ins�rumen�, inc��xding,bu�no�limited to,reasonab�e a�to��neys'
<br /> fees �� �he exten�permitted by�aw; a�d �d} tak�s such act�on as Le�der ma�reasor�ai�Iy require to assur��hat�he
<br /> lien of thi� Security Instrumen�, Lender's�igk�ts�n the Prop�rtg�and�orr�vver's obliga�tion to pay the su�ns se�ured
<br /> by this Security Znstrumen� sha�i cont�nue ur�changed. Upfln re�s�atement by Borrotiver, �his Security �ns�rnen�
<br /> and�h� ob�igations secured hereby shal� rem�ain fuily eff�c�iv� as if n.� acce�erat�an]iad nccurred. �-Io�vever, �h�s
<br /> right to reinsta�e sha��not app�y in�he case�:�'accelera�i�n und�r th�sec�ion�it�ed Tr,�nsfer vf th�Praperty or a
<br /> Benef�c�a�Interest�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Barrovver shall not��ause or permit�he presence,use, disposal, storage, or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances�n or in�he Proper�y.�3orrovver sha�l no�d�,�or allow anyone�uxse to d�,any�.ing affe��ing
<br /> the Praper�y tha� is in �ri�Iation of any Envi:ranm�ntal La�v. Th� preced�ng �wo s�ntences shall na� apply�a �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage on the Proper�y of s�nall quanti�ies�f Haza.�dous�ubstances 1:�a�are g�n�rally recognize�
<br /> �o l�e appropriate to narma�res�dential uses a�1d to maintenanc��f�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borro�w�r sha��pramptly give Lender wr��ten n��ice o�'any invest�ga�ion,claim, demar.�d, �awsuit or ather act�Qn by
<br /> any governmenta� or regu�a�ary agency ar p��iva�e party inv��ving the Pr�p�rty and i�ny Hazard�us Substance or
<br /> �nviranmen�a.l Lavtr of �vhich B�rrQwer h.�s actual kn�w�edge. �f Borrower �earns, or xs na�ified by� any
<br /> governmental ar regu�a��ry au�hori�y, that an�,�removal or other rem�dia�i�n of any HG�zardous Substance aff�cting
<br /> �he Proper�.y is necessary, Borro�ver shall promp�ly take a�I ne��ssary remedial ac�ians in ac,cordance �w�th
<br /> Environmental I�aw.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Su�stF�.nces" are those substances def ned as tc►xic or hazardous subst�.nces
<br /> by Environmen�al Lavv and �he follativing sub5�ances: gasol�r�e, k�rosene, ��h�r flammab�e �r to�ic petra�eum
<br /> products, tax�c pes�icides and herb�c�des, vc�latile s�Xven�s, materia�s can��ining as��estos or forma�deh�de, and
<br /> radioac�ive matieria�s. As used�n�his para�ra��h, "Env�ronrnen�al La�v"means federal��a�s and lavtrs af�he s�a�e�f
<br /> Ne�araska tha�relate to heal�h,safe�y or envirc�nmen�al pro��ct��n.
<br /> Accelerat�on; Remedxes. L�nder shall giv�� �tit�ce �� B�rr�wer pr�or �a a�celera:�ion foll�w�ng �3orro�er's
<br /> brea�h of any c�venant vr agreement x�th�s�ecur�ty Instrumen�ar the C�ntra�l�under v�hich a�ce�er�.tion
<br /> �s permitted �but no�prxor to acce�erat�on under th� s��tivn �ftl�d Transfer�f th�e Praperty or a Benef�cial
<br /> In�erest in Borr�wer, un�es�Applicable L��w prv�vi.des o�herwis�}. Th� no��ce sh�all specify: �a� the �efaul�;
<br /> �b} the ac�ion re�uxred tv cure the def��ul�; �c� a da�e, no� �ess �han the ��infmum num�er �f days
<br /> e�ta�alished by Applica�r��La�w from the d��t��he nQtic�is�iven to Barr�wer,by wh�ch the default must be
<br /> cured; an� td} that faf�ure ta �ure the de��au�t on or �efore the date 5pec�fied i:n the no�c� may resu��t �n
<br /> accelera�ion of the sums secured by th�s Se�urity Instru�nent and sa�� of �h�� Prvperty. T� th� e�tent
<br /> permitted by law, �he no�ice Sha�X fur�her:�nf�rm Borr�vver ❑f�he r�ght tv reins��a�e after a�ce�eratinn and
<br /> the right to bring a eourt a��ion to a�sert t��e x�on-ex�stence�f a default�r any ot���r defense of B�rr�vver to
<br /> acce�eration and sa�e, If the default is not��ur�d on �r�ef�re the dat� 5�ecx�ed i.n �he notic�,Lend�r �t�ts
<br /> � opt�on may requir� immedia�e payment �:n fu�l of all. sur�5 se��red by �hi.s Sec:urity InS�rume�t vv��hout
<br /> fur�her demand and may invvke the power �f�a�e anc� a�� ather rer�ed�es perrni�ted by Appiic�b�e �Law.
<br /> Tv the ex�enf perm�,�tte� by �aw, Lender sh�il be entit�ed to co�iect aIl expenses �n�urre� in pursuing the
<br /> rem�d�es pr�vided�n �h�s Sec��an,�n�luding,but n��l�r�i�ed to,r�asona�le attorar�eys'fee� a�d cost5�f�itle
<br /> ev�d�nce.
<br /> If the povver af sale is invvked,Trustee sh��ll recor� a noti�e of d�fau�t i� ea�h �Crunty in�vvh��h a�y part�f
<br /> the Property fS located and sha�l ma��cop���s af such na�ic�in �h� manner prescr�b�d by.�pp�icable Law t�
<br /> Borr�wer and to t�e other persons prescri�ed by Appi�cab�e Law. Aft�r the tinle required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�i g�ve pub�f� nvtxce af s��le to �he pers�ms and in �he manner prescr�ibed by Appl��able
<br /> Lavv. Trustee,vv��hvu� demand �n I��rrovv�Yr, shail se�I the Prop�rty at�ub�ic au�YtiQn �o �he h�.ghe5t bidder
<br /> at the time and plaee axad under the terms��es�gnated�n th�noti�e of sal�in one o�r mvre par�els and�n any
<br /> order Trus��e de�er�rune5. Trustee m�y ��ostpone sal� of all �r any par�e� o:E the Pr�p�rty by pu��xc
<br /> annfluncement�.t the�ime and p�ace of any�prevxous�y�chedul�d sale.Lender or its designee may purchase
<br /> �he Praperty at any sale.
<br /> Upa� receip� vf payment of the pr��� b�d, Truxs�ee shai� d��iver to the purchaser Truste��s de�d conveying
<br /> the Property. The recitals in �he Truste�'s d��d 5hall be pr��na fa�fe ev�c�enc� of�h�tru�h of the 5tatements
<br /> �24a4-ZOI S Cvmpliance Systems,Tnc.SC54-BEEA-2a�5.1 i.3,I09&
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrcament DL243d Pa�e 4 af 5 www.campliancesystems.cam
<br />