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2� 1 ��31 �9 <br /> Borrower's ob�iga�ion to pay fia Lender Funds for any or all Escraw ltems a�any�irne.Any such waiWer may <br /> nnly be �n writing. ln �he e�ent of such wa�ver, Borrower sha[I pay directly, v�rhen and where payable, fihe <br /> amounfs due for any Escro�rv i�ems for whiGh paymenf of Funds has been�vaiv�d by Lend�r and, if Lender <br /> requires, shall furn�sh to Lender receipfis eWid�ncing such paym�nt�nri�h�n such�ime per�od as Lender may <br /> require. Borrotirver's ablEga�ian �o make such payments and to proWid� receip�s shafl for a�� �purpvses be <br /> deemed �o be a co�enanfi and agreemen� con�a�ned �n �h�s Security ins�rumen�, as �h� phrase "cv�enant <br /> and agreemen�" is used En Sec�ion g. lf B�rrower �s obligated to pay Escraw ���m� dire��ly, pursuan��� a <br /> waiver, and Borrow�r fails fo pay�he amoun�due for an Escrovrr Item, Lend�r may e�cerc�se i�s r�gh�s und�r <br /> - Section 9 and pay such amvun� and Borrower sha1� then be obligafed under Sec�ion 9 �o repay fio L�nder <br /> any sueh amoun�. Lender may reWoke �he wai�er as �o any or a[� Escro`rv I�ems a� any t�me by a notice <br /> giWen �n acc�rdance with 5�ct�on �4 and, upon such r�Wvca�ion, Borra�rver sha�[ pay�� Lender a![ Funds, <br /> ' and in su�h amaun�s, thaf are then re�uired under th�s 5ectian 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any�Eme, colle�t and hoid Funds in an amvunt �a}suff�ien�to p�rm�t Lender�a a�ply <br /> the Funds at fhe ��m� specified under RESPA, and �b} no��o exceed �he maximum amount a iender can <br /> require under RE�PA. Lender shal! estimate the amaunt of Funds due on �he basis of current data and <br /> reasonable estima�es of expendi�ures of fu�ure Escrow l�ems or otherw�se in accordance with Appli�able <br /> Law. <br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an �ns��tution whase dep�si�s are insured by a federa! agency, <br /> ins�rumen�ality, or enti�y ��nc[uding Lender, if Lender is an instifu�ion whose d�posi�s are so�insured} or �n <br /> any Fed�rai Home Loan Bank. Lender shaE� apply the Funds �o pay �h� Es��'ovtir l�ems no la�er fihan the <br /> �im� spec�fed under RESPA. Lender shall na� �harge Borrower for holding and apply�ng the Funds, <br /> annuaf[y ana�yzing the escrow acc�un�, �r �erifyEng fihe �EsGrov�r l�ems, un�ess Lender �pays �Borr�wer <br /> inter�st on �he Funds and AppiEca��e Law permi�s L�nder to�make such a �harge. Unless an agreemen�is <br /> made in wri�ing or Appli�abEe Law requEres interest ta�be�paid on fhe Funds, Lender shail not be requ�red <br /> �o pay Borro�ver any infierest o� earnings �n �h� Fun�s. Bor�ower and Lender can agree in wri�ing, <br /> how��er,�ha�in�erest shal[��e paid on�h� Funds.�L�nder shafl gi��t❑ Borraw�r,withaut�har�e, an�annua� <br /> ac�oun�ing af�he Funds as requ�red�by RESPA. <br /> lf �here is a surplus of Funds held in escrvw, as defined under RESPA, Lender shaf[ a�count to <br /> Barro�rve�for the excess funds �n ac�ordance v�r�th �RESPA. If�here is,a shartage of Funds hefd �n escr�vu, <br /> as defined under�R�SPA, L.ender sha�� no��fy Bor�o�rer as requ�r�d by�RESPR, �and Borrov��r shal� pay to <br /> Lender the amounfi ne�essary fa mak� up �he shor�age in accardance �rv�th `RESPA, bu� in ,no more �han <br /> �2 manth�y payrnen�s. ff�here�is a defi�iency �f�Funds�hefd in escrouv, as defined�under RESPA, �Lender <br /> shail �no�ify Bo�rower as �e�uired 'by 'RESPA, an� sorrower shall pay �o Lender fihe amount necessary to <br /> mak� up�he defcien�y in a��ardance vtirith�RESPA, �uf in�na�more fihan ��Z monthly�payrnenfis. <br /> Upon�paymen�in ful� of al! sums secured by�his 5ecuri�y�lns�rumenfi, L�nder sha�l�prvmp�ly refund �o <br /> Borrowe�any Funds h�ld by Lend�r. . <br /> 4. Charges; Lie�s. �Bflrrfltirver shall pay ai� �axes, ass�ssmen�s, char�es, fines, and impos�tions <br /> a�tr�butable to �he Praperty v�rh'E�h can at�ain prio�ity ��er�his Securi�y �nsfirumen�, leasehald payments or <br /> ground ren�s an the Prop�r�y, if any, and Cammunity As�oc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. <br /> To the ex�en� thaf these item� are Escrov� �tems, B�rrower sha�l pay fhem in �he manner pro�ided in <br /> Sec�ion 3. <br /> Borrower shalf pramptly di�charge any lien wh��h has priori�y over �his Securify Ins�rument unf�ss <br /> Borr�we�: �a}agrees in wrEting�o fh� payment of�he obligafiian secured by�he lien in a manner acceptable <br /> �o Lender, but only so [ang as Borrower �s performing such agreement; �b3 contes�s �he lien in g�ad faith <br /> �y, or defends against enforc�men� of the lien in, lega[ proceedings whi�h �n Lender's apinion opera�e to <br /> pre�ent fihe enfor�ement of th� I�en �rvhEle those praceed�ngs are p�nding, but only un��l such praceedings <br /> are concluded; or tc} secures fram fhe ho�der of the l�en an agreemenf satisfactory �o Lender <br /> subordina��ng �he lien to this Security lnstrument. �f Lender determines fihat any �art of fihe Proper�y is <br /> � <br /> ,,� 6 g g p ,� � M C M D R T D D T � <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fam�l}�—tJNIFORM�NSTRI]MENT <br /> Accenture M�rtgage Cadence C]acument Cenfer o 37�6 O6l�3 Page 5 of'l4 <br />