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<br /> Home Federal SaWin�s& Loan Assaeia�inn af Home Federal 5a�ines& Loan Assoc�afion of
<br /> �rand Island Grand �sl�nd
<br /> Z21 Sauth Locus� Stree� 2�� Sou�h Locust Street
<br /> G�RAND iSLAND. NE 68841 G�A�1D ISLA�[D. NE �8SQ1
<br /> (�p����11hc�v��I'l�is�.�lfi�I'[]C RCCC7CC��11�f�ai���
<br /> 4F TRUST
<br /> T��is��MMER�I��1 RF�1L ESTATE DEED C�F�T'RUST�"Security �ns�rui��ei�t"} is���ade oi�June �,Z0�4 by the
<br /> �rantor�s� �HL�RCH QF CHR�ST (�F GRAIVD ISLAIVD, NEBRASKA, a Nebraska ��rparation. w��ns�
<br /> address is ZSZZ VV ST�LLEY PARK i�D, GRAND [SLAND, Neb�-aska 688�i �"Gi-antor"}. The trustee is
<br /> Arend R. Baack. Attorney whose address is P.U. Sox 79Q, �rand Island, Neh�-asl�a bS��Z �"Trus�ee"}. T�ie
<br /> bel�eficiary is Home Federal Savings & Loan Assa�ia�ian flf Grand �sland w���se addl•�ss is ZZ1 Sauth
<br /> LocuSf S�reet, Crand island. Nebraska �88UI �"L�nder"}, which is or�anized and e�is�i�z` ui�deY-the lav�s of tlie
<br /> Ui�i�ed S�ates af �1mei-ica. Grar�tar in cansidera�ion af Ioans extended b}� Le��de�- u� to a iz�a�imum pr•ine�pal
<br /> aniount �f T���cnty-���e Thousand and U�I��Q Dollars �U.�. �25,U�€3.�a�} �"Ma�i�z�u��� �'ri��cipal Indebtedness"},
<br /> and for ot��e�• �al��able cansider-ation, the i�eceipt af which is ackna�led�cd, ii-re�acabl}� �rants, con�eys ar�d
<br /> assi�ns to Trustec, 111 �c•ust, u�i��� powzr c�f sale, t��e fall�win� desc�-ib�d pr�p��•�}� iocated in ���e HALL of�
<br /> �4UNTY, S�a�e of Ne�raska:
<br /> Address: �522 W. �tal ley Pa rk Rd, C RA N D IS LAN D,�ebraska�BSQ l
<br /> Le�ai Descr-�p�iol�: Easterly Qne Hu��dred E�gh� ��OS} fee� of Lv� �n� ��}, and al� af Lo� Twa �Z}, Blacl:
<br /> �ne ��}, V�es� Bel Air Third Addition, e�cepting a �ertain tra�� fherefrom as reCflrded in the Redister of
<br /> Deed's �ff�ce �n Warra��ty �3eed as Documen� N�o. $3Q�ZSU2, all in �he City af�rand �sland, HaI� Caunty,
<br /> l�iebrasl:a
<br /> Ta�e�hei• wit�� al� �c�5�1�I1�I`l�S, appui•�enanc�s abut�in� str�eets a��d a�leys, iir�p�-o�ezr�ents, buildin�s, fix��ires,
<br /> tener�nen�s, heredita���ents, ec�uip���ent. rents, inca�r�e, profits and rayal�i�s, persanal �oods of wha�eve�� desc�-iptian
<br /> and all ❑�1�eF, F•i�hts and pi�ivi�eaes ii�cl��d�n�.� a�l ��in�rals, oi�, aas, water �whether �ra��i�dwater, su�aterrarzean a��
<br /> �t�ze��wis�}, �vatc�• s•i�l�ts �whet��ci- t•ipa�•�an, �pprop�-ia�� ai- ath�rwisc, and w�7�ther ar l�o� appu�•tenant to ���e aboWe-
<br /> dcscribcd r-eal pro�ei•�y}, w�lls. wel� p�r-���its, ditcl��s, d�tch i���l�ts, r•eservoirs, resei��ai�• t-��hts. reser�air �itcs,
<br /> stol•��e ri�hts, d��r�s and ��va�er- stocl� t�7at ���ay ��ow, or a� any ti3��e ip the futur-e, be locat�d on andlc�r ��sed ir�
<br /> c�nnection wit�� the �bave-descr�bed r-cal property, paymen� avvards, a�r�oun�s recei�ed fro�n eiz�inent da��r7��r�,
<br /> ama��r�ts recciv�d fr-c���� any and �ill ii�suranc� pay���en�s, a��d timber�vhich may no�v or later be lacat�d, situat�d, c�r
<br /> affixed on and used ���eanneCtian tl�e�-e���t�� (l�ei-einafter ca�led t1�e "Pr�ap�r�y"}.
<br /> R�LATF D D��U yi F IYTS. Th� v�ar-ds "I�elated Docu�nents" �r��an a�l promissary no�es. s��u�•i�y a�reer�7ents,
<br /> pr�ar mor-��,�a�es, prinr de�ds of trust, prio�� dceds t� se�ure debt, busir�ess laa�� a�re��z�eE�ts, cor�structian loar�
<br /> a�r�eF�nen�s. �-esol��t�ans, �uar•anties, en�ira���z�ental a�ree��en�s, subordi��a�ian a�reements. assi�nments af leas�s
<br /> at�d i,er�ts ���d �iz}�� ����er- dacL�ments ar aW�-�:e�z�ents e�ecuted in c�t�nec�ian with th�s I�zde�7ted��ess and Secu�•ity
<br /> �I15t1-u�z�e��t, «���e�he�•�zaw o�-�»r-eafter�;xistin�, 111C�UdlC1�an� f�14d1f1Cc�t14I1S, exfensioz�s,SE1llS���Ut1flI15 QI'C�I1�Wa�5 C}�
<br /> a�zy of�he fa�-e�oi��1. Th� Rela��d Dacume��ts are hereby made a pai-t of t}�is Secu�•ity Ii�s�rumcnt by refere��ce
<br /> t��er�to, ��vit�� t��� sa���e farce and ef`fect a� if f'ull�s�t fo�-�h ��erein.
<br /> �
<br /> I N DF BTCDN E�S. This Securi�y i�zstru�zle��t secures�he principal ����ou17t s��ow�z aUo�e �s i��ay be e�idenced by a
<br /> promissory �zotc a�• nates of e�en, pi�ior ar subsequent date here�a, includin� fu�u�-e ad�ai�ces and e�e�y athes-
<br /> indel�tedness af anv a�1d e�ery kir�d no��� or her-eafte�- �win� fro�n �HURCH �F CHR�ST �F GRAi�ID
<br /> �SLAND, NEBRASKA ta Home Feder•al Sa�ings & Loan Assaciation af Grand �sland, h�ws�eWer created a�•
<br /> arisin�, whethe�� p�-ii»ary, secal�dary or contin�en�, �o�e�her v�ith ar�y interest�r char�es pro�ided i�1 0�- arisir��out
<br /> of such indebtedness. as well as th� ���•�����ents ar�d co�enan�s of t��is Securit}� Instrumen� and �ll Re�atcd
<br /> D�cunlen�s�����-einaf�er-al[ r-efer�•ed to as th� "I ndebtedness"�.
<br /> FUT L]RE A DV A N�ES. Ta t��e e�tept per����i�ted by law, th�s Security I r�s�ruz�lent wi 11 secure fu�u�-e ad��nces as i f
<br /> suc�� ad�ances v�ei�e �r�adc al� tl�e dat�flf�lz�s Security I��s�i-umel�t t-e�a�dless of�l�e fact��Zat fi-a�n ti�r�e t� �i�z1e the�-e
<br /> may bc nfl bala��ce due ��ndet,t��e r�ate and �-��ardl�ss of���et��er Lei�dei- is o��i�a�ed�a ���ake suc�� futui�e ad�al�ces.
<br /> s",''?{�()��-?�J I;('«mpli�ii3cr 5vslc�i��,1�ic aC���-5?f31�-2fi 1�1..�r:}r.��S7
<br /> C'c3iTimcrcial Re7���statc Sccurit��IiiStrtiziic�it-[)I..�#Cl(17 1'a�e l c�1�(� w�4'N'.4C1fI1�7I1111GC51•'tilC.I11ti.GC11Il
<br />